
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 282

Chapter 282 As long as you are by your side, land on the new island!!!

"You are so good, I am afraid that one day you will not want me, and I am afraid that more excellent women will take you away from me!" 」

Nami poured out her inner uneasiness.

"Fool, we'll be together forever."

"I didn't want to monopolize you, but I just hope that no matter what it becomes in the future, don't forget me."

Someone as good as Reka, who can dominate countless lives and deaths.

In any country, it is a king-level figure.

Such a person, such a strong person, Nami did not want to be selfish to dominate.

Really want to do this, really want to find a way to tie Reika to his side.

It may be counterproductive.

Is that the result she wants?

Nami thought a lot these days, and found that it was not her current life, it was already too good to be better than working under the dragon before.

How can I be so selfish.

As long as he can remember himself, for Nami, life is complete.

"We're not going to be apart."

In this world, there are many good women, and in the midst of chaos.

They don't want much, or even ask to be able to be together.

It's just a purer miss, as long as you don't forget it.

Because they are so selfless, when Reka meets them.

I couldn't resist at all.

Just like Vivi, his feelings for Vivi are far less deep than Nami's.

Her liking for her is more about her appearance, although her personality and quality are also perfect.

But that's just appreciation, it's good feelings, it's far from love.

But when she offered to just keep a thought and not ask for anything.

Reka knew that such good girls, he was even reluctant to let them down and be sad.

Slag? Reka wasn't sure either, but it didn't seem to matter either.

After all, compared with the Four Emperors' Aunts and nobles, I am afraid that I have not even touched the slag edge.

This kind of thing has its own nature.

What I have to do is to guard their cherishing and their so lovely humility.

"I also want…"

Nami heard the words and was relieved a lot, she knew this man, a promise of gold.

If you say it, it will come true.

She wasn't worried anymore, he didn't want to have ten things with him in one night.

She just wanted to be by his side, and that was enough.

"By the way, to tell you one thing, in fact, you don't have to deliberately control the sound, there is a magic boundary."

"Badass!! It's going to bully me! "

In the early morning, the sea is still cloudy, and the negative quality at night brings down the wind and slowly awakens the stars under the mast.

Looking at the outline of the island in front of him, he shouted, "See the island!" "


The boys' dormitory is mixed sleeping, and Choba Usop Luffy and others lie on their backs.

Originally everyone had their own hanging bag bed.

Because of the sea voyage, the sling position is more convenient, and when the ship rises and falls with the tide, sleeping in the hanging bag should not be rolled out of bed.

If it's a bed, it takes more design to achieve the same effect.

Hearing Sauron's words, Luffy was the first to wake up and rushed outside to write.

Yamaji and Usopp were run over by Luffy, stepping on their footprints.

"Captain bastard, sooner or later one day you must hang him up and beat him!!"

Usopp Sanji's getting up was quite angry.

A verdant island appeared before everyone.

"Such a big island, I don't know if there will be monsters!"

Luffy saw this and said with a look of anticipation on his face.

He couldn't wait for a walk-and-go adventure.

The landing went smoothly, and Yamaji saw bright, pineapple-like water fruits hanging from the trees by the sea.

He jumped lightly, jumped on the tree, took off one and said, "This is relatively easy food to store, we can collect more of this food on this island!" "

Although every time the food is prepared very well, but there is Luffy this foodie, prepare more, it is always right…

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