
The Saiyan Among Heroes(FF)

(This is just the same as the other The Saiyan Among Heroes But moved it over to fan-fic. This is where ill be posting the rest of the chapters from now on) Shin was an ordinary kid, living his life as best he could. playing and hanging out with his friends, going out on dates with his girlfriend, doing whatever he wants. But there was one thing he liked most ANIME. Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fairy Tail, One Piece you name it, he watched it. but there were two animes he loved most DBZ and MHA. As Shin was coming back home after buying snacks and drinks to watch the new DBZ movie. He was unfortunately hit by the infamous Truck-Kun. Watch as Shin takes over the MHA world by storm and becomes the most powerful hero the world has ever known. will he rise up the ranks and demolish everything and everyone or will something sinister take place?

Overload_man32 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

A New found Resolve!

"Prepare yourself All Might!"

"I'm going all out!"

Yelled Midoriya as he launched himself forward towards his teacher with his new founded strength.! Using the opportunity he was just given to launch a powerful punch while he's distracted!

'!" All Might exclaimed in surprise as Midoriya appeared in front of him with fast speed! Showing off-speed he's never revealed before!

He could put up his arms and guard himself at the last second as Midroiya went on the offensive and landed multiple fast striking blows! Continuing to Shock the Big-hero as Midoriya continued to be on the offensive! Landing a few blows with his fists and even kicks!

"Midoriya...." Murmured Shin as he observed the battle in front of him from the sideline. He was clenching his broken left arm. He couldn't believe the strength he was witnessing. He couldn't even keep up with them earlier and he even needed saving! But now here he is actually going toe to toe going up with the strongest hero there is and is actually seeming to push him back!?

Their fight went on for a while before Midoriya had enough and put every single ounce of his new strength into a singular blow! He recoiled his fist back and then proceed to launch it forward!

All Might tried to the best of his abilities to defend himself but was too weakened from his previous fight to do anything as the punch went through his guard and went straight to his face! Sending All Might flying back towards a nearby building and crashing right into it!

He looked on at the collapsing building in front of hit and Instead of continuing his battle with his teacher, Midroiya turned his focus towards his injured teammate as he rushed towards him!

"Shin are you alright!?" Said Midoriya as he appeared right in front of Shin. He began to inspect him all over to see there were any more injuries. He then turned his gaze towards Shin's left arm and began to inspect it closely. hoping that it wouldn't leave any permanent damage.

"I'm alright for the most part. But help me get up would you?" Said Shin as he pushed off Midoriya off of him.

"Alright, I got you" Midroiya said as he grabbed Shin's hand and pulled him towards himself. Shin was about to fall back to the ground but was swiftly helped by his teammate who proceed to help him get steady in the nick of time.

"Midoriya what ha-"

"FIVE MINUTES REMAINING!?" As Shin was about to question Deku's new power-up, Recovery Girl instantly cut him off. Announcing the little time they have left.

"Five minutes! Damn it! This is all might fault! I should have ended it while I had a chance! I don't like being rushed!" Shin inwardly cursed himself as he took in the situation he was in! What was he thinking dragging this battle for too long!?

He had multiple chances to eliminate All Might and all he had to do was just take it! But now here he is suffering the consequences for his actions! Beatin down bloody and with a broken arm to show for it!

And now he has five minutes on the clock remaining!

He shouldn't have played with his food! He didn't believe All Might could possibly be so strong to do point he was forced back! He should have ended this a long time ago!

"Shin.....SHIN!" He was removed from his thoughts as he looked down to Midoriya was shaking him, trying to get his attention.

"What do we do!? We don't have much time left!" There was panic on his face as he said this.

Shin didn't say anything as he looked over to the direction where All Might is then over his broken arm. He thought over all the options in front of him as his mind wandered for a bit.

If they continued to fight All Might, they were no guaranteed chances they could defeat him within a span of 5 minutes. on the other hand, He could tell All Might was rapidly reaching his limit. With Midoriya's newfound strength combined with the strength he has remaining, they could possibly beat him. Or at least put on the handcuffs on him before the time runs out.

If they can't beat him then they could just run for the gate that was directly in front of them. they could just blitz past him and possibly make it time. securing the win. But if they do that All Might could just block their path, preventing them from getting any closer. Besides, it felt wrong for him not to finish what he started and instead just run.

"I guess we're doing this"

He then looked over to Midoriya. He already made up his mind "Were going to Fight to Back"

To Shins surprised, instead of complaining and refusing adamantly to even try to fight back, he shook his head in agreement "Alright if that's what you want to do then I'll follow you all the way"

"You don't want to run away? I thought you wanted to run straight to the gate!? why change your decision?

