
The Silent Phoenix

Name: Luciana Crest Gender: Female Job: Assassin Type: Field Agent Status: Deceased That's what her file says now. That's what it has said for five years. But, what others don't know, is that she's out there. Alive. And hiding. ~~~~~~~ Luciana has completely cut off ties from her former friends and family, letting them believe she's dead. What else would you do when you had a lunatic, who wants you dead, behind your back? She's living out in the open with a fake name. She starts to feel almost normal. Except for the fact that she doesn't really try to interact with a lot of people which makes her come off as standoffish with her neighbors. Who has time for that, really? Everything seems fine for the first five years. And then shit hits the fan. All because of one mission. Mission: 803 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Surprise?" He was still looking at the gun, which I didn't let waver. "I didn't know you still kept a gun" "How inconvenient for you."

Khyati94820 · Teen
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21 Chs

2: Ghosts Of The Past

"They will always use the things you love against you."

C H A P T E R 2



He was still staring at the gun which I didn't let waver.

"I didn't know you still kept a gun."

"How inconvenient for you."

"You still hold it a little to the left, you know, you always did that."

I corrected the position of the gun. Still not lowering it, I said. "Old habits die hard."

The silence in the room was deafening. Finally, deciding to break the silence he said, "Do you mind putting the gun down Luce? I'm starting to think you will shoot me."

"I'm still debating it." I said, making his blue eyes flash in hurt.


I broke it this time. Enough of wasting time.

"What are you doing here? And did you think dirtying my porch and living room would be a nice way to win me over?" I motioned around with my hand.

"Oh, sorry about that, I didn't want to leave my shoes out because then you would know I was here. I wanted to clean it, but I didn't know you got home so early." he said, looking a little guilty.

"You still didn't answer the main question." I let my eyes harden.

He looked around feeling uncomfortable, and finally building up the courage he said, "Can I stay the night? I need a place to crash, and I promise to tell you anything you want to know."

Staring at him, I lowered the gun, but keep it in my hand.

"Well then find another place. My house is not your hotel."

He opened his mouth as if to say something but decided the better of it. Turning and walking towards the front door, at the last step he turned around and said, "I thought we were friends Luce, you used to take better care of your friends."

Listening to him say that hurt a lot, just as he was about to shut the door, I stopped him, "One night, that's all right?"

He turned around, looking a little bewildered, and nodded.

"Alright, you can stay but after tonight it all has to go back to the way it was and we never see each other again, got it?"

He nodded again and walked back into the living room still not saying anything, but I caught a hint of a smile on his face.

What a drama queen.

"Well then, get anything you have and follow me, don't just stand there like an idiot."

Scratching the back of his neck, he ran a hand through his brown hair. "You see, thing is, I don't have my stuff with me. . . I need to go get it and I also need your car."

Sighing, I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath and secured the gun in the holster of my jeans. Without looking at him I said, "Where do you have to go?"

"Just a couple blocks from here. Do you mind if I drive?" he asked, hesitant.

"Why on earth should I let you drive?" I answered, surprise showing on my face.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you are tired from work and you're not in your best moods when you are hungry, which I'm guessing you are." he shrugged.

Okay, I had to give him this, he knew me too well.

Which was not helping my case right now. At all.

See, this is why you shouldn't have friends.

"Alright, but we are getting food on the way." I said.

I was actually starving.

I went to my purse to retrieve my car keys when I remembered something.

"Oh and Alex? When we get back, you are cleaning my porch and living room." I smirked.

His eyes widen at my blunt request, not much of a request, but oh well.

He still hadn't replied so I continued. "Alexander Ronald, if you don't clean the mess that you bought in, I will shoot you in your sleep."

"Okay, fine, alright I'll clean up. Can I do it later?" he asked, hoping to postpone the chore.

"Fine, but you are going to clean up all by yourself, I'm not helping." I let him slide. For now.

He muttered something under his breath about me being bossy.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Nothing." he said defensively.

I looked at the antique wall clock and my eyes widened to the size of saucers.

Damn, had it been that long already?

"As much as I'd like to continue this lovely conversation, we have to get moving before I starve to death."

He rolled his eyes but did as I said and walked to the front door and held it open for me, making a gesture as if to say 'ladies first'. This time I rolled my eyes, but walked out anyway. Why would I want to delay getting food?

Making my way to the car, I walked over to the driver's seat and opened the door.

"Hey! I thought you said I could drive?"

"I don't really remember saying the exact words 'You can drive'." I raised my eyebrows at him.

The expression on his face was so childish that I almost smiled. Almost.

Accepting his defeat, he walked to the passenger seat with a pouty expression and got into the car, slamming the door. To my surprise, I laughed out loud. Never in the last five years had I laughed like that. I looked through the side window and notice that Alex had joined in my laughter as well and was currently gasping for breath inside the car.

Looking at him, I laughed even harder. Gaining a little control over myself, I got into the car, letting a small smile stay on my face. His little laughing fit seemed to have died down, so I decided it was time for us to leave.

Putting the key into the ignition, without looking at Alex, I asked him. "So, where to?"

He gives me the directions and I pulled out of the driveway, but not before taking one final glance at my house, not knowing that I would never come back here or see this house ever again.

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