
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

208. Real Plan

Jon have defeated Ryokugyu, but he can't be careless too. Jon approach Ryokugyu, and put a seastone handcuff and seals on him that will drain his chakra & bind his movement. If he left Ryokugyu alone, his plant power might heal him completely later.

Jon then grab Ryokugyu and teleport to the main battlefield. He throw the unconscious Admiral to the ground. Everyone see this and their eyes are full of disbelief. An Admiral have been defeated, and the opponent didn't have much injury, so of course they can't believe their eyes.

"N-no way, Admiral Ryokugyu is..."-Momonga widen his eyes

"Oioioi, this must be a joke, it's just 15 minutes since the war started."-Yamakaji is sweating

All Marines have their eyes widen in shock, and even the alliance people are shocked. They don't know how the battle went, but to defeat an Admiral this fast mean that Jon must've overwhelmed his opponent.



Kizaru leave his battle with Sabo and flash to Jon. He immediately send a light sword attack to Jon who didn't move at all.

"Play time is over, i don't need another warm up."-Jon

Jon enter his kyuubi mode again and send a kick to Kizaru. The kick is covered with armament & conqueror projection. The kick is also enhanced with kyuubi chakra, so it become very strong.

Jon's kick meet with Kizaru's light sword and create a big impact. They stay like that for a second, but then, Kizaru's light sword got destroyed. Kizaru widen his eyes as Jon's kick go straight to his body.


Kizaru spat some blood as Jon's kick hit him in his chest, and make him fly & crash to the ruin of the base.

"You're too distracted when your sword break. You're too overconfident with your power, and that will cost you big."-Jon

Everyone who witness this widen his eyes in shock, even Jon's friends.

"S-so strong."-Usopp

"Just what did he do in his seclusion?"-Vivi

"H-how can he grow this fast? It's just been a few days."-Usopp

"Yeah, this is just too fast. I hope he don't do something dangerous for it."-Robin

"Don't worry. He didn't grow too fast, it's his previous growth that slow."-Jane

"Slow, you say? He already grow like a monster. His growth is as fast as Luffy & the others."-Nami

"Yes, that might be fast, but he can grow faster. He just have a lot of restriction before, so he can't grow this fast. However, his ridiculously fast growth won't last long, it will get slower a little after some days. His fast result now is because of his years of training in restricted condition. After his restriction gone, all of that excess result fill & raise his power."-Jane

"Is that so? But Jane, how did you know about it?"-Nami

"..... He told me."-Jane look to the side

"So he didn't trust us enough to told us about this? Good."-Nami is pissed

'Sorry, brother. Please sacrifice your life to protect our secret.'-Jane

Jon who is in his normal form suddenly feel a shiver running down his spine. He look around and see no one that can threat him that much.

'Just who can make me shiver in my current strength? Hmm, maybe i't's just a coincidence.'-Jon

Jon look at the ruin and see Kizaru stand up again with some blood on his mouth. Kizaru also hold his chest that have some broken ribs. He look at Jon, but Jon didn't seem that interested to fight him again.

"LUFFY!"-Jon call Luffy


"It's time."-Jon

"Alright, be careful!"-Luffy

Jon suddenly vanished, and didn't reappear again on New Marineford. The Marines are looking around for him, but he didn't show up. They're wary of it, but they can't dwell in it and continue the war. Even if one of their Admiral is defeated, they still need to fight.

Meanwhile, Jon is teleporting to Mary Geoise. Yes, his plan all along is to attack Mary Geoise. That's why he brought all the slaves out from here. He don't want to accidentally kill those poor people.

Now Jon is standing in front of Mary Geoise gate. He just appear there without concealing himself at all. His presence alert the guards that stand in front of the gate. Jon didn't care about them and just walk inside the city.


Jon just use his Conqueror haki to make them faint, and continue his way. Jon keep walking and he alert many CP agents that guard around the city. They need to keep on guard after the slave disappearance incident that Jon made.

The agents try to attack Jon, but Jon just order Zetsus & his clones to defeat them. Jon keep walking unhindered with Zetsus & his clones fending off the enemies. Jon feel like he is a mafia boss who walk carelessly on battlefield without worrying of his surrounding because his subordinates have take care of them.

'Damn, i must look really badass now. If only there's a cameraman who record this moment, it will be perfect.'-Jon

Jon continue his walk, and sometime later, he arrived in front of Pangaea Castle. He enter it and in an instant, many agents with white suit, white cloak, & wearing mask appear around him. Some of them pointed their weapon at Jon, and the others keep their guard up.

"Ooh, thanks for the welcome, you guys are very considerate."-Jon smirk

"Demon Eyes Jon, why did you come here? The war haven't finished yet."-Stussy

"Oh, there is someone familiar here. There are some more familiar faces actually, but whatever."-Jon look at Lucci, Kaku, & Spandam

"The war is not over yet, but i already know the result, so i'm not worried. Even without my help there, we will win this war. Furthermore, i have something that i need to do in this place."-Jon's expression turn cold

The agents know Jon didn't want to talk any nonsense again, so they get serious. The agents then start to attack Jon with their guns, but Jon just activate his ribs skeletal susanoo to protect him. The agents know their bullets are useless, so they start to attack in close range, but it still useless.

