
The Shinobi of Straw Hats

Jono is just an ordinary guy with ordinary life. But he died young because of pandemic. But when he's about to be judge by GOD, he's got a chance. But of course, just because you're reincarnated with some wishes, doesn't mean it will be a smooth road. __________________________________________ This is my first time writing, and english is not my first language, so please understand if i made many mistakes. __________________________________________ I don't own the characters in this story, even MC's appearance are not mine. ________________________________ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/PeekACoo

PeekACoo · Anime & Comics
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282 Chs

207. A Mistake with Big Cost

The battle on New Marineford is getting heated up. Both sides show great determination to win the war. They all have their reason, they all have their belief, they all have something they want to protect.

While the others are fighting in the main battlefield, Jon is fighting Ryokugyu on the giant bridge. This place allow them to go all out in their battle. They can use all their power in here without risking to hit their allies.

"Prepare yourself! I will go all out and finish this fast. Another problem will arrive, so i can't waste any time."-Jon use sage mode on his kyuubi mode

"Don't bluff too much, you'll look weak."-Ryokugyu

"It won't be a bluff if i can back it up."-Jon

Jon flash and reach Ryokugyu's place in an instant. He didn't even use his teleportation, it's just his pure speed when using body flicker in kyuubi + sage mode.

Jon swing his sword to Ryokugyu that have become woodman. The sword aimed at Ryokugyu's neck, but the neck have been covered with haki. The wood is very tough, and with haki, it become so much tougher.

Ryokugyu also make his wood hand to be like a spear and aim it at Jon's stomach. Jon's stomach also covered with haki, make the wood spear unable to pierce his skin.

Both of them now know that normal attacks won't work. It's not just their opponent's strong defense, but also their response. They can respond to such fast and unpredictable attack in an instant.

Jon decide to use haki projection on his attacks from now on. He don't know if Ryokugyu can use it, but he know that he can't break Ryokugyu's defense with normal attacks.

Jon attack Ryokugyu again with his sword, and Ryokugyu block with his left wood hand. But that's a big mistake, because Jon's attack use haki projection. He cut Ryokugyu's hand and severe it even though it is covered with haki.

"UGH! Haki projection?!"-Ryokugyu

"Oh, you know it?"-Jon

"Of course, i am an Admiral, i know many things that aren't known by many people."-Ryokugyu

Ryokugyu take his severed arm and place it on it's place again. Then the wood start to reconnect it and he can move it again. This strong healing power is quite the trouble.

Jon attack again with hiss sword, and Ryokugyu counter with his hand. Surprisingly, their sword & hand didn't meet directly. Ryokugyu can actually use haki projection.

"Heeh, it will be disappointing if an Admiral can't use something like this."-Jon

"Our job is to fight people at Emperor level like you, so if we can't do this, we'll be dead."-Ryokugyu

They keep fighting at close range with their haki projection. Jon is still trying to find Ryokugyu's weak point, and the opponent is doing the same thing. None of them want to show their weakness to their opponent, so they keep their concentration high. They keep fighting using many skills in their arsenal, make the battle look very intense.

Sometime later, Jon suddenly jump up to the sky, right at the time to avoid vines & trees that grow fast from the ground. Ryokugyu try to use surprise attack at Jon, but it didn't work. Then Jon make some hand seals and take a deep breath.

"Katon: Great Fire Destruction!"-Jon

Jon shoot big fire attack to the forest that have just been made. The fire engulf the forest and burn the trees fast. Jon's jutsu's firepower have raised a lot since his seclusion.

Suddenly, a lot of trees grow again from one spot. The trees entangled to each other and intertwined as it grow bigger & bigger. The trees actually form a giant humanoid tree monster. It's like wood human, but made out of trees.

"So you can turn into a giant huh?"-Jon smirk

"Yeah, this form is many times stronger than my normal form. So prepare yourself!"-Ryokugyu

"You think that being big is enough? Well, i'll tell you, it's not."-Jon

Jon make a giant chakra kurama and cover it with susanoo armor. Now it will be the battle of giants. But even when they become giants, the bridge is still big enough for them to fight.

Jon & Ryokugyu rush at each other, and send a punch at each other, that meet in the middle. The impact shake the atmosphere, and the loud sound gather people's attention. Their fight is the most intense among all the other fights in this war.

The 2 giants keep fighting with their mighty powers. Ryokugyu punch, and Jon dodge while swinging Kurama's tails to attack. Ryokugyu block the tails and grab it, then he swing kurama to slam him to the ground. Jon control kurama to free himself by kicking Ryokugyu.

When he got free, Jon make Kurama create a tailed beast bomb. Then he shoot it at Ryokugyu, who then attempt to punch it to the side. The tailed beast bomb fly to the side, but it move toward Mew Marineford base building's back side.


The bomb hit the building and explode. The explosion is very big and it shake the whole island. Luckily it is on the other side of the battlefield, so it didn't cause big casualties, altough half of the base's lower part is destroyed now.

However, even if the explosion didn't immediately destroy the base, the impact is affecting it. Cracks start to appear on the buildings, and it start from where the bomb hit. It spread all over the building, and finally, the building crumble.


Everyone's attention fall toward the destroyed building. The Marines are shaken, because the tall, big & strong building is their symbol of strength. But now it has been destroyed right in front of their eyes in an instant.

Everyone is dumbfounded, because this building is made stronger than the previous base on Marineford. Even the war with White Beard, the strongest man can't destroy the building completely, but now it got destroyed with one attack.

The difference between now & then was that White Beard's attack wasn't aimed to destroy the building and didn't hit it directly, it's just the impact from his attacks that shook it. While Jon's attack attack hit it directly, so it show different result.

Even so, this is a feat that no one has done before, and Jon has achieve it. Everyone's attention aimed at Jon who look as dumbfounded as the audiences. He never intend to destroy the building after all. Then all marines aimed their hostility toward Jon. How dare he trample their pride like this?

"N-no, it wasn't me, it's him. Sure, that's my attack, but he's the one who redirect that attack, make it hit the building."-Jon point at Ryokugyu & blame him

"WHA-!? *Cough* Will you believe a pirate's word or an Admiral's?"-Ryokugyu

Of course The Marines believe their Admiral and shout at Jon. Jon have a dark expression, because they don't believe him just because he is a pirate. Luckily, the alliance people believe him more, so they start to confront the Marine because of it, and their battle become more heated up.

"What a despicable Admiral."-Jon's squint his eyes at Ryokugyu

"W-well, i need to save face in front of my subordinates."-Ryokugyu look away in guilt

Jon get a tickmark and dash at Ryokugyu. Their battle start once again.


A crashing sound come from the destroyed building. Then some people come out of it, they're Garp, Sengoku, and Tsuru. They're just watching the battle from the top floor, when suddenly, the building crumble.

"Damn, now my rice crackers are burried in the rubbles."-Garp

"That's mine, not yours. You don't have any rice crackers left, and just take mine."-Sengoku have a tickmark

"Isn't it just a pack? Don't be so stingy!"-Garp


"Shut up, you old fools! This is not the time to worry about your rice crackers. The base's destruction will lower our mens' morale. Even if they got heated up now, it's just their strong front. Deep in their heart, they must've feared the power that destroy this building."-Tsuru

"Well, it surely will. Just one attack destroy our symbol & pride, so it will affect their morale."-Garp

"Furthermore, those things are inside the building. They might get crushed & destroyed by the rubbles."-Sengoku

Just when Sengoku finish his sentence, some spots on the rubbles move. Then, some things come out from the rubble. The things that come out from the rubbles are Pacifistas, and there are many of them.

"Pacifista? I didn't see them when i get inside your base to hijack the cannons."-Jon

"They were in the basement before the war, and moved to the 1st floor when the war started."-Ryokugyu gladly explain

"Ooh, i was too focused on the cannons that i didn't check the basement. However, their condition didn't seem to be that good."-Jon smirk, and Ryokugyu click his tongue

These Pacifistas were planned to be deployed soon. However, Jon's beast bomb hit the building and also hit some Pacifistas. The ones who get hit directly by the bomb were destroyed immediately, and the ones that survived, got crushed by the rubbles.

The World Goverment have prepared 300 units of Pacifista for this war. Now it reduces greatly to 54 units. Half of them were destroyed by the tailed beast bomb. While the others were damaged by it, and when the building fall, they got destroyed by the falling rubbles.

Now, even the 54 units that survived have been damaged by the rubbles. They still can operate, but they won't be as strong as they should be. They will be easier to get destroyed by the alliance.

"Hehe, thanks for your help. Now we've reduced many troublesome enemies."-Jon smirk

Ryokugyu didn't say anything and only have a sour face. Just one mistake of redirecting an attack, have cost his side a lot of trouble. However, if he didn't redirect that attack, he's not sure if he'll be able to take that attack. At the very least, he will get heavily injured if he take that attack.

Jon & Ryokugyu continue their battle. The giant armored fox vs the tree giant. Their battle really shake the war. Even the bridge already get destroyed in many area because of their battle.

While controlling the chakra-kurama's movement, Jon get a glimpse of his new weapon, the Dominator. He almost forgot about these boys, because of the war's intensity. He look at Ryokugyu's giant tree form and have a good idea.

Jon take his Dominator and load it with kyuubi & senjutsu chakra. Then he aim it at the giant tree and start shooting. He shoot everywhere he can, because he just want to make sure that he hit the giant.

The shot's damage is quite big actually, as it get rather deep from the tree giant's skin. Ryokugyu feel it and he heal the destroyed part immediately or the giant will get destroyed slowly.

Jon keep shooting while controlling the chakra kurama to fight. And while he do this, Jon have 9 clones on Kurama's tails. They're creating a Super Big Ball Rasengan each. But they haven't finished, because then they fuse an elemental chakra & senjutsu on each rasengan.

Now there are 7 Rasengans with elemental chakra in it including Yin & Yang. The other 2 are just normal Super Big Ball Rasengans. However, all of them have armament & conqueror haki fused on them, make their colour metallic black.

Jon keep shooting his pistols at Ryokugyu, and suddenly aim at the tree giant's eyes to distract him. When Ryokugyu get distracted, Kurama grab his limbs and pin him down. Then Kurama's tails move toward the giant tree and slam at it.

"Let's finish this."-Jon

Jon's clones jump out from inside the tails and they all hit their rasengan at the tree giant in 9 different places. Head, neck, right chest, left chest, upper stomach, bottom stomach, right body, left body, and crotch.

The Rasengans destroy those parts, and then they explode at the same time, creating a very big explosion, just like the beast bomb. The explosion destroy the tree giant completely, even the limbs that didn't get hit by Rasengans.

The chakra Kurama didn't have any scratch on him. It's because of susanoo armor, and on top of that armor, is Jon's armament haki. So the explosion didn't put any scratch on him.

Then Jon look down and see Ryokugyu's bloody appearance. Rasengan's fire power, plus Armament & Conqueror projection, have destroyed all Ryokugyu's defense. Jon have win his battle with Admiral Ryokugyu.