
The science and magic of a reincarnated genius

What happens when a scientific genius is sent to a world of magic? Gene is a scientific genius who is reincarnated in a world of magic and now armed with science and magic is slowly changing the world he was reincarnated to

F_Maestro · Fantasy
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143 Chs

So this is a Dungeon

Rae's POV

A huge lizard-like monster was sitting on a horde of treasure. Its massive frame was a sight to behold. I could see the penetration of its hardened scales was going to be quite the challenge. A gate was at the far back, I guess we have to defeat it for the gate to open.

I have been feeling the presence of something unknown following us ever since Eleanor and I entered the dungeon. Maybe it's just in my mind. Eleanor seemed not to have noticed it.

The huge lizard monster jumped off its horde of Gold. The impact of its massive body as it landed on the ground made the ground we were standing on shake.

I could feel the ground tremble from each and every step it took. How were we to fight with this beast?

It was now towering over us with all its glory. It was even more massive than I had previously thought.

"Welcome challengers. I am the floor guardian of the first level of this dungeon. You have done well to reach this far. For you to proceed, you will need to defeat me."

I had already guessed that that was what we were supposed to do but still...

I quickly analyzed the creature to see the best way to defeat it. The beast seemed not to have any visible weakness. Was I even going to do any damage to this thing?

Its scales looked like they were made of metal so maybe if I use fire magic I could...Oh, I forgot I no longer have my fire magic.

Suddenly out of nowhere the beast swung its weighty tail. The vibration of the air around it could be heard as it cut through with such force and speed. I only evaded it by a few centimetres if I did not have my vampiric speed I would have been a goner.

Even after it stopped, the force that it had carried continued to flow through the air. When it met a huge rock formation that was at my rear, I could not believe the destruction that it left behind. The rock formation had been split into two equal parts.

The upper part slid down to reveal a human head peeping through it. Wait, Whose head is that? I know who that is. It is the foreign princess. How did she get in here? Was she the weird presence I had been sensing the whole time?

The huge lizard did not even give us time to recover, it immediately attacked again. This time the attack was not by its tail but by its two huge front legs. The lizard had raised its gigantic front legs ready to stomp the ground with all its might.

The moment it did so all of us lost our stability and fell.

How were we supposed to fight with this beast of a creature? Then an idea came to mind. What if I use Ice magic to lower the temperature of the scales to a level where they can be easily shattered like glass. Yeah, that might work.

The spell might work but I still needed to attack it at the most vital part that can easily be attacked. Maybe around its neck would work. By reducing the scales around its neck I may be able to penetrate the underlying skin and cause a fatal wound.

I got up and right to work activating the necessary magic circles required for the magic to work. This was done while keeping myself mobile. The level of concentration required to get the precise results was intense. The beast was not giving me a clear path to its neck.

I tried confusing it with some attacks here and there until it finally revealed its thick scaly neck. I blasted the neck with a huge wave of ice magic. If this was done anywhere else where someone might believe that I was trying to create a blizzard effect.

The beast seemed to have been caught off guard by my first use of Ice magic. Not too shabby for my first time using that type of magic. I aimed straight for its neck with the purpose of finally defeating this beast of a monster.

Woe unto me. I had no way of knowing what was coming next. Suddenly the temperatures around started rising and its neck seemed to melt off the icy damage I had given it revealing a strong red glow emanating from within. What is this? Is this fire magic?

The beast opened its humongous mouth revealing its purpose of spitting out some sort of ball of fire. Looking down I could see both Eleanor and Cilia were in the line of fire. If this ball hits them they both may die. How had I forgotten that I was not alone? I got so preoccupied with the fight that I lost all sense of what is in my surroundings. Now the two of them will die because of my mistake. No! I should not give up so easily maybe if I try to conjure up a water magic circle I might be able to reduce its power before It can make any contact with them.

The Lizard released the huge flames it had been holding back. The flames did not come out as balls of fire as I had initially thought but they come out as a huge cone-shaped stream of flames. I had no way of stopping it before it reached Eleanor and the foreign princess.

I watched as the lizard spew out its flames with such fury that I knew when it was done any trace of those two would have been disintegrated to ash. I could not help but shed a tear. Eleanor was a very loving girl. She did not deserve a leader like me.

The beast stopped spewing the flames and looked at where it had spread its flames as if it was revelling in the destruction it had caused. I could not help but run to the spot where the two of them were. I had little hope that maybe they had survived and I might heal them before they die.

The rocks around were all glowing red, still recovering from the sudden attack of flames they had faced. There were still a few pockets of flames slowly dying out. The ash that was rising high in the air was a little bit of a hindrance but that too was dying out. When I got there I could not believe what my eyes were showing me. The foreign princess was completely fine and although Eleanor had multiple burns all around her body and was unconscious her life was not in immediate danger.

Seeing how dangerous the beast was, I decided that any further confrontation will lead to unwanted deaths on our side so as to avoid that we were to escape using spacial magic. I remember Merle teaching me all about it. I never thought that I would have to use it but still either way looks like I have to use it today.

I do not like to use chant magic but today I just have to. I don't have time for coming up with the necessary magic circles for the spell. Merle had somehow formed an abridged version of the spell so I decided to use that. Mana words were still required thus visualisation was key. Therefore for the visualisation, I thought of a sort of quantum gate like the one I created when I was back on earth. When I did this, a black portal-like gate opened up in front of my eyes, wait... is this dark magic? How was Merle able to use it then? These questions can be answered later.

I picked Eleanor and told Cilia to go through the gate. The Huge lizard just sat back and watched. Was it not going to do anything about as leaving? Maybe it got bored because of how weak we are? Whatever the case let us escape here before it changes its mind and decides to attack us again.