
The Saiyan Pirate

Years ago when Gol D. Roger sailed and conquered the grand line, later on we all know he had a son called Ace but what everyone didn't know is that he had a long lost brother. This boy was a energetic one and very courageous but the one thing that stood out was that he had a tail Join the adventure of the Saiyan boy as he travels across far and wide while meeting very powerful people and even fighting someone very close....

YonkoX · Anime & Comics
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

Lily's Pov:

I'm just coming home from the world government meeting and I've realised that this is the day that Akio was supposed to come back home. I shouted at my subordinates to hurry up so I can go back to my village...my home to see my boy.

When I got back to the village everyone greeted me and welcomed me back as it had been a few days since I was here

"where's Akio? have any of you seen Akio"

When I asked that they all went silent until one villager spoke out saying that he had left?? I knew that was impossible since I told him never to go anywhere when I was gone so I dropped all my things and rushed back to the house, to see a note from Akio himself talking about how he left to start his pirate adventure and don't bother looking for him because the only time I'll find him is when I try to capture him for his bounty, As soon as I saw the note I cried because I dunno why I have had a strong bond with that child and now that he has left me its sad but I have to forge on because one day I will have to face him

"Get strong kid so that we can have a even battle" I say with a huge smile on my face.

Akio's Pov:

When I was in the barrel I heard the boat stop and it was just silence so I decided to bust open the barrel to see where I was so I did exactly that as I looked around me I saw that I was in another village that gave me the opportunity to walk around the village and see what I can find.

As I was walking in the village I came across a food section where as you know there was food I was really hungry so I went in and got some noodles and meat. As I gobbled my meal I started to hear about how some people went into a navy base to talk to one of the prisoners apparently it was a kid with pink hair and looked kinda weak a little girl and also a Guy with a straw hat I added myself into the conversation and asked who the prisoner was and they told me it was roronoa zoro this tickled my intrest as i remembered that months ago I heard from the villagers of this 'pirate hunter' and what made me smile even more was that lily herself dispised zoro and that if she ever saw her she would bear him to a pulp.

"Where is this navy base?"

"over there" Pointing at a huge base

"thankss" As I dashed towards the navy base to talk to zoro.

When I got there I saw zoro and the man with the straw hat trying to finish the man I think that was axe- hand morgan as they clashed i decided to help by raising my hand and blasting Morgan which made him fall.


As me and Luffy were going to finish the weak marine a blast randomly came out of nowhere and together we knocked him out but we didn't know where it came from.

"whoops my bad I just wanted to help sorry for stealing it" A kid with black hair with a Orange shirt and black shorts came out of nowhere Luffy looked in shock as if he knew him.


I saw the boy jumping down into the yard and I was shocked because he looked a lot like my brother Ace but Ace didn't have a tail so I have no idea who that is

🍊??🍊 Pov:

I was stealing from the navy Base and I see roronoa zoro with a kid with a straw hat and also I saw another kid but he had a tail which was quite confusing since noone I've seen has had a tail so it confuses me and the weirdest thing about him is that he actually looks quite nice he seems muscular so I'll see what will happen if I see him again

Akio Pov:

"Nice to meet both of you im Akio whats your names"

"Roronoa Zoro"

"Monkey D. Luffy"

"hey do both of you want to join my crew in my aim to become the pirate King" Luffy asked

"Woahh u wanna become the Pirate king i wanna become the strongest person ever"

"I guess me and you have the same goals since I want to become the strongest swordsman" Zoro said

"Nice now let's get back to my ship"

I was very excited but when I saw the boat I was kinda devastated but I realised that these guys are gonna make it fun, so now we decided to set sail to the next destination the adventure of saiyan Akio and the strawhats adventure continues