
11. Physical Classes

Hazel's pov

"Say something" I said

"Are you serious? Do you even know what are you saying?" He asked

"What's wrong in this Henry?"

"Everything is wrong Hazel I don't understand you, what are you even thinking huh?" He asked

"You can't stop me and I am not thinking wrong I have a right to know everything and I find a place to learn" I said

He starts moving close to me until I was collided with the wall

"Look, I am warning you don't boil my anger or else you will see the worst of me" he said dangerously

"Henry you can't order me to do what you want I have a right to do everything just because you are my fucking husband haven't given you the right to rule my life understood"

The elevator opened and he left without saying a word. I too followed him. The journey to home was silent.

I directly went to my room as I was angry. I have a bad habit if I have decided something I will do it by hook or by crook no one can change my decision, No one

Its 11pm and I am hungry but I will not go down because I am angry and I will show him

The knock on tbe door brought me out of my thoughts. I opened up to see him standing there folding his arms

"Why aren't you coming down to eat?" He asked as like nothing happened

"Because I am not hungry" I said looking away

"Hazel I am saying you again don't test my patience" He said

"What if I will?" I asked

He sighs

He pulled me close to him holding my arm

"If you are stubborn then I am way to much than you" he said

I tried to free my hand but his hold was tight.

"Miss Asude please bring our food in Hazel mam's room" he said

"Ok fine I will go down you don't have to call her up" I said while he smiled

He don't care about anything!

The dinner as well went silent he was totally ignoring me


I was laying on my bed searching for a place on google but the knock on the door disturbed me

I opened up

"Now what?" He entered inside sitting on bed

"What are you searching?" He asked picking up the phone

"You have no right to check my phone" saying so I snatched from his hand

"Ok but sit here I want to talk"


"Sit then I will tell you" I sat besides him "I have thought about what you said"


"I have a offer for you"

"What offer?"

"You want to learn these things right?"

"Yes I want to"

"Then let me teach you" I was shocked


"I know you are shocked but I have nothing else in mind because I can't allow you to go and do these type of things outside and Also I can't allow someone to touch you" he said

"Henry no one will touch me I will learn through their acts" I tried to explain him

"In which world you are living Hazel, They will touch you, they will say you to strip yourself in front of them"

"What strip what you mean"

"See you don't even know the meaning of strip and you think you can handle all this outside? Look... You are very innocent and trust me I like this side of yours, I don't want you to do such things please try to understand" he said

"Why you don't want this"

"Because I am not getting a good vibe. I am stopping you because I have a reason and if you really want to learn I can teach you and also you don't have to feel any kind of shame or weirdness in front of me right" he said

"I will think about it" I said

"Take your time" he said and left

Should I? No Why? I can't

But he is right I don't feel any shame or shyness in front of him

Uff...I am confused


The whole day in the office was exhausted first meeting then the dresses, designs I am really tired

I opened the elevator as Its time to go back home. He as well entered inside. He was busy in his damn phone

"Uhm...I have thought" I said and he looked at me

"About?" Like seriously?

"About your words, your deal"

"And? What is it?"

"I am in, I am ready to learn from...you"

I finally said!

"Great I will teach you from tomorrow then" he said still busy in his phone



I am not able to sleep I don't know why what happened its like I am addicted to sleep with him

Shut up Hazel stop speaking nonsense. I should watch a movie it will help me to sleep.

I knocked on his door entering inside he was again busy in his mobile.

"Uhm, Henry I need Laptop" I said while he looked at me

He chuckles

"Why are you again planning to watch-"

"No I want to watch a movie"

"Yeah movie"

"Stop teasing me and please this time close all the tabs" I said

"I have already, its on the table" he said while I left

I went in kitchen to check if there is any popcorn packet

"Dear what are you looking for?" The maid asked

"Is there any popcorn packet?"

"Yes there is Which flavor you want?"


"Here it is let me make it for you" she said but I denied

"No you go and rest I will do it by myself"


"No but I said go Its not a big deal and don't worry sir won't say you anything"

"I know he won't he is such a pure heart child A loving one he never shouts on anyone specially on me" she said while I smiled

I thought to watch a horror movie but that night incident isn't allowing me to so yeah back to romantic one.

I was going to play but there was the knock on the door. He entered inside

"What are you watching?" He asked

"Movie I guess"

"Which one stupid"


"And What is the name" I looked at the screen to read

"Through my Window"

"Is it new I have never seen let's watch together if you don't mind" he said while I nodded
