
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Vampires and Vampire hunters

Trina's POV

Another new town? Why does this keep happening to me? Everything just seems so overwhelmingly foreign and I just don't know how all this came to be. And what is up with all my blackouts? I really want to know what happens during my blackouts.

Every time I have one of these blackouts I wake up in a different town from that that I black out in. Is this some sort of side effect of the duel?

If I remember correctly I think Rae managed to hit me with one of her spells before my own reached her. That means she is the new vampire queen. Where is she anyway? And why are there so many changes? What actually happened during the time that I was passed out. Things like The holy kingdom which I assume is formerly the Stokes kingdom and Bermone kingdom being reduced to half its former size are just making me feel like I have woken up in a completely new era... Churches too, Why are there so many churches? Just how long exactly have I been out.

When I focus closely to the bottom left of my eye I get to see something called status. What are all these about

Name: Trina

Gender: Female

Race: Dhampir

Overall level: 74

Racial Level: 57

Job level: 4

Class level: 90

Job: Assassin

Class: Master Assassin Vampire

Hp: 40000/50000


Str:10000 Int:900 Vit:6000 Dex:7004 Lck:94 Agl:24003

Atk: 24000

Def: 16000

phy atk: 15000 Mag atk: 9000

phy def: 7000 Mag def: 9000

Magic attributes: Dark Magic, Fire magic, Earth magic, wind magic

Traits: 1st class vampire/ vampire of royal blood (Rank 3)

: Renegade Vampire

: Un-bonded to kin

: Dhampir

: Daywalker

:Twin Personas

:Demon King

: Blood dependency ( min level) / blood lust

: Weak link to past memories.

Resistance: Dark Magic

Titles: The Ruler Of Shadows

: Fastest Vampire

: The veil of Darkness

: Shadow executioner

:Master Assassin

Skills: Vampiric speed (lvl 9)

: Vampiric enhancement (lv 7)

: Hunting (lv 6)

: Stealth (lvl 8)

: Point of weakness detection(lv7)

: Blood to mana converter(lv 5)

: Alternative perception (lvl 1)

:Perceptivity (Lv 8)

: Vampire Regeneration( lvl max)

: Demonic tongue (lvl 8)

: Assassination weapon mastery (lvl 7)

Magic skills: Monster puppetry(lvl 3)

: Shadow Travel (lvl 1)

: Fire magic (lvl 4)

: Wind magic (lvl 3)

: Earth magic (lvl 1)

: Dark Magic ( lvl 6)

Special abilities: Vampire generation (lvl 1), Vampiric Reanimation (Lvl 2), Eye to the past ( lvl 3){Weakened}, Miasma Manipulation ( lvl 4), Miasma Immunity ( Lvl 8), Quick Analysis (lvl 1)

Blood meter: 20000

Looks like that building is both a tavern and an inn. I can finally rest up for the night and replenish my energy. Wait do I really have money to spend there? Oh looks like I have some money. Hope it is enough. I wonder where this bag of money come from? It has blood stains on it, that is not suspicious at all...

I know this situation is very wearing but I need to sleep so beggars cannot be choosers.

" Excuse me, How much for a meal and a room for the night."

" That will be forty copper coins."

"Okay, one room and a nice warm meal please."

"Here is the key to your room. Jenny!"

"Yes mother"

"Show this lady to her room."

"Right this way miss... This is your room. What will you be having for supper Miss? "

" What do you have?"

"We don't have much of variety but I would recommend for you to get Stake rice with vegetables and with a mug of mead."

"Okay, I will have that."

"Right away miss. I will come to inform you when the meal is ready. Meanwhile, you can wipe yourself off with that bowl of water. It is not much of a bath but it should help with the day's grime."

The teenage girl then left me and went back to work. I had not noticed before but my skin was covered with a lot of dried blood. Is that why she offered me the bowl of water to clean myself? Why didn't she say anything? Do they not find me suspicious? Well, I should let bygones be bygones.

Immediately after I finished wiping off the dried blood a knock was heard at the door.

"Miss, your meal is ready."

"Okay, thank you I will be right down."

Finally some food. I was really hungry.

I went downstairs and I was shown to a table where I was to take the meal. The tavern part of the inn was quite packed and very lively. It would have been quite overwhelming for a vampire like myself if I did not have any control over my enhanced senses.

While I was having my meal an interesting conversation caught my attention and I couldn't help but eavesdrop on it.

" Are you afraid of going back home this late at night?"

"No! Why should?"

"Well, this is the time those blood suckers roam free."

"If that is the case shouldn't you also be scared?"

"To say the truth I am but battling then winning a fight with one of those things, is a very lucrative way to gain levelling/ experience points."

"So you want to be attack by those monsters?"

"Well no I don't but I wouldn't mind getting the chance to fight one."

"Even if it is a quick way of gaining experience points, those monsters are beyond human capabilities. I hear just the low-ranking ones can be quite formidable. It is like they are immortal... "Well, they still can be killed with fire to their heart, or fatal light magic attacks or by the sun's light. But the sun only affects Nightwalkers. The high-ranking ones that walk during the day are the ones you should fear the most... Those I hear are just immortal. Nobody truly knows how to kill them. Well, I may say that but maybe the number one vampire hunter does."

" Vampire hunter... So if I may ask how does one differentiate vampires from humans."

"That is very hard to do unless you are of the vampire hunting class or have that special appraisal skill I here so often off because they look exactly like humans. If you try hard enough you might notice nightwalkers from their weird mannerisms but they only walk during the night so it's very hard for you to meet with them. The daywalkers are the ones that terrify me to the core."

"So are these beings monsters or are they just another completely new race?"

"I hear they are demon kin and anyone from any race can become one of them but the price you pay for it I assume is your humanity because... how can they just kill living things so ruthlessly and without mercy then going ahead and draining all of there blood?"

" ...Going back to Vampire hunters, how exactly does one become one?"

"I am not sure but I think first you must kill a vampire with your own two hands."

" Oh ok...It is late in the night, Is it really safe to walk at this hour?"

"This town is known to be with the least amount of vampires even if the towns surrounding it are known hotbeds for them and besides, I hear that the famous Nightmare is already doing her work in the nearby towns. You never know she may already even be here. And if she is around, that is a nightmare for all of vampire kind in this town."

"Okay let me go home."

"Have a lovely night."

"You too."

Vampire hunters? This is new. Just how many years have I lost? More importantly, is this Nightmare going to kill me? I am a vampire after all. Speaking of which I have a slight thirst for blood it is not very compelling but still, just what happened to me and this world?

Hope I don't cross paths with this Nightmare... I need to get back to Rae and be re-bound to her as one of her kin. Maybe then this thirst will be quenched...Now let me go back to my ro-

What was that? Is that a scream? I don't feel so good, Was there something in my meal? No, I don't think so... Oh no it is one of my black out moments. I need to fight it...My consciousness is slowly fading. I can't stop it...

(seemingly from a very far distance)"Finally, I am out, time for a hunt."