
The Saiyan Among Heroes(FF)

(This is just the same as the other The Saiyan Among Heroes But moved it over to fan-fic. This is where ill be posting the rest of the chapters from now on) Shin was an ordinary kid, living his life as best he could. playing and hanging out with his friends, going out on dates with his girlfriend, doing whatever he wants. But there was one thing he liked most ANIME. Bleach, Fullmetal Alchemist, Fairy Tail, One Piece you name it, he watched it. but there were two animes he loved most DBZ and MHA. As Shin was coming back home after buying snacks and drinks to watch the new DBZ movie. He was unfortunately hit by the infamous Truck-Kun. Watch as Shin takes over the MHA world by storm and becomes the most powerful hero the world has ever known. will he rise up the ranks and demolish everything and everyone or will something sinister take place?

Overload_man32 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

A Day Before The Trip

(Son Family Residence)

Outside of the Son Family Residence stood a familiar bald head midget. He was wearing a red hoodie with long jeans and a black pair of boots. There was a pendent hanging out around his neck

And that short little man was no other than Krillin

He was outside waiting for the Son Brothers to get ready as they were heading to the mall with some of the boys and girls from the class. They needed to get some supplies for the forest lodge


(A Day Prior. UA)

"How do I get the point across without sounding mean?"

"Some of you are disappointments"

Shin lifted his head up from his desk to see his tired teacher talking to his classmates. He then decided to ignore this and just put his head back down and went back to sleep as he already knew what was going to happen next

Aizawa noticed this but decided to let it go as he knew that he was secretly paying attention and decided to continue on with what he was saying " I hate to announce this but some of have failed your tests"

A weird smile appeared on his face " And that is why all of you will be going to the forest lodge this year"

Everybody roared in excitement as they were happy that they were actually going to Forest lodge. especially the ones who failed. They were more overjoyed than everybody else.

Aizawa being the lazy person, decided to ignore this and continue on with his speech "You be happy to know that surprisingly none of you failed the writing portion of the exam"

If you look closely in the back, You could see tears coming out of a particular spiky-haired boy. He had been studying all night for the past few days for this.

"As for the practical exam though...Kirishima, Mina, Yamcha, and Denki. All for you failed."

"In the exam, we have given you multiple ways of confronting the challenges in front of you. While gauging how well you faced under pressure."

Then everybody slowly started talking among themselves about their experiences and sharing how they felt during their tests."

"In the end, it doesn't matter anymore as all of you will be heading to the forest lodge. But still." Aizawa said as he calmed everybody down.

"Failing grades are still failing grades. Even though everybody will be coming to the lodge, you are still expected to work hard. especially to the four who failed the exam since you'll be receiving special remediation periods. You will be receiving harder training compared to the 23 world tournament. Prepare Yourselves."

"This training will be hell."

(A few hours later)

Slowly the sun went down and eventually it was the end of the day. Some students were packing their things while talking to their friends. Some already left as they were nowhere to be seen.

Shin was packing his things up while talking to Goku, Momo, Mina. his group That he primarily hangs around besides with the Z group with Kirishima and Denki

Soon they finally got themselves ready and decided to head out.

"Um, Shin?"

The group heard a voice as they were one step away outside from the Giant door. They turned their heads to see a familiar green-headed boy accompanied by his pink cheeks friend.

Midoriya walked up to him and asked him a question. There was nervousness written all over his face as he proceed to talk. He was still uncertain about how to have a conversation with the monkey kid.

"Um.....Me and a few of our classmates decided to go to the mall tomorrow to buy some things for the forest lodge. So I was wondering uh..."



Before Shin could even open finish his word He felt something incredibly heavy jump on his back. He tilted his head to see both Mina and Goku right behind. Excitement was written all over their faces.

"To the mall you said!? That actually sounds like so much fun! spending time with everyone while shopping at the same time! come on Shin let's go!"

"Ya Shin! that actually sounds like something fun instead of just training for the rest of the weekend! let's just relax for a weekend! besides, we need to get more ingredients for tomorrow if we're going to make tacos."