Midoriya just shook his head as he explained himself "No you wrong, I still want to run away like my body is telling me to. But I can't do that"

"Ever since the beginning of the fight, I've been nothing but a spectator this entire time and I'm got to admit, the thought of fighting All Might still terrifies me. But I have to do this"

"Ever Since I was a little kid, I wanted to become Hero just like All Might. A hero who everybody looks up to. A hero who shines with strength and confidence just like All Might. I don't know how you figured it out, but your right when you said I'm not All Might. Even though he gave me his quirk, That doesn't make me All Might 2.0. If I want to become the next number 1, I can't become a replica, but my own hero"

"That's why I have to do this. To prove to everybody I have what It takes to inherit the mantle and carry on his legacy. To prove that I won't sit idly by and let injustice go on"

"Prove to myself I truly have what it takes!"

"It won't ever happen again! I will fight and this time...I will fight with everything I got!"

Shin didn't as he observed and ingested everything Midoriya just said to him. He could feel his new resolve radiating from him

Shin didn't say anything but eventually sighed "I don't what happened to you to have such a big change in appearance and demeanor. But you seem better off from it"

"What do you mean a change in appearance?"

"You didn't realize?"

Shin then walked over and picked a broken piece of glass from a demolished building a shoved it right into Midoriya's face.

"HAAAAAAA! WHY DO I LOOK LIKE SUCH A DELINQUENT!?" Yelled Midoriya as he snatched the glass from Shin's hands.


Midoriya continued to freak out as he continued to complain about his transformation. How was going to explain to mother that his hair and eyes magically turned blue!

After a while of more yelling and panicking, he slowly started to calm himself down. he realized that there was nothing he could do at the moment.

"At least my hair didn't turn yellow. Now that would have been a disaster" Midoriya said aloud as he thought himself somewhat lucky

"Uh Midoriya, I think you have a bigger problem than your hair color," Shin said as he used his one arm to point in the opposite direction he was facing.

Midroiya dropped the glass and quickly looked behind him and saw his mentor walking out of the building he just crashed into. He seemed physically fine but they could his breathing was more rapid and nearing his limit.

"HEROES! YOU ONLY HAVE FIVE MINUTES REMAINING! WHAT WILL YOU DO IN SUCH A DIRE SITUATION!? WILL YOU RUN AWAY LIKE COWARDS OR WILL YOU STAY AND FIGHT!?" All Might yelled as he got ready to attack once more all while continuing to play as the bad guy.

Midoriya got into his combat stance and prepared himself as lighting surrounded his body once again "Shin can you still fight? Maybe it's for the best if we just run for it"

Shin Also got into his combat stance while adjusting it for the lack of an arm and looked over to his partner. His body was surrounded in a red aura as he Ki was leaking out "Don't worry about me. Even with one arm, I still have enough strength to fight back. But you're going to have to take the lead on this one. I'll be giving you support throughout the fight"

"I also thought of a plan to defeat him quickly as possible"

Midoriya looked at Shin with surprise as he didn't expect him to make a plan in such a short amount of time "You already made up a plan? what is it?"

Shin smirked "We're going to punch him"


Midoriya looked at him like he was some sort of idiot "That sounds like something Goku would do"

"Ya, and yet somehow it always seems to work out for him. CHARGE!"

Then they both charged at the same time. red and blue combined with each other as they launched themselves towards All Might

All Might in response started to run towards them, closing the distance between them. As they got closer, All Might picked up a large piece of debris and chucked it towards the du.

Shin and Midoriya quickly reacted in time as they both dodged in different directions. Shin to the right, Midoriya to the left. As soon as he recovered, Shin started to run again faster than before while he used his good arm to fire multiple ki blasts towards All Might.

All Might put up his guard as he blocked all of the blasts. preventing them from hitting him. unfortunately, before he could react. Shin was already in front of him as he placed his arm at his chest and fired a blast. sending him sliding backward's.

Shin did not relent as he charged at him but instead of using his hand, he used his good legs as he targeted specific spots like his chest and legs. He also switched on the defense as he dodged and side-stepped most of the attacks. He didn't want to get hit again by All Might's powerful blows.

All Might then decided to throw an overhead as his fist was sent crashing down. Shin sensed the danger behind the blow as he used his good hand to backflip away as the incoming fist caused a crater on the road.

then out of nowhere, a certain green, now blue hair boy used this chance to punch All Might across his face! Sending him sliding on the ground before he kneeled on one knee!

He lifted his head to see his so-I mean disciple looking at him. A smile on his face as a blue aura and lighting surrounded his body.

"I won't back down ever again All might!"


All Might yelled as he punched Midoriya right in the face!

Midoriya didn't let that fly, as he retaliated by punching All Might back in the face. He didn't hold anything back as All Might slid back a little before he decided not to hold anything back and proceeded to punch Midoriya in the stomach than in the face!. sending him flying back!

He would have been sent down crashing down to the ground but was fortunately saved as he was grabbed by an arm just in time before he crashed down.

"I got you!" Said, Shin as he let the blue hair boy down and looked back unto All Might


Shin and Midoriya looked at each other and nodded before they charged together while the big hero did the same!

