
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

A vampire among us?

Gurei's POV

Lately, I have felt the bane of probation. Seeing the other generals working towards the goal of finding ourselves a new home while I am sidelined is really unsettling.

Norn has successfully subdued several cities within Bermone. Her Brilliance is as bright as ever. Her intelligence always seems to amaze.

I haven't made any strides towards learning anything about the Human woman. Time is slowly running out and before I know it I may be instructed to kill her.

Many people are advising me to torture and even some have offered to do it for me but I just can't hurt such a beautiful lady. I am still amazed at how

the sight of her just makes my jaw drop.

I have to get back to my senses, if I don't gain any information from her, I will lose my seat among the demon generals and worse I will have to kill her with my own two hands.

"Hello again lovely maiden. Are you going to give me the knowledge we need?"


"I know that it is hard to talk to me since I am the one who stole you away from your people but if you cooperate I will be sure to get you a place in the demon kingdom."

"How laughable."

"You finally spoke."


"May I at least get to know your name"


"Ok, can you at least tell me how the meals are? I hope you enjoy them. I always put much effort into making them"

"Don't bother acting like a gracious host. We both know I am a prisoner of war."

"I know that but at least your situation is a bit more comfortable even if by a little."

"Comfortable? I will only be comfortable once I get to go back home."

"I am sorry but I can not let that happen."

"I thought so... You may pretend to be friendly but you are just as bad as the others"

"If that is how you feel then I hope to change your view of me. I would never hurt such a lovely lady."

"You may try to use sweet words but I see them for what they are... "

"Wait...Why did you say I am bad as the others?"

"What is that suppose to mean?"

"I mean I am the only one who is supposed to be interacting with you?"

"Well looks like you don't have much of the authority that you thought you had."

"How many others have come here?"

"Why should I answer that?"

"I need to know? Your life and my career depend on it?"

"More lies. So you have decided to start using threats. Even if you have worded it differently I can still see it for what it is."

"It is not a threat. It is just what is going to happen."

"Whatever you say. I know that my death is inevitable. So just be quick and do away with me. Stop trying to give me false hope only to come and snatch it away."

" But I would never...Anyway, tell me who else comes in here."

"So you don't know the name of your own torturer. I know that you are working together with her. Her purpose I assume is simple. She is supposed to make me live through hell so that when you come with heaven I will be more cooperative. I won't fall for your..."

"I don't have any idea of what you are talking about."

"I am no fool."

"But I truly don't know what you are talking about. I would never use such roundabout methods to gain information."


"Can you describe this woman? Was she human..."

"Human? How can you call her human? She is evil incarnate. I have never seen someone who gets pleasure in torturing others like how she does."

Is this Victoria's doing? She is trying to sabotage my efforts. Why does this woman hate me so much? What did I do to her?

"I am sorry about that."

"Sorry?...May I ask, is your name Grey by chance?"

"Oh, How very uncouth of me. I had not even introduced myself. Yes, my name is Gurei. I am one of the demon generals."

" Then that settles it. If you want to make my life here bearable please keep to your wife. I could feel a tint of jealousy when she was torturing me."

"Wife? I don't have a wife."

"Okay, whatever you say. Just keep her away she is really something else. Please tell her I would never try to steal you away from her my heart already belongs to another. "

"Oh, I see... Don't worry she will not be coming to disturb you anymore... I will come again tomorrow Hope you will be ready to give me the information I so need for both our sakes."


After the conversation I started to walk away.

Why is Victoria doing this? Does she really want me to lose the title of Demon General that much? I don't believe she has the capacity for love so this must be another of her sadistic schemes.

When I raised my head I could not believe it. Crimson hair? It was crimson hair the signature look for vampires especially those of royal blood.

What is she doing here walking so casually among us?

Immediately I drew my sword ready to attack. When I attacked she easily dodged. How agile? How fast are her reactions? She was able to dodge that attack in such a confined space so easily. Truly the tales of the strength and speed of vampires are not at all lies.

I got ready to engage her again but before I could do anything she had already closed the distance. I could see her attack but countering it, even just blocking it was an issue.

"Gurei!! Hildebrand!! Stop this folly at once!"

"As you wish your grace."

"Ahhh...Yes as you wish your grace."

"Gurei I would like for you to join in on our meeting today."

"Yes of course your Grace."

"Go freshen up. We will be meeting in an hour."

"As you wish your grace."

What is a vampire of royal blood doing in the castle? And why was the demon king so casual with her? I thought that he hated them with so much passion that he had ordered for their capture all around the kingdom.

I need not to worry everything will be revealed in due time.

"Good Evening everyone. Thank you for answering my summons on such short notice."

"It was nothing, your Grace. When you call we answer."

"As she said your Grace. It is not a problem for us."

"Maybe for you guys it isn't, but as for me, I was in the middle of doing something very interesting."

"Do not be so casual with our King,Victoria."

"Silence!!! Now as I was saying. I have called you here today to introduce someone who will be joining our Ranks"

Everybody immediately clutched at their weapons once they saw her Crimson hair.

"Everyone Calm down. It is Okay. She is the one that will be joining our Ranks and will be my personal bodyguard."

"Your grace, are you serious?"

"Do I look like I am joking?"

"But she is..."

"Your Kingliness you do know that she is a vampire. One of royal blood at that."

"Yes, I am well aware Victoria."

"Please introduce yourself."

"My name is Hildebrand and from now on I will be in the service of the king. Let us work together to please our king."

Once I saw her standing on the right side of the king I could not help myself but feel so angry. Had she brainwashed his majesty with her powers? What was her purpose for joining us? Is she here to take the throne for herself? How am I supposed to work with her?

"Gurei, Is there any progress with the human woman?"

"Not yet your Grace. But soon there will be I can feel it."

"For both your sakes I hope that is true."