
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 283

Chapter 283 Nami's Original Dream! Captain Joba's daily life!!

"The food on this island seems to be not small, and it is a good island for the chef."

Yamaji said happily.

"I know, then the search for food is up to you."

Nami designated Yamaji as the person in charge of food picking.

"As for the few of you, whoever draws a short lottery will help collect the food, and the rest will stay to watch the boat."

Nami picked up the branches on the ground, folded them into several pieces, and held them in her hands.

Facing Luffy, Sauron, Usopp, and Joba.

Food collection is no small project.

"Why did you order us to do this without permission?"

Sauron bravely questioned that he was not used to listening to orders!

If it weren't for Luffy Reika, Sauron would be at sea and definitely a captain who could stand alone!

Only this kind of mentality made him closer and closer to the position of the world's first swordsman.

Hearing this, Nami immediately showed a look of disgust, really thinking that she wanted to take care of these troubles.

"Yeah, supposedly 170 should have been allocated by the captain, do you think he could do it?"

Nami looked at Luffy.

Luffy drew three draws as soon as he drew, playing cards completely according to the rules, and at the same time showing a wise face: "Oh, what I draw is short." "

"Why do you smoke three sticks alone?"

Usopp looked at Luffy wordlessly and said.

"Isn't it the person who draws the most wins?"

Luffy asked incomprehensibly.

Nami heard the words, and her eyebrows jumped, if it weren't for the recent physical labor that was too big and a little tired.

She wanted to beat up this idiot captain again.

Obviously, she had already made the rules very clear just now.

"Do you think there is a captain on this ship who can give orders?"


Sauron Usopp Choba waved at the same time.

"Aha, am I so good?"

Luffy smiled smugly.

"What a hairy one!!"

Sauron Usopp Joba beat him up.

So everything went according to Nami's words.

"I've drawn a long one, I've got to stay on the boat."

Joba drew a long lottery so Sauron, Luffy, and Usopp had to follow Sanji to collect food.

"Well, the housekeeper will be handed over to Joba, let's go."

"Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up!!"

Luffy kept striding excitedly in the same place, and he looked at the large bamboo basket on his back.

"You'll come to Nami too."

Luffy asked Nami.

"No, I'm going to take a good look at the island today, and I want to draw it as a chart, and I feel itchy when I think about it!"

Nami waved excitedly.

Being able to calm down and do what you want to do is the best life.

At that time in Alabastan, there were too many things to get a chance at all.

But Alabastan has existed for thousands of years, and the world knows that the charts there have long been drawn over and over again.

Even if Nami paints, she only makes some improvements.

And such an unnamed island knows a painting even more, and this is a small island with food.

Maybe this map I drew myself in the future will become a beacon for some of the victims.

Thinking of this, Nami was suddenly overjoyed.

"I'll give you a hand."

Reka volunteered that it was her dream to help a little.

The crowd quickly assigned the task.

"Goodbye. Be careful on the road and walk slowly. "

Joba said goodbye to everyone at the bow of the ship.

When everyone left, Joba couldn't help but sneak a secret joy.

"As soon as everyone left, they felt so quiet…"

Joba stood at the bow of the ship, looking at the deck and muttering to himself.

Suddenly Joba thought of something, a look of shyness flashed across his face, and then jumped to a high place.

He fantasized about himself as a majestic captain: "Listen, from today onwards, I am Captain Joba, and all the crew members look at this side, Luffy, and are not allowed to eat other people's things!" Usopp, you give me serious work, Yamaji, make me some delicious food, long live Captain Choba, long live!! Hi Hi Hi!! "

But just when Joba was having fun.

The kung fu manatee suddenly jumped out of the sea, holding a fat fish in its mouth, and looked at Joba with a confused face.

Robin also opened the door, walked out with a chair, and looked directly at Joba.

Yang Ba looked down, and his body was solidified when he was young!!

Careless!! He had forgotten that there was such a dangerous figure on the ship, and the kung fu manatee who had been herded on the ship by Rekasan!!

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