
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

Raiding a dungeon

Eleanor's POV

My lady Rae has been training for her first dungeon raid. I know that she is working herself to the bone searching for new ways to combat the unknown monsters that we are going to face but sometimes I wish she would take a rest. All through the weeks she has been locking herself up or training on her own. It was not long ago that she harm herself with the many experiments she has been doing .

I am kind of sad that she did not train together with me. I know I am weak compared to her but I just want to be helpful in any way I can. I have been training every day working towards making myself strong so at least I can be of use to her.

She once asked me if I could use fire magic. If I could I would have been at least of use to her but unfortunately, I cannot use any magic right now.

I am also not that good with the sword so right now to her I am more of baggage. I have tried to train alone but that can only take me so far.

I just wish I could use fire magic.

Today is the day we go to the dungeon.

After she did her morning routine, we had breakfast and then left for the dungeon. The foreign princess Cilia insisted to come with us but Lady Rae refused to take her with us. She looked really upset afterwards.

The gate to the dungeon was quite massive. It was put in a very isolated place that if you had no intention of looking for it you will not find it. The only way to find it was through a map.

The gate itself was a sight to behold. It had weird letters inscribed on its surface. The metal the door was made of didn't look like any metal I had ever seen. I could tell that the gate could not be overcome by pure brute force.

Before we could enter we had to inscribe our names onto a stone tablet on a pillar at the extreme right of the gate.

Lady Rae put her name first after her putting hers I proceeded to put mine. immediately after doing this, the names glowed in a very strong fluorescent tone.

The light from the tablet seemed to travel to the gate and then vanish and immediately the massive door opened to reveal what was inside.

We took our first steps inside. The air inside was quite humid. The darkness was overwhelming and if it were not for our night vision, we would have not made it through without using any light source.

The area felt so eerie and sinister and I could feel an unwarranted gaze on us. It was as if a creature was skulking and waiting for the right time to reveal itself.

As we continued to move, the small passageway started to become warmer with each step. The heat was slowly melting away the freezing cold that had initially engulfed us.

It felt nice to finally feel some heat.

"Put your guard up Eleanor. Something doesn't feel right."

And as if to prove lady Rae right, my body started to feel weak. Why was this happening?

"Eleanor, do you feel that?"


"I think the air coming from that direction is poisoned."

She immediately cast a wind magic spell that blew back the air to the direction it was coming from. The warmth seemed to vanish and my strength was slowly returning. How did she know that the air was poisoned? I need to do better.

We continued walking deeper and deeper. At a far end, a light was seen.

We headed straight for the light since there was no other path to follow.

"Be on guard we never know when these creatures will attack."

When we come close to the light a huge kiln come into view inside a sort of room. It looked to have been recently lit. This may have been the source of the poison.

On the other side of the room, we could see two passageways. Wait? What was that I saw? Is that a Kobold? Looks like this is the chance to prove myself that I have been waiting for. I ran straight for the passageway where I could see the Kobold but before I knew it my princess was saving me from a pitfall trap.

"You need to be careful Eleanor. These creatures are quite crafty."

How can I be so careless? Looking down I could see the bones of people who had fallen prey to the trap. Wait, are we floating? How did she pull that off? Did she use a new type of wind magic?

The Kobold saw us escaping from the pitfall trap and collapsed the tunnel that led to him.

"Quite clever. These are truly intelligent creatures. It looks like we can not use that passageway will have to use the other one."

Why were we not using this passageway? It was clearly where the kobolds are? Even if the mountain of rocks were a problem for me, they were not a problem for lady Rae.

"My lady, why do we have to use the other tunnel and not this one when you can easily use earth magic to open this tunnel up?"

"That is much easier said than done. I am not sure of the integrity of this cave and if I use earth magic carelessly I might end up collapsing the cave burying us under it."

"Oh, I now understand my lady."

We went through the open tunnel. The tunnel seemed to burrow downwards. The ground was getting more slippery and slippery as we continued. It reached a point where I started to lose traction and was sliding downwards but again my lady saved me before I could face certain death. There was a trip wire set up at the end of the makeshift slide. It seemed to have been connected to a series of poisoned arrows. If my lady had not saved me when she did, I would have been punctured with many arrows laced with poison.

I am just dead weight to her now. Why can I not do anything to benefit her? I wish I was more useful.

Once we avoided the set trap we come to a shoddily made rope bridge that stretched over a lengthy ravine.

On the other side of the rope bridge, I could see a kobold. It was as if it was taunting us to cross the bridge so that we can attack it.

Unluckily it did not know that my lady can use some sort of flight magic. She picked me up and we flew over the ravine. The kobold seemed to get scared and tried to run away. My lady easily stopped it in its tracks with an earth made projectile.

We continued moving forward heading in the direction that the kobold was heading. We came to an open space where we soon found out we were surrounded by multiple kobolds each armed with a weapon. There were a few above us and a few below.

"Eleanor!! Come close to me."

I ran straight to her where she huddled up with me and remove some sort of device. The Kobolds started to shoot arrows at us but unfortunately, the arrows were not reaching us. It was as if they were hitting an invisible hard wall. My lady then started casting a spell and soon lighting formed around us killing every kobold in its range.

What type of magic was this. I never knew people could make lightning. If my lady keeps doing this I will never catch up to her. I will only ever be a burden to her.

We continued walking through the many dead bodies of kobolds to come and find a huge drake waiting for us. On the other side was a locked gate same as the one at the entrance. Will we survive this fight?