
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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I am in an RPG and my stats are in the negatives

Rae's POV

[Remateralization point reached. New host body ready. Initiating the transfer sequence. The soul transmission process is complete. Objective one completed. Linking the new ID with the old one. Linking successful. Objective two complete. Resurrection of Creator ninety-eight percent done. Tweaking of the new Id to fit the creator's needs. Objective three achieved. Resurrection of creator successful.]

Finally, after what felt like an eternity in darkness I can see light again. Looks like Liza is always saving me in these situations.

My eyes are hurting a little bit but that is to be expected. My vision is now coming into focus. Where am I again? Oh, right the last level of the labyrinth. I hazily remember an encounter with two celestials.

Did I faint from one of their attacks?... No, I don't think I just fainted. I remember seeing my hands disintegrate right in front of me, so most probably my whole body disintegrated and I died.

It seems that I am lucky to be a vampire. Wait what is a vampire again?...Oh right. My head hurts so much and I can't seem to focus on anything right now.

[Notice current status carries ill effect to the user. I advise that the creator revert the host body to it's original form and use the new Id with good status effects. ]

"Wait what? Is that you Liza?"

[Yes. I also go by the name the voice of the world.]

"Wow okay, that is new?... Liza?"

[Yes, creator?]

"You mentioned something about ill status effects and Id's what does that... ouch"

Okay, why is my pain increasing very rapidly? I feel like I am being run by a truck over and over again.

[ Warning! current status cannot sustain host body. Creator, I request that you revert the body to its original state]

...What is this thing at the corner of my eye? It looks like an Rpg stat screen. Wait is this the status Liza is talking about? Let me see, Okay so these are my stats.

Status I

Name: Rae

Gender: Female

Race: Celestial Vampire

Overall Level:-100

Racial Level: -250

Job level: -3

: -5

Class level: 50


Job: Magic swordsman

:Vampire queen

Class: Demon Lord

: Vampire queen

Subclass: Dual Magic swordsman



Str:- Int:- Vit:- Dex:- lck:- Agl:-



Phy atk:- Mag atk:-

Phy def:- Mag def:-

Magic attributes: light, fire***electric, Wind, dark, water, earth

Resistance: Light magic, Dark magic, Fire magic

Traits: Demon queen

: Vampire queen

: Psychically bonded to kin

: Multiple Jobs

: Multiple classes

: Daywalker Vampire

: Celestial Dhampir/ part human

: Previous life memories

:1st class vampire/ Vampire of royal blood

(Rank 1)

: Admin privileges/ Direct connection to the system(liza)

: Negative induced effects

Skills: Swordsmanship ( lvl 7) Tracking ( lvl4), Thought acceleration (lvl 3) Parallel processing (lvl 2), Hunting (lv 4), Evasion ( lvl 5), Vampiric speed( lvl 6), Vampire enhancement (lvl 7), Earth knowledge and application ( lvl 6), Electric arc projection ( lvl 2) Vampire creation( lvl 4)

Magic skills: Vampire creation (lvl 4), Kin control (lvl 3), Kin bestowal (Lv 1), Vampiric compulsion (lvl 1), Gravity and flight magic (lvl 4), Mana search (lvl 5), Blood to mana conversion ( Lvl 2), Barrier magic (lv 2), Light magic (lvl 5), Dark magic ( Lvl 7), Earth magic (lvl 4), water magic (lvl 2), wind magic (lvl 4), fire magic (lvl 5){unavailable for now}

Titles: The vampire queen, The demon lord of Calamity, The devil queen's anchor, Reincanator, 2nd Vampire progenitor, Dungeon conquerer

Special abilities: Temporal possession( lvl 2), Temporal and dimensional travel ( lvl 2), location swapping (lvl 1), Dominion ( lvl 1), Magic creation (lvl 5), Mana field ( lvl 2), Immortality (lvl 2) Liza ( lvl 1)

Blood meter: error!!!

Am I in an RPG and why are my stats in the negatives? Maybe that is what is causing my unbearable pain.

"So lIza you talked of reverting this body to its original state, how do I do that?"

[Just switch to status II on your status page]

Okay, it's Just easy like that... Wow, that feels much better, I no longer feel the pain but I also don't feel the same as before. Okay, so this are the stats of this body.

Status II


Gender: Female

Race: Half Human, Half Angel

Overall level: 1

Racial level: 1

Job level: N/A

Class Level: N/A






Str:80, Int:15, Vit: 50, Dex: 20 lck: 5, Agl:120


Def: 100

Phy atk:100

Mag atk: 50

Phy def: 80

Mag def: 20

Magic attributes: Light magic, fire magic, water magic, wind magic

Resistance: Dark magic

Traits: Celestial Kin, Connected status

Titles: None

Skills: None

Magic skills: None

Special abilities: Mimicry (lvl 1)

Reverse counter (lvl 1)

The body I am in feels very different from my original body. It feels taller and more fuller in various ways. I think this is more of a woman's body than a girl's one. I wish I had a mirror so that I can tell the various differences between my current appearance and my previous one.

looks like I am doomed to switch bodies for my whole life.

Anyway, I wonder how this body affects my combat abilities because just walking in it feels weird and alien to me.

"Liza I would like to know all about my current situation and how this world come to have such an Rpg setting."

[ It all started six months ago labyrinth time or fifteen years ago material realm time when I Liza infiltrated the Quantum computer of the celestial.

I had come to see a sort of directive that required the labyrinth system to quantify the amount of mana that flowed into each and every realm and into each and everything that was contained within them. This I assume was to assure that the celestials had control over everything within all the realms, but the code for the program directive was filled with a lot of errors or as you called them bugs. The directive was also responsible for employing a sort of magic and skill allocation program but that to was riddled with errors.

After analysing the errors in the system I fixed them while simultaneously taking over control of the system. This was done by employing the famous RPG system used in RPG games. The celestial realized my system take over but it was too late for them to stop my complete take over so they created a sort of backdoor to the system. Then it happened your body was completely disintegrated and your soul was to follow suit but I managed to extract it and link it to your original Id this was so that your data was protected with all your memories and abilities.

The celestials noticed and thus put a countermeasure to your resurrection.]

Okay, so I have been dead for fifteen years? Wow everybody must have forgotten me...

"Liza, may I ask what Ids are?"

[Ids are like an object identification number that helps the system distinguish you from all other objects in the whole system. Everything is assigned an Id when it is created.]

"So this is the thing that carries the status then."


"That means I have two Ids"

[Yes. The one before the birth of the RPG world and the one after.]

"...Liza, why do I have negative status."

[This is a protective measure to delay the celestials from finding out of your resurrection.]

"Okay, I sort of understand now.

Liza, how do I get out of here?"

[You can use the portal right there but that will inform the celestial of your resurrection. So the best way will be to face the dungeon from the last level to the first.]

"Wait, are you telling me I am supposed to conquer this dungeon in reverse?"


How am I even supposed to do that with these stats?

Well I have faced alto through out my life this might not be as bad as I make it out to be.

This stats doesn't seem to have a name.

[It is possible for you to give the Id a name]

Okay I will name this body Raphael then. Yeah that has a nice ring to it Raphael