Shin couldn't but sigh at the requests of the two. They could be very annoying until they get what they want. He was planning on using tomorrow to get back to his routine of physical training. He had been neglecting it for mediation and tomorrow was the perfect time to use the gravity chamber for his own personal training.

He turned his head towards his girlfriend and asked for her opinion on the matter "Momo what's your opinion on this?"


"Momo are you ok?"

Shin noticed something was slightly off about her. Her focus was on something completely else. He could tell something was wrong but couldn't figure out what it was.

That's when out of nowhere, Momo suddenly started to fall towards the ground! apparently fainting on the spot!


Out of sheer panic, Shin instantly disappeared from his and going as fast as he could in an instant, appeared right in front of Momo and caught her right before she fell onto the ground.

Everyone in the vicinity who hadn't really left saw this happen as they franticly ran over. Making sure if their friend was alright.

"Momo what's wrong!? wake up!" Shin yelled as he shook a seemingly unconscious Momo.

"Somebody get recovery girl! NOW!" Shen then turned his head around and yelled at his classmates.

"I'll go get recovery girl" out in the blue, Tenya raised his in the air and quickly prepared his engines. Since not including the brothers, he was faster out of everyone here. He could quickly get Recovery girl and come



Before Tenya could start making his towards the nurse's office, Shin heard a familiar moaning seeming out of nowhere. when he looked down, a great amount of relief washed over him as Momo's eyes slowly opened.

He made sure she was alright as he inspected her all over and after making sure she was physically alright, he gently helped her off the ground.

"Momo what happened to you?" Said Mina as he appeared right behind Momo and placed her hand on her shoulder. She was extremely worried about her best friend's safety.

Momo, who was leaning on Shin's chest for stability, pushed herself and turned around to her friend "I'm alright. For now, I mean. I honestly don't what just happened. One moment I suddenly didn't feel too well than the last thing I saw was the floor getting rapidly closer"

"I think I'm going home"

She turned back around towards Shin. There was an extremely apologetic look on his face "I'm sorry Shin. I know we made plans to go out and eat but I don't think I will be able to"

Shin just shook his head "You don't even have to say that. Your health is way more to me than going out to grab a bite to eat"

Momo didn't say and planted a kiss on Shin's cheek "Then I'll see you at the mall tomorrow. bye"

Shin nodded his head as he looked at the backs of both Momo and Mina which were getting smaller and smaller. Mina decided to accompany her on her way back to keep her company and make sure she was alright.

Shin continued to observe them until they were completely out of eyesight. He couldn't help but worry about what just happened. All he could was to trust Mina to get her home safely.

And all he could hope that nothing goes wrong..


"Hello! Is anybody home!?"

"I'm coming in!"

The door slowly creaked and eventually opened wide to reveal Krillin walking inside. He had been waiting outside for a few minutes now and was getting tired of waiting.

As he stepped inside he closed behind him and looked around the living room. The TV was turned off and there was no sign that somebody was in here recently. From where he was standing he could see into the kitchen and even then there was nobody in sight. Only dirty dishes that needed to be washed and an empty soda can.

"Where could they have gone? Did they leave early and just forgot about me coming here."

Krillin pulled out his phone and saw that the time was 9:30 AM. One hour before the meet-up time. That means they either left the house early for some other reason or they decided to get an early head start.

He concluded that since they weren't here, to begin with, that he should just mind his own business and should just start making his way to the mall by himself. He quickly put his phone back into his jacket pocket and turned around to walk out of the door.

Before he could walk out of the door, his eyes noticed a photo portrait standing on the living room table. Curiosity quickly got the better of him and he walked over and picked up the photo frame.

The photo showed two identical spikey-haired little boys with their tails hanging up in the air. There was an old man who had a white mustache on his face right behind them with his hands on top of their heads. He could feel the happiness radiating from the Picture as he stared at the trio's smiling faces.

He couldn't help but smile himself as he continued to stare at the picture frame.

"So this is how both of you looked like. If only Momo and Mina so you two like this. They would lose their minds."

"And the one behind them must be Grampa Gohan. You're exactly like how Goku and Shin described. Thank you for taking care of my best friends for all these years."

