
13. Sunday Being Funday

Hazel's pov

"Where are we Going Henry" I asked as the driver was driving from last half an hour

"You will see" he said

After of almost 15 minutes we stopped at a mall

"Shopping?" I asked

"Yes I thought you need this" he said and I smiled

I was looking here and there thinking of what to buy

"Here try these" he said giving me some dresses

I nodded and left, I tried one after one and I must say his choice is quite good they all fit me well and was of my favourite colours

He said me to buy all so I did. After that he bought me some sandals and core shoes.

"So? What next?" He asked


"Nothing? What about jewels, bag and all?" He asked

"I don't like them much"

"But at least a bracelet or locket?"

"Ok" I said and he smiled

He selected one for me

"Make me wear" I said while he nodded

He made me stand in front of mirror standing behind me. It was a heart locket with golden embroidery and chain.

"Beautiful" he said and I smiled

He looked around and finding no one near he pulled up my shirt

"Manik what are you doing?" I asked

"Shh... I want to see the mark I given last night"

"But you can see that at home!"

"No I want to see it now only"


"No one is around"

He slides up my shirt and there was a dark purple mark just near my belly button. He caressed it with a proud smile on his face

"Will it remain forever?" I asked

"No it will vanish in some days"


"Let's go now" I nodded

We are walking on a street while he is telling me about everything which shop is for what.

Its almost evening now.

"So are you hungry?" He asked

"Yes" I said

"Ok then I have a game for you if you are interested"

"What game?"

"We will do a challenge, eating challenge"

"I am expert in this"

"First listen, We will eat 2 dishes from each restaurant nearby and at the end the one having high score will have...uhm...3 yeah 3 wishes the one who will loose have to complete trio wishes" he said and I thought for a minute

"I am in because I know I am going to win" I said

"Quite Over confident no?" He asked

"Because I know myself" I said blinking my eyes

We are sitting in a restaurant waiting for our food the spicy one and we have to eat in 5 minutes.

As the food came he starts the timer and we start eating faster.


Now we are waiting for the last thing, the dessert. I have 2 points more than him and I know this round will be mine as well.

He starts the timer and I start eating. First I ate the chocolate lava and he was eating a normal size cupcake.

I took big big bites to finish it asap. After that I start eating the pancakes I can tell you my face was totally messed by the chocolate but at this moment I damn care!

Gulping the last bite I shouted in excitement as I won

"Hurray! See I told you I will win and Yes"

"Ok ok You won now tell me what are your 3 wishes?" He asked and I thought for a moment

"I will tell you later"

"Ok as you say"

Paying the bill we left sitting in car.

"So what now?" I asked

"We are going somewhere special" he said


"You will get to know just wait" he said and I nodded

I was using my phone as Maya was chatting with me she told me about her boyfriend they are quite close as they are in a relationship from childhood.

"So how is your life going?"

"Leave me you tell how are you?"

"I am fine but I miss you I hope I could also come to America with Claus"

"You should everything is so beautiful here"

"What about Henry? Is he good with you?"

"He...Is actually really good"

"That's great then. I am happy for you"


"And What about bed how is he in bed?"

"What bed?"

"Haven't you done anything with him yet?"

"What anything?"

"Like sex and all?"

"Yeah we had"

"So he satisfy you no? Or do you?"

"What I? What are you even talking?"

"I mean blowjob and..."

"What happened?" He asked as I guess I became serious

"Nothing" I said putting the phone back in my bag

He was looking out.


"Yes?" He looked at me


"What is it? Tell me is something bothering you?" He asked

"No, nothing serious" I said and he nodded

Huff why I always learn the things I don't know about. Now what the fuck is this blowjob?

"Henry what is blowjob?" I finally asked

The driver starts coughing While I looked at him confusingly

"Hazel we will talk about this later" he said in my ear slowly and I nodded

Is it a bad thing? huff Why I am on this Earth?

The car stopped to an unknown place. He held my hand bringing me out.

"I will close your eyes"


"Just wait you will see yourself"

I nodded while he covered my eyes with his hands

After of 5 minutes we stopped and he slowly withdrew his hands. As soon as I looked at the scene I was overwhelmed

My eyes were sparkling as I was able to see the whole city and It was looking so beautiful

"You like it?" He asked in my ear as he was standing behind me

"Its so beautiful I love it" I said

"I knew you will love it. This is my favourite place" he added and I smiled

"You took me to your favorite place?" I asked and he nodded

"You are the one and only to come here with me" he said


"I don't know I just felt to bring you here" he said sitting on a slab like thing there

"Its really beautiful and peaceful too I love it, thank you for bringing me here" I said and he smiled

"Pleasure is all mine girl" he said and I smiled

I sat besides him while he took out some dry fruits from his pocket. He offered me some then himself starts eating

"Henry you haven't told me?"


Like seriously how can he forget so easily

"About the thing I asked"

"What you asked Hazel?"

He seriously tests my patience

"What is blowjob?"

He choked, he coughed 2 to 3 times before looking at me again
