
The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship (One Piece)

One Piece The Sin of Pride on the Straw Hat Ship

God_Of_All_Chaos · Anime & Comics
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329 Chs

Chapter 281

Chapter 281 Female Rogue Nicole Robin, I'm scared!!

"We're not the same."

Reika just faded back.


Robin was a little confused, and it sounded as if he knew himself very well.

"Even if you want to die, the desire to explore the unknown in your eyes is still obvious, and I, just go with the flow, go with the flow, for me, where to go, what to do, it does not matter." 」

Reika glanced at Robin and said.

Robin held his chin and pondered for a moment.

It doesn't sound like a joke.

People who have the ability to temper their strength to this extent.

Is it really just something as simple as that?

And is it so easy to see clearly?

What a strange man.

"So what's most important?"

Robin then asked.

"Of course, the most important thing is that I am happy!!"

Reika looked up arrogantly and said confidently and firmly.

Robin was stunned and looked up at Reika, "You seriously?! "

"Of course!"

Reka felt that people would live another life…

What money and fame are illusory, and having fun every day is the most important thing.

Looking at Reika's arrogant appearance, Robin couldn't help but cover his mouth and chuckle, "Reikasan is so cute!" "


The Luffy JoeBa Usthorpe trio, who were playing, were stunned to hear Robin's words.

This woman actually said that Recasan was cute!!

Oh, my God! What's wrong with the world, or when did this woman go blind!

Reikasan is obviously super powerful and mighty well!

This is where the cuteness hangs on the edge.

When Reika heard this comment, she also swung it for several seconds!

He felt that Nicole Robin might be a female rogue who wanted to tease herself, but he had no proof!

"What made you lose your judgment?"

Reika couldn't help asking.

"Ah, what judgment?"

Robin covered his right cheek with one hand and asked with a calm smile.

Reika didn't know if she was pretending, or if she really didn't know.

But this kind of small thing is not worth digging into.

"Everyone, it's dinner!!"

It was getting dark, the boats were moored, and the lights were lit up.

Sometimes Reika is curious about the tech tree of the Pirate World.

Obviously, the overall level of science and technology is the level of the Middle Ages.

But there are always one or two amazing technological inventions.

For example, borrow hydraulic flow and simple devices under the sailboat.

Power generation is realized.

The ship's refrigerators and lights, whose energy is electricity.

"Yamaji, the spoon meal you are afraid of is so delicious!"

"Captain Stupid, don't put your hand in the lady's bowl!"

"Then I'll take Usopsolon!""

"Captain Bastard, Sinai!!"

After a meal, it was also very lively, and while eating, the Usop Road Fly Joba trio got into a fight.

But everyone is used to it.

And Robin just watched silently, the corners of his mouth showed a faint smile from time to time, and the atmosphere of the pirate group was good.

After dinner, like to go fishing, like to blow the evening wind…

It's their own after-dinner leisure time.

Of course, they are pirates, and in this big sea, there are countless pirates and all kinds of ships running rampant.

Every night you have to arrange for someone to take the wind.

Otherwise, there may be ships approaching at any time, and they will know them at night.

By the end of the night, Nami and Reka were only six rounds of the battle calendar.

"What's wrong?"

Reika held Nami from behind, and he could feel Nami trying to control her voice tonight.

But it is still more fanatical than the previous times.

"I… Afraid. "

Nami curled up in Reika's arms and whispered…

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