
12. A Love Bite

Hazel's pov

He sat besides me putting the laptop on his lap. The lights were already off. I offered him the popcorn while he smiled taking some

The movie was a bit mature I didn't knew about this. I shouldn't have watch this damn!

The movie was in middle almost this is highly mature, at least for me who has never seen such movies.

I cleared my throat to control my feelings. I suddenly felt his hand on waist.

"You fine?" He asked and I nodded

"Fine" I said

I again starts watching the movie when I felt his hand moving up until he reached my boobs he pressed it lightly and I closed my eyes

"I think we should start the class today only" he said putting the laptop on a side

He hovered over me pressing his hand this time hard, I was drown in the feelings

"Hazel calm down" he said

"I am calm" I said taking a deep breathe

"Tell me what things you know?" He asked caressing my cheek

"Uhm... Kiss, sex, just these" I said and he smiled

"There are so many things you will study" he said

"And what is today's lesson?" I asked

"Let's start from up, Do you know what A love bite is?" He asked

"No!" I said

"So today I will tell you what a love bite is" he said

He came close to my lips

"Is a love bite given on lips?" I asked, he chuckles


"Then why are you coming towards my face?" I asked

"Because I want to kiss you" he said and I was quite "Can I?" He asked but I didn't replied

"What If I say no?"

"Then I won't do. I will not do the things you are uncomfortable to do" He said and I smiled

"You can" I said

He took my lips in his for a deep passionate kiss, his hand was roaming on my upper body

Breaking the kiss he looked in my eyes straight

"Love bite can be give anywhere on the body whether it is neck, shoulder, tummy, thighs" he said and I nodded

"Only a boy give?" He again chuckles

"You can also give if you want but first learn" he said moving towards my neck

He given open mouth kisses all over there.

"Where you want me to give you the one?" He asked

"I don't know"

"You should know, if I will give you on your neck then you have to hide it from peoples" he said


"Oh my innocent wife people will start asking you questions and I think you don't want them to know about our relation right?" He asked and I nodded

"What is Love bite Henry?" I finally asked the question which was irritating me

"It is given by your lover he/she wants you to know that no one else has the right on you expect them" he said and I nodded

'Is he your lover?'

A question popped in my mind but I distracted myself

"Are your questions done?" He asked and I nodded "We should start then" he said moving a bit down

He slides up my shirt giving open mouth kisses on my tummy as well. I held the bedsheet tightly

He bite me there and I hissed in pain. He starts sucking the area my eyes were still closed.

"You can check this mark in the morning. This is called a love bite" he said and I nodded "Now I think we should sleep as...ops sorry tomorrow is Sunday do you want to finish the movie?" He asked

"Yeah I want to" I said he again picked up the laptop

We finished the movie and he stood up to leave to his room but I held his hand

"What happened?" He asked

"Can I sleep with you?" I asked and he sat in front of me

"Are you still scared?" He asked and I nodded

I can't tell him that I am habitual to sleep with him

"Hazel You can but let me clear you no one can come in this house without the password it was your hallucination" he said

"Still I am scared" I said

"You can sleep with me or do you want me to sleep here?" he asked

"No I will come with you" I said and he nodded

I was laying on my place but Still I don't know why I am restless I went near him hugging him tightly

He turned around with a smile

"Are you fine?" He asked and I nodded

"I am but I am not able to sleep" I said

"Come" he took me in his arms hugging me tightly.

He starts patting my hairs and I closed my eyes. I fallen asleep unknowingly.

Henry's pov

I was watching her from a long time. Trust me I never knew she is this much innocent. How can someone be so innocent she don't know about anything. She is 20 years old still she is unaware from the world but I love her so much

Its going to be fun to teach her about these things I am really excited but I haven't shown her because when she will become frustrate she will ask herself

I closed my eyes as I was feeling sleepy.


I opened my eyes to see her hugging me tightly while her legs were tangled around my waist. I smiled

"Hazel!" I called her name out while she snuggles more into me

"Good morning Love" I was shocked what?

"Good morning! Are you fine?" I asked while she nodded

"I am why?"


"Levi I am glad you are back you know I saw a bad dream of me being with someone else I thought I lost you and you betrayed me"

I left her with in a second, from where the fuck this Levi came?

"Hazel wake up" I said angrily and she opened her eyes

She was shocked

"You? Oh I..."

"Yeah you thought Its Levi, look if you want to take that bastard's name then Sorry you can sleep in your own room" I said, I was really angry

"I am sorry I was watching a dream" She said with an innocent face

I took a deep breathe calming myself down

"Its ok get up its 11 in the morning quite late" I said and she nodded

We are sitting on a dinning table eating our respective food.

"Henry why you always eat this toast and things"

"What should I eat then?" I asked

"Some pasta with sauce" she said


"Yeah I mean aren't you tired of eating this? I am because" she said

"So you can tell Miss. Asude to make these things for you" I said

"Hmm" she said drinking the juice

"Ok eat fast as we are going out"


"We will decide. I want you to explore every place here" I said and her eyes sparkled


"Yes hurry up" I said and she nodded
