
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Robin's Change, Long Lost Tranquility!!

At this moment Joba understood what was still social death.

What is the desire to immediately find a seam to drill into!

Because he can fully understand what Kung Fu Manatee says.

Now the little manatee is questioning Yangba and asking him what he is doing.

And Yang Ba saw Robin, he was already timid, and this child had a feeling of cardiac attack when he carved the page.

Nicole Robin seems to Yangba to be a super dangerous character.

That was the second in command of the killer organization, if she attacked herself, could she resist alone?


Joba is sure that the opponent and partner he and Usopp have defeated so hard in the first place are only MR.+4 level!

There are 123 more above this level before it's Nicole Robin's turn.

Don't even think about it, Nicole Robin is much better than MR.4!

"How long have you been here, sneaky, really despicable!" Listen, I haven't trusted you yet, you used to be a Baroque killer, that… That sinister and cunning, even if Luffy believes you, I will never accept you. "

Qiao Bayan said majestically.

After saying that, before Robin could answer, he himself ran to the governor's small room where he treated people!

With a thud, the door quickly closed, and Joba breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

It was too careless, because Robin had just boarded the ship and had not yet recognized Nicole Robin in his heart.

Joba forgot for a moment that there was still such a person as her on the ship.

"It's so cute."

Robin smiled at the back of Joba who had just panicked and fled.

Joba calmed down, feeling that before everyone came back, it was too dangerous to go out outside.

Forget it, let's study the blue wave ball.

As Joba studied, he recalled the past.

Especially when it was the first time to treat a person.

It was for Doriel, who told Joba with her life that if she couldn't cure her, she would die.

Only a doctor who can bear the lives of others can become a real doctor Thinking about everything with Dole, Joba couldn't help but mutter.

Tells a lot about the past.

Robin didn't know when he appeared behind Joba, silently brewing hand-ground coffee.

Joba suddenly sensed something behind him, it was an intuition.

Suddenly looking back, she found Nicole Robin appearing behind her.

Frightened, Joba cried out, scrambled, and smashed the barrel pigs filled with fresh water at the mouth of the coffee pot!

"You don't want to come here!" I'm very strong!" "

Joba directly took the blue wave ball and began to transform in multiple stages, alert to Robin.

You can imagine how terrified Joba was!

Who let the shadow brought to them by the Baroque work club before was too strong…

It's an organization that can dominate a country at will!

Joba was retreating.

"Ah, it's so cute."

Looking at Joba's frightened, vigilant, and busy feeling, Robin couldn't help but marvel again.

When Joba heard this, he was stunned, and then he twisted his body and danced shyly: "Baga Yalu, even if you say that I am cute, I will not be happy." "


"Obviously I'm happy, let's go."

Robin took out an oak barrel and said.

"What the heck?"

Joba immediately became vigilant.

"The bucket is broken, and I draw water by drawing the door."

"Oh well, okay."

Joba followed Robin to the island, ready to fetch water.

But when I was walking halfway, I suddenly thought that this would not be Robin who wanted to assassinate himself.

Only under Robin's guidance, Joba quickly let down her guard, along with herself.

Looking at the flowers and trees that spread over the mountains, I feel relaxed.

There was no one to monitor her, and she no longer had to be careful to deal with the situation in front of her.

She had forgotten how long it had been since she had been so laid back.

When Joba was fetching water by the lake, he talked about the encounter between Dr. Doreel and Luffy.

Robin was lying in the flower field by the lake, holding a flower in his hand, and he could see God. finish

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