
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Issue Number 5

We resume our story with Pete and Norman in the elevator the Elevator soon stops on Floor 37, The pair walk out and head down a corridor until they soon reach Dr Connors office. The pair walk inside and Pete walks up to Dr Connors desk and says "Hey Curt could you please come with us for a moment." Dr Connors looks up from his desk and with a look of horror says "Of course sir." Curt gets out his chair and walks towards the others.

The three of them then head towards the elevator and as they walk into it Pete says "Floor -5 please M:A:Y, Authorization code MJ." M:A:Y then says "Authorization, Confirmed." The elevator started to go downwards and Curt nervously asks "So, Nice to see you Norman, Pete your looking well. So why are we heading to Special Projects?"

Pete looks at Curt and says "Norman want's a look round to see what work has been done, Plus he wants some Titan 7.6 Boosters. Also I want to See Subject 7. just to see his Condition." Curt nods and says "Fair enough, How's the presidency going Norman?"

Norman looks at Curt and shakes his head and says "Just Shut up Curt." Curt lifts his hand up and Salutes to Norman and then as he was about to pretend to zip up his mouth the elevator stops and the doors open and the three of them walk out.

As the three of them begin to walk past the first set of Displays seeing TV screens in each Display Case / containment Vault they wall past. One showing a Red Symbiote trapped within the worlds most advanced and dangerous Containment cases. Another Case displaying a Metallic Humanoid Rhino Suit with a Super serum in a Case next to it.

Pete then says "As you know dad, there's these old projects, Rhino we've done some work on minor upgrades and Formula has had some minor Defects removed also the Formula is now permanent. Thanks to Dr Connors." The three of them then step through some doors after Pete Types in some codes into the door pad. As they walk through Norman asks Pete "Wait is that Harry?" Pete looks at Norman and says "No, That is Subject 7?" Norman looks at Pete and Curt and asks "Wait?, So are you telling me you've managed to Clone Harry?"

Pete and Curt look at each other and Pete then looks at Norman and says "Almost, Let me show you." He takes Norman over to the Display and activates the Tv screen and then Pete then begins to say "As you can see we managed to clone Harry aka Spiderman , But There's some Issues, In Subject 7's current state he can't remove the Tank without Dying, His Tissue and Cells only have a 65% Similarity to Harry the rest we had to fill with DNA from Myself as Connors in his Current State would be like trying to fix him with Nuclear waste. It'd be deadly and Experimental with Potentially fascinating Side effects or even Potentially Powers. But what's interesting is Subject 7 at the moment is Completely Powerless. Once we've Perfected Titan R and removed the Insanity side effect Variable we'll be able to release him, Hopefully." Curt then Butts in and says "Yeah About that..."

Norman and Pete then look towards Curt and Norman asks "What is it?" Curt then says "I've checked all the Math and all the tests and everything Titan R only boosts Pre Existing mental Instabilities or suppressed Conscious, Since Subject 7 has neither He's safe to give Titan R now. Before we remove him from the tank. Also May I suggest we also give him a few Drops of R Formula mixed with some Necessary Steroids to help the body adapt to the change better. Do you want me to get the stuff now to do it while Norman's here to watch." Norman then says "Yes please this will be Interesting to watch."

Curt went off to Grab all the Necessary Ingredients and Brought them over. He then Unlocked the Subject 7 cage and Started to Place the 3 ingredients into 3 Injections slots around the tank. Soon as all 3 Ingredients were slotted into the device Curt then asks "Pete would you like to do the Honours?"

Pete looks at Norman and says "You can go if you want to dad." Norman Shakes his head and says "No Son, This is your Project, you can do the honour." So Pete walks Up to the Console and Presses the Inject button and then stands back with the others as they all watch as the Plastic tubes connected to Subject 7's Body began to turn red with the liquid flowing through it into Subject 7's body and Suddenly the Body began to shake as it Began to Transform. Subjects 7's Vitals began to sour with his heartrate hitting 180. Soon the body started to settle back down to a 120 Heartrate. Subject 7's body is now super bulky, 4 Inches taller making Subject 7 Six foot five.

Pete then turns to Dr Connors and asks "So Curt, Is Subject 7 ready to be released without dying?"

Curt looks at Pete and says "Theoretically yes but I want to run a few tests first. Also I'd say give him a weak before we release him to let the body settle down and adapt to it's new change." Pete looks at Curt and says "Good, Good. Now Dad, I'm sorry but I need to get going I've got a busy day ahead of me, So let's go and get those Boosters. Curt."

Curt looks at Pete and says "Oh yes right, Boosters there this way." The three of them soon arrived outside the Titan Vault. Where Pete and Curt walked inside and Picked up Six Booster. Five of which got put into a protective Suit case for Norman. Pete and Curt soon walked out of the vault and closed it behind them and Pete then says to Norman "Here dad five emergency booster shots. Fresh from the Vault and one for me, Cause my 3 month lasting period is up." Right there and then Pete Injected the sixth booster into his arm and then asks Curt. "How long until the permanent Booster is ready for us Curt?"

Curt looks at them and says "Soon"