Midoriya was the one on the offensive as he kept the majority of All Mights attention as he landed multiple blows! While Midoriya was the offense, Shin was the backup as he stayed at the sidelines while giving Midoriya support by firing KI blasts towards All Might. All while Avoiding confrontation as he tried to not get run down by the bulky hero!

All Might blocked one of Midoriya's blows then he proceed to grab his arm and spin him round and round at high speeds! Creating what seems to be a little tornado! He spun a little more before eventually throwing him towards a destroyed building!

Midoriya would have suffered serious injury but was fortunately saved by Shin as he used Instant transmission to appear behind him and grab him. Slowing and eventually halting his descent.


Both groups looked at each other as they stood there gasping for air. All three of them were tired and were rapidly reaching their limits.

"ONE MINUTE REMAINING!" Recovery's girl voice once again could be heard once again. Announcing the little time they have left



"Don't look at me! keep your focus on All Might!" Then out of nowhere, Midoriya heard Shin's voice seeming internally. Which shocked him greatly as he didn't expect to hear a voice to randomly pop inside of his!

"I'm speaking to you through telepathy. We don't have that much time left so we need to end this here and now!"

"I'm going to need you to stay back and look for an opening"

"But how am I going to find an opening if he's defending himself from all angles?" Midoriya responded as he talked inwards instead of outwards.

"I'll create an opening for you so stay attentive and gather all of your strength on a singular strike!"

"You going to end this in one punch man!"

Shin finished what he was saying as he sped towards All Might by himself. Midoriya took this chance to hide as he waited for an opening.

Shin rushed at All Might and went all out of the offensive as he punched and mostly kicked multiple times. All Might was able to defend himself as his opponent lost the function of his other arm and landed few strikes.

As their fighting continued to the wire, All Might sensed something was off. As something was missing.

Or someone!

That's when realized that he forgot someone crucial to the situation as his eyes widen in shock!

"Guess you finally realized it huh?" Shin said as he smirked toward's the high man right in front of him! It was too late for him to try anything now!

A shadow appeared over their heads as they continued fighting. All Might looked up to see a small figure blocking the sun with its body. As their body slowly started to descend. All Might was finally able to distinguish who they were.

Their Blue Hair and eyes. Lighting surrounding their body!

It was Midoriya!

"10 SECONDS REAMING!" Recovery Girl yelled from the other side. announcing their time was almost over!

All Might didn't pay attention to this as he put all of it into avoiding the incoming attack. If he can stay on the defensive and evade the next strike! Then this match will be his!

"OH NO YOU DON'T" Shin saw what he was trying to do and as a final act of desperation, launched his fist towards his stomach!

All Might was so focused on dodging Midoriya's attack that he didn't realize the surprise attack.! The fist connected s it went through his stomach.! You could see it from the other side!

As it connected, Shin sent the majority of his Ki straight into All Might's body! He then jumped back and witnessed All Might being shocked all over from the inside of his own body!

"Midoriya! FINISH IT!" Shin yelled as he witnessed the blue-headed Midoriya rapidly descend from the sky!

As he was getting closer and closer to his target, Midoriya cocked his fist back and sent all of his strength into his fist!


"DETROIT!" He pushed his fist forward as he got extremely close

All Might, who was witnessing all of this, tried all with everything he has to get out of the way but just couldn't as his body rejected his commands! He couldn't do anything but stand there!


Midoriya descend faster than ever before as his fist crashed right down upon All Might's face! Sending all of his strength right into his hand!


A massive gust of winds spread far out as the earth quaked the quacked from the impact. Shin covered himself as he stood at the distance. Watching the massive dust cloud in the air before dissipating.

"TIMES UP" Recovery yelled in the Microphone as she finally called time. She had been watching the with great focus as it could have turned deadly at any moment.

Shin ignored this as he got off the ground and started slowly walking towards the big crater right in front of him. He slowly but surely made his towards the edge of the crater and he looked down inside to see Midoriya laying on top of All Might. Both of them were seemingly unconscious due to the collision.

Midoriya seemed to have reverted back to normal as his blue hair turned back into his usual green and the lighting that was surrounding his body just suddenly disappeared. While All Might, now Small Might, reverted back into normal as his unconscious body laid there.

Shin couldn't help but smile as his body couldn't stand anymore and fell back onto the ground.

He could sense people coming from far away from his position. They should be coming here to bring them back. They should arrive in ten or fifteen minutes so he decided to just lay and wait instead of just using Instant Transmission. That would give him a plenty of time for himself and relax a bit.

His mind couldn't help itself but wonder as it reminisced the battle he was in just mere moments before. The vibration in his fists as they collided with the number 1 themselves. The tingling feeling in his back as he gets every time he enjoys himself in the heat of a fight!

If someone were to ask him if he was satisfied he would say he was more than satisfied! He didn't believe the symbol of peace could possibly be so strong! He blew his predictions out of the water! It's just a shame though he couldn't fight him while he was at his peak! Now that would have been a good fight!

He was still surprised though! He still yet couldn't believe he had to use a little more than 80% of his true power!