
The Sinister Six: The Fight For Justice

This is the story of what happens if Some of the Iconic Marvel universe's Hero's and Villain's Switch places. Follow the story of the Sinister Six. So Nicknamed this by Spiderman and the Daily Bugle as a way to Frighten off the public and to scare those who would ever come across this Great team of Hero's.

E_N_Macey · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Issue Number 4

Peter looks up at Norman, He then stands up and walks up to him and gives him a hug whilst saying "Dad, Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Norman Hugs him back and says "I wanted it to be a surprise son. How is Oscorp since my departure?"

Peter sits back down and says "Well it's been tough but it's thriving under my leadership now. I think it's because they like having the new leadership, I think it's relaxing for them. Perhaps we should go and take a visit there."

Norman looks at him and says "I'd love that. Harry do you want to come?" Harry looks at the pair with his leg shaking saying "No, you two go. I need to catch some sleep." Norman waves to Harry as he reaches the elevator and says "Good luck with that." The elevator door closes as Pete and Norman head downstairs. Norman then asks Pete "Is it true Harry killed Electro?"

Pete Looks at Norman and says "Unfortunately yes, I spoken with Ben as well, the team want Harry's head and by team I mean Adrian. The team needs a new member. I will be collecting the list of Candidates from my desk in my Office."

The elevator then reaches the Ground floor and Norman and Pete get out and head towards the Garage and get into a Limo and Pete tells the Driver waiting in the front in the driver seat "Take us to Oscorp, Please Larry." The Garage door soon opens up and Larry pulls out and Heads towards Oscorp tower.

Norman then asks Pete "How's Special Projects going?"

Pete looks at Norman and says "Well we're back down to square one with the Electro project, Max was wearing the suit when he was Fried, the designs are all backed up it's just the Reactor, It's missing from both are data bases and from Max's remains. It's like Max wanted to take it's secretes to the grave with him."

Pete passes Norman a tablet and says "Dr Connors has made excellent progress though. We've managed to stabilize the formula. He can now transform upon command." Norman smiles and says "Excellent. How goes Project Titan?" Pete looks on his Tablet and share brings up the file on Norman's Tablet and says "It's making good progress the serum itself is almost stabilized, It's effects will almost be Permanent. Without the Noticeable side effects. Like Harry has."

Norman looks at Pete and asks "How many Boosters do we have left?" Pete looks at him and says "Of our version we took?, Probably about 20, We don't have many left. Do you need some more?" Norman nods and says "I need about 5 for emergency use only." Pete then says "I'll see what I can do dad."

Larry from the front then says over the intercom "We've arrived Sir." The Limo then stops outside the front of Oscorp and Pete and Norman then step outside and walk in through the main entrance to Oscorp.

As they walked in the people inside began to clap and Cheer. Even Oscorp's :A:I: M:A:Y said "Welcome back Mr President." over the buildings speakers and over the TV screens scattered all over the building to relay news and information.

Norman waves his hand as he walks towards the Elevator and says "Thank you, Thank you." To everyone as he walks past. as Pete and Norman enter the Elevator Pete says "My office please MAY." The elevator door then closed and the Elevator started moving up towards Floor 100, Out of the Building 110 floors but Floors 101-106 are Green houses and floors 107-110 are for maintenance only and access to the Roof.

After a few minutes the Elevator arrived at Pete's Office and the pair walk out into the room and see a big open glass window looking outside and Norman then asks Pete "What did you do?, Why's there a window there?, How's there a window there? that's meant to be a massive thick Concrete wall in case Iron Man shows up or one of his friends."

Pete points to Norman for a moment and then says "If you look closely at the corners you'll see that I've used the tech I've made with Quinten Beck to actually be able to see through the wall, That image is live from the other side of the Wall."

Norman smiles and says "That's Genius. Do you want to get your list?"

Pete heads over to his desk and places down a Oscorp branded drive. The drive itself was Wireless and completely portable no Plugging it in required just placing it on the table itself.

Pete's Glass desk soon pops up with a massive number of files. Pete searches around the files and Norman then walks over and then asks "Who you gonna choose?"

Pete looks at Norman and says "Here's my choices for the team, Lizard or Lizard, He's the only person who's spare atm." So Pete picks up the drive and starts heading to the elevator whilst saying to Norman "Let's get Dr Connors."