
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

The Bloody Witch

Cilia's POV

"Have you ever heard of her?"

"Of who?"

"Her...The infamous Queen of carnage."

"Shhh... Don't you dare speak her name out loud?"

"But why?"

"If you want us to find your body ruthlessly slaughtered and dismantled then please do."

"Slaughtered? dismantled?"

"Yes,(whispering) It is said that anyone who dares cross her never lives to tell the tale... She is the most feared bounty hunter in the whole country."

"But how? Why?"

"Well...There is a story about the massacre of a certain village during one of her pursuits of a bounty. It is said the whole village crossed her and equally like the bounty they all died."

"But isn't that just a rumour?... I mean can someone really be that powerful."

"Well she is, It is rumoured she is in the upper fifty's or even lower sixties in her level."

"Can humans really surpass level 50? I mean just being at level fifty shows you are at the pinnacle of power but you mean to tell me she has surpassed it?"


What are those drunk men grumbling about? They haven't even seen the taste of my queen's power. Compared to her... Wait who is my queen again? I can't seem to remember her... But I do know she was powerful. I mean she is the one who gave me my powers, isn't she?

Comparing these stats to what I assume was hers will barely even scratch the surface of her overwhelming power

Name: Cilia

Gender: Female

Race: Human(demon-kin)/Witch

Overall level:62

Racial level:50

Job level:Max

Class Level: 74

Job: Witch


Subclass:Chainwhip master



Str:8000 Int:1505 Vit: 5000 Dex:9000 lck:209 Agl:12080.



Phy atk: 8009 Mag atk:10010

phy Def: 3000 Mag def: 6000

Magic aptitude: Dark magic- Blood magic

Traits: Demon-kin, Vampire-Kin, Psychically bonded, Holder of multiple unique skills.

Titles: The bloody witch, The Queen of Carnage, The master of Blood.

Skills: Haematology (lvl max), Anatomy (lvl 6) Chain whip mastery (lvl 8), Hunting (lvl 4), Evasion (Lv 5), Histology (lvl 5)

Magic skills: Blood manipulation (lvl 6), Blood and cell regeneration (lvl 4), Blood marionette (lvl 7), Blood search (lvl 4), Blood enhancement (lvl 7), Blood inducing abnormalities (lvl 8)

Special abilities: Blood necromancy (lvl 3), Bloody field (lv4)

Looks like I have had enough to drink. It's time I went back to the inn to sleep.

I wonder why every time I try to remember anything before the cleansing my head starts to hurt. This is a nuisance that is preventing me from remembering my queen.

"Hey there gorgeous, why don't you come with us."

"And why should I?"

"We just want to show you a good time."

"Don't you dare touch me with those filthy hands."

"And what if I do."

"Don't worry we just want to feel good. You can also feel good if you let it."

Same old, same old scumbags. They are lusting over my body in such a boorish manner and it disgusts me. This is why I hate walking at night. They just can't keep their lust in check. There are tons of brothels around, why are they coming to me. If they had any sense of decency they should at least go to those.

"I am not here to offer you that service."

"We are done asking nicely..."

"You dare touch my body with your filthy hands... The only one who is allowed to lust over my body is my queen..."

"Wha- What did you do to Trent's Head."

"I exploded it of course."

"She... she is the Queen of Carnage. Runnnnn!"

"Ohhh, Why are you leaving so soon? I thought you wanted to have some fun."

"Please, please forgive us."

"Well...I just wanted to make you feel good. Oh look you are sweating. I didn't mean to make you hot and bothered. I am pretty sure you make every girl you meet the same."

" Ple...a..se forgive..."

"Ooops looks like he couldn't handle the heat. Guess he is as weak as the girls he preys on."

"Look at these worms trying to crawl out of my blood field. Once you are in...Well you are about to find out.

Wait, what was that?... Is that who I think it is? I can feel her. My queen is back, after fifteen years she is -"

"This is for my brother."

"Ahhh!! You dare interrupt my celebration of her return with a stub at my quadriceps femoris. You will pay for that."

" What her thigh is already healing after that big tear? Is this woman eve- kkh..."

"That should silence you for a bit.

I see you, using your friend as a distraction so that you can escape. Where is your sense of loyalty?"

"You truly are a mon-"

"Yes I know, but so are you... Now back to you, How do you like my chain whip?"

"Go to hell."

"Well, don't worry you will be there very soon. Now tell me which way you prefer to die, with my whip or my magi-"

"I finally found you, Cilia."

"Jocelyn, just the woman I wanted to see. So are you still the church's attack dog."

" You are as ruthless as ever I see. Three men are lying dead in their own puddle of blood. This is why you are the church's greatest enemy."

" No no, he is getting away... Are you happy now?"

" Blood Witch Cilia, As the highest Ranking Paladin of the Church I have deemed you to be against the law and I will be taking you back with me alive or Dead."

"Sorry Jocelyn or Do you prefer Elise? Anyway my queen is back and I have to make preparations for her arrival sooo we will just have to do this another time."

" Is this a Joke to you? Do you believe you will escape me that easily?"

"Well Yes, Considering that I have done it multiple times I believe I will"

"Well this time things will be different"

"And why do you believe so? I mean you might be slightly resistant to my magic but that doesn't mean I still can't use it against you and besides, we used to be good friends so can you just let this slide?"

"Let it slide? let it slide!! You are literally killing everything that dares to go against you."

"Well, I have never killed you... I only purge evil, I might be ruthless but I will never lay my hand on the innocent... To some extent, I am just like you?"

"Purge evil? You are evil! And you are nothing like me... Sacred done materialize"

"Oh, this is new. So what is it supposed to do?"

"It will prevent your escape in any way, Today you will not run from this fight."