Soonly his smile went away as he sat down on the chair. slowly but surely past memories he had forgotten resurfaced on his mind. The faces of his dead parents and the little time he spent with them played like a movie theater through his head.

He removed the pendant from his neck and slowly opened it with care. in it lay a small picture showing a couple. On one side stood a bald man who was on the shorter side who you could even call midget size with a smile on his face. Right next to him was a tall, blacked haired woman who was sitting down on a chair. She was carrying a small sleeping baby with six dots on their heads\d.

"Even though I don't practically know anything about both of you. I still miss both of you every single day."

"Wherever you are, I hope you're at peace."

He didn't say anymore as he placed the frame back onto the table and stood up to make his way back outside.



As soon as Krillin was got off the chair, Goku came into the living room with a bat! he was swinging everywhere without regard for safety what's so ever.

Krillin, In a complete panic. picked up the chair he was just sitting on and used it to create distance between the both of them. primarily for self-defense.

"Goku! It's me Krillin! Chill! Chill!"

As Soon as Goku heard these words, he immediately recognized the voice of his friend. He looked down to see his midget friend completely scared"

"Krillin? Krillin!? OOOOOOOOOOOOO! MY DOG! HAHA!"

Goku laughed as threw away his bat to the side and threw his arm around Krillin's shoulder.

"Could You guys keep it DOWN! I'm trying to sleep!"

As soon as Goku placed his hand around his neck. a familiar yellow eye boy came down the stairs. He was wearing a pair of pajama pants. His upper half was bare to see showing off all years of constant training and scars. His hair was sticking up into the air. very identical to Gokus

Krillin at first didn't realize who it was first but quickly remembered the second son twin as they both made eye contact with each other

Krillin's smile resurfaced as he stared at his other friend "Shin is that you! Man, I didn't recognize you due to your hair. You always had your hair different from Gokus. what happened to it?"

Shin wasn't surprised at his half-pint friend's reaction and started to explain "Ya my hair naturally goes back this way every time I wake up. It should go back down after a while but that's beside the point. What are you doing here so early in the morning?"

Krillin was just confessed when he heard this. How could he and even Goku forget about a planned event in which they were reminded off? "Did you two completely forget what we're doing today!? I even sent both of you reminders of today!"

"There was something planned today? I swear I thought nothing was going on" Goku said as he removed his arm around Kriliins shoulders and looked at him with a confused look. He did feel like he forgot something but if he forgot it then it was nothing important.


'You dumbasses! How could you forget that we're supposed to meet up at the mall today!?"Krillin said as he yelled at the two brothers. Cursing at them for being so incompetent for forgetting the plans.

Shin and Goku just continued to stare at Krillin with confused looks on their face before looking at each other trying to see if the other person knew what he was talking about.

Slowly but surely the memories slowly resurfaced into their minds as their eyes went wide opened as they finally realized what they forget "CRAP!"

They turned their heads back to Krillin "WHAT TIME IS IT!"

Krillin complied as he took out his phone and checked the time "It's is 9:50! You guys have about an hour left!"

Both Twins looked one last time before Shin decide to get a head start as he began to run back upstairs into the bathroom!

"I CALLS DIBS!" Goku yelled immediately as he tried to stop Shin by invoking the almighty power of the DIBS!

Shin stopped at his tracks before turning around and flipping Goku off "FUCK YOU AND YOUR DIBS!"


Goku then placed his fings on top of his head and used Instant Transmission to appear right in front of Shin.

Thus began the struggle for bathroom privileges as they tried to get ahead. All the while using every dirty move in the book like biting each all over and even using their tails to trip each other or pulling them away from the bathroom door

Krillin resat down as he viewed the brotherly dispute and waited for the both of them to get ready "What the hell is wrong with does two?"


"So when are you two even going to explain the bite marks?"

Within an hour, Both Shin and Goku had gotten ready after some technical difficulties and along with Krillin made their way to the mall at last. Using Instant Transmission to shorten the time to get there drastically.

Shin was strolling inside the Mall with a beautiful pony-tