
The Seven Elementalists in End Times

The reappearance of aether started to revive the magic based civilization of the past. Some started to gain different elemental powers while there were some who remained the same. During such changes, there's no doubt that a little guidance can literally change one's fate. Will the world be engulfed in chaos? Or will there be pioneers bringing order to the chaotic world?

There_is_no_Love · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Heist in Spain 'The Holy Grail' and the Setbacks

"So the Holy Grail might be there after all," said Jason.

"Don't tell me you sent them without even confirming the grail's location?" Greg asked.

"That's not it. I know it exists. But I wasn't a hundred percent sure that it was at the Valencia Cathedral."

"What would you do if it wasn't in Spain?"

"Then send them to the Vatican. There's no way something this valuable wouldn't be under the church's supervision."

"If only they knew they were actually sent on a wild goose chase," Greg sighed.

"Look at the bright side. There being a Light Elemental awakener means there is something similar to the moonstone we have. The chances of it being the actual Holy Grail is also high. We need to get our hands on that. We can't let there be any loose ends that might become a potential threat in future."

"You sure are cautious."

"It's just avoiding unnecessary waste of time."

"Fine, fine. Julia is waiting for your orders."

"Alright, you keep tabs on Yosef and his team," said Jason.

"Status report," Jason asked.

"All members have withdrawn from the vicinity."

"Alright, take your team and return to the hotel. Send a few men everyday for recon. No matter what, you should not get close to that awakener. Just like Yosef, there is a high chance you might awaken with the Darkness element. As Light contradicts Darkness, that Light Element awakener might be able to sense your presence. There's no need to take any risks."

"Alright, Sir."

After giving Julia the new commands, Jason leaned back on his chair.

"Are you tired?" Greg asked.

"You know I can't get tired, nor do I require sleep."

"Still you are a human being. You can't escape mental exhaustion."

"Tell Yosef's team to be on standby as well. No need to engage right now."

"You are taking a break?"

"I need to get some fresh air. The existence of another awakener has brought many changes to the previous plan. Now I need to think of another one."

"You are not planning to go there yourself, are you?"

"No, I won't be needing to. Julia and her team are more than capable of finishing their mission on their own. They also need practical experience. After the global awakening, things like this will be happening quite often. They need to be prepared for that."

Jason left the room leaving Greg to oversee the two teams' whereabouts. While both teams were told to be on standby, they continued their recon to gather more information and sent it to the base.

Two days went by. The Nebra Sky Disc and the Babylonian Map had already reached the base. After verifying their authenticity, the two items were stored in a secured vault at the base.

The next day, Jason returned to the command center.

"Any updates?" asked Jason.

"There have been some interesting discoveries." Greg replied.

"And what might those be?"

"First of all, the awakener at the Valencia Cathedral doesn't know that he has awakened."

"That's odd."

"It turns out he is a priest, a high ranked one. The only thing notable is that recently he has been saying that he has received God's blessing. Some of the people at the cathedral think that he has gone mad. But apparently his actions didn't cause any harm to anyone. So they all just ignored the matter."

"Given the characteristics of the Light Element, it's no wonder people would mistake it for something related to the Gods, especially if they are religious like this priest."

"So what's the plan?"

"Seeing how he isn't aware of his abilities, we can't miss this opportunity. Get Julia on line."

After Greg contacted Julia, Julia replied instantly.

"Send your men in position. And follow the layout sent by the ones who have infiltrated the cathedral. Two of your men will keep that priest distracted while you guys break into the vault. You don't have to worry about the cameras there. We have already set them in a loop. Judging by the distance between the vault and fountain where the priest will be kept distracted, you will get about 3 minutes before he reaches the vault room as he will notice it the moment the Holy Grail is moved from its place."

"Orders received. We will be starting right away."

The team proceeded with the new plan. While two of the men started a conversation related to God's message with the priest, the priest got swept away by their eagerness to learn. At the same time, the other team broke into the cathedral's vault. There were a lot of ancient relics inside the vault room and in the middle, on a stand, there was the Holy Grail.

Jason and Greg were seeing everything through the body cams of the members who went inside. Aside from the main objective of the mission, the other relics also caught Jason's eyes.

"You are not planning to steal those as well, are you?" Greg asked.

"Even if those look tempting, most of them are just scrap metal. But do you see that sword over there?" Jason replied.

"That sword over there? What about it?"

"I am not sure. Can you send the photo to Mr. Jefferson?"

Jefferson was an historian who was part of the research team at the organization. After suddenly receiving the photo from Greg, Jefferson didn't delay his reply.

"There is no doubt this is the legendary sword of Ronald," said Jefferson over the comms

"Wait, are you saying this is the long lost Durandal?" Jason asked.

"Yes, indeed. I have never imagined I would get to see it in my lifetime. The golden hilt and the white blade, no one can deny it's the Durandal. You have to get your hands on that no matter what."