
The Silent Phoenix

Name: Luciana Crest Gender: Female Job: Assassin Type: Field Agent Status: Deceased That's what her file says now. That's what it has said for five years. But, what others don't know, is that she's out there. Alive. And hiding. ~~~~~~~ Luciana has completely cut off ties from her former friends and family, letting them believe she's dead. What else would you do when you had a lunatic, who wants you dead, behind your back? She's living out in the open with a fake name. She starts to feel almost normal. Except for the fact that she doesn't really try to interact with a lot of people which makes her come off as standoffish with her neighbors. Who has time for that, really? Everything seems fine for the first five years. And then shit hits the fan. All because of one mission. Mission: 803 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Surprise?" He was still looking at the gun, which I didn't let waver. "I didn't know you still kept a gun" "How inconvenient for you."

Khyati94820 · Teen
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21 Chs

3: Hello Little Sister

"Life is simple like quantum physics."

C H A P T E R 3


The silence in the car was not like before, it was like the kind of silence that you would share with a family member or a close friend. It had been a while since I experienced this kind of calming silence with someone, and I honestly missed it. A lot.

I won't admit it, but I really missed him as well.

I was pulled out of my train of thought by Alex screaming for me to stop. My eyes frantically searched for the cause of Alex's distress and I saw a huge truck coming right at us. Before my body had even processed anything, the drivers' side of the car had been crushed in. I felt a sharp pain shoot through my left arm and my head collided with something.

The next few minutes were a blur, I could no longer hear Alex screaming which meant he was seriously injured, or maybe it was because of the ringing in my ears. I really hoped it was the latter.

I tried to get the car to stop, which was spinning wildly out of control, but at this point nothing was really working. Suddenly, I was pulled backward and I realized that the car was rolling, which meant that we were heading to lower ground.

I didn't know whether that was a good thing or a bad thing, if the ground was level then we would probably stop spinning and the car would come to rest but if the ground was uneven, then something might enter the engine and cause it to explode.

I'm surprised that I am still conscious.

After what felt like a few thousand hours, the car finally came to a stop, landing on the roof, leaving us hanging upside down.

I felt myself starting to lose consciousness, black spots were appearing in my vision when I heard someone calling out my name. I turned my head a little to the side and immediately regretted it when a piercing pain shot through my head. I could feel my left arm throbbing.

That's definitely broken.

Well, I won't be going in to work tomorrow after all.

The last thing I saw was Alex's bruised and bleeding face, before letting the darkness surround me.


I woke up in a hospital bed, but the place didn't really look like a hospital room. In fact, it was really well furnished, with lots of equipment and modern machines.

I made a move to get up but realized that I couldn't because something was holding me down. That something turned out to be the cast on my left hand.

Just as I had guessed, broken.

God, what was this stuff made of? It felt like a baby elephant was hanging on my hand.

I dragged my hand onto my lap and was about to get off the bed when the room door opened.

"Oh, good. You're awake! I was going to wake you anyway. We thought you had gotten enough beauty sleep."

"Um, who are you? And more importantly, where am I?"

"Oh I'm so sorry! Where are my manners, I'm Angela Donati, I'm a nurse here and I've been taking care of you for the past three days."

That caught my attention.

"I have been out for 3 days?" I asked in a panicked state.

"Um, yes?" she said, biting her lip.

"Oh my god . . . please tell me I'm dreaming right now." I said to myself, putting my head in my hands.

"I'm sorry, I can't do that." she said looking nervous, tucking a piece of blonde hair behind her ear.

The last thing I remembered was being in the car with Alex and then a truck hit-


Was he okay?!

"Where is Alex? Is he okay?"

"I don't know who Alex is . . ." she answered, looking confused.

Taking a deep breath, I asked her. "The guys who was there with me. Where is he?"

Her eyes flashed with recognition. "Oh, you mean Agent Ronald? He's fine, just a couple bruises, and a sprained wrist, you got the worst of it since the truck hit the driver's side."

The blood drained from my face, I must have looked I had seen a ghost because Angela rushed towards me and tried to lay me down again but I snapped out of my trance and looked her straight in the eye and asked. "Did you say Agent Ronald?"

"Of course, what else would I call him?"

"Where am I?"

"You're in the IAO headquarters."

Oh god, oh god, oh god.

I'm back here.

Shit, shit, shit.

The one place I couldn't come back to.

I sat on the bed and took a few deep breaths.

"Can you take me to Alex-I mean Agent Ronald?"

"Well you're supposed to be resting, you had a rather awful accident, you know . . ." she trailed off.

"Angela, you just said that I have been out for three days, how much more rest could I possibly get?"

"But I can't let you go anywhere, I've been instructed to keep you company and not let you out."

I sighed heavily and then groaned. Why is the universe working against me?

First Alex turned up, then the stupid truck and now I was in IAO and had no means to contact Alex who was ironically the only person I wanted to talk to right now.

Could this get any worse?

"Could you get me a glass of water?"

"Oh sure, no problem. I'll be back in a minute."

She walked out and closed the door behind her. How did I go from just having a normal day to being back in IAO?

My stomach let out a grumble. I should have asked Angela to get something for me to eat.

I walked over to the door, letting my left arm hang limply on my side. There was no point in trying to steady it. I open the door using my right hand and walked right into someone.

At first, I thought it was Angela and was about to apologize when I took in the person in front of me.

Grey eyes similar to mine were staring back at me, he was a few inches taller than me but other than that we shared many features.

The person standing in front of me was the only family I had left.

Without taking his eyes off me, he said. "Hello, little sister."

Ladies and gentlemen, meet Nathan Crest.

My older brother.

Hey Guys!!

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