"Move aside!"-Lucci

The other agents move aside to give way to Lucci that is in his hybrid leopard form. Kaku also transform into his hybrid giraffe form. Then, they attack Jon together and punch at the susanoo with their haki covered punch. The punch is strong, but it's not enough to pass susanoo's defense.

"So hard, try using that, Lucci!"-Kaku

Lucci then place both his fist in front of susanoo. He's about to use rokuogan on Jon's susanoo. Jon can finish this faster, but he want to see if Rokuogan can do any damage to his current susanoo. Jon's susanoo has become stronger after his seclusion after all.


Lucci use his Rokuogan right on susanoo, and it create quite the impact. The others close their eyes because of the shockwave, and open it after sometime. When they open their eyes, they are shocked, because there is no scratch on Jon's susanoo.

Even Lucci, & Kaku widen his eyes in shock. Lucci has grow a lot stronger than 2 years ago. But now when he face someone that was on his par 2 years ago, he can't do anything. He can't even put a scratch on Jon, and can't pass through Jon's defense.

"You've become stronger, Lucci. But that's not enough. The pressure that force you to grow stronger is weaker than our pressure."-Jon

Lucci clench his fist and just about to attack again when someone tell him to stop. It is a man with white blank mask that come out from the castle. He is the chief of CP-0 agency, and a strong person.

"Van D. Jono, your arrival here is very unpredictable. We didn't welcome you here, as you have tainted the holy city. If you leave now, we will spare your life, but if you continue, then we won't show mercy."-Chief

"Heh, an empty threat. If you're so confident that you can defeat me, you won't tell me to leave. Come! I will show you the difference between our power."-Jon smirk & taunt them

Jon deactivate his susanoo and enter sage mode. He will show to these people, what the real power is. Jon taunt them, and they all dash to attack him.

Jon use his sharingan & observation haki to the max and fight with them. Jon fight empty handed first and just use his taijutsu & cover his body with haki. He didn't even use any chakra enhancement, sage mode is enough for these guys.

The agents use all kind of attacks at Jon. Devil fruits, weapons, haki, rokushiki, unknown martial arts, etc. The agents have good team work and they attack with coordination.

Even so, Jon is unfazed under the barrage of attacks. He got hit sometime, but his armament haki is too tough for them. He dodge, he redirect the attacks, he counter, he do all his taijutsu technique. It's such a long time since he fight like this, and it's a little exciting.


"M-monster..."-Agent A

Jon keep defeating the agents and they all keep coming at him. Even when their comrades are defeated, they can't back off. If they back off from their fight, they will get something even worse.

Suddenly Jon's feet got caught in something. He look down and see the ground move and caught his feet. Then the agents start to jump to him at the same time when they see him can't move.

"Earth control? Must be a logia, that's good. Too bad i need to finish this now, play time is over."-Jon

Jon make some hand seal and slam his hand to the ground.

"Doton: Earth Flow Spears!"-Jon

Numerous spears made of soil & rocks protruded from the ground. They all have armament haki on their tip and aim at the agents. Many agents can't move at the right time to dodge or protect their body with haki & got pierced. Only some agents can move at the right time.

Jon stand up to see that there are only 13 people left. Lucci, Kaku, and Stussy are among them, and surprisingly Spandam survived. The guy is standing behind everyone and lucky to not get stabbed as the spears doesn't reach his position.

"13 people, why don't you come to me at once? We don't have much time to play."-Jon grin

"Tsk, attack!"-Chief

The 12 except Spandam attack Jon and Jon grin. They dash toward Jon, and Jon just wait for them. When they get close enough to him, Jon release his Conqueror haki together with genjutsu sharingan & other intent.

All agents suddenly stop on their track and they all have cold sweats on their back. They shiver uncontrollably, and their legs & hands are shaking. One by one, they fall to their knees with their shaking eyes, terrified of what they see.

What these agents see is the tall & menacing image of Jon & Kurama behind him. They also see themselves being caught and their body is pierced by many nails. They also feel great fear toward Jon & Kurama.

This is something that he trained sometime. Combining genjutsu, Conqueror haki, his intent, and Kurama's presence intimidation will break almost everyone. This won't work on someone around his level or maybe someone with Conqueror haki, but these agents are obviously not one of them.

The 12 people are shivering on the ground, while Spandam faint. The other agents who are atill conscious also faint. This technique is an AOE attack, albeit only cover a small area.

Then Jon stab all the agents with his Adamantine chains. He didn't kill them, but they won't survived past this day if no one help them. He didn't kill them immediately because he have a plan for them.

"Step 1, complete. Now, let's go to the main event."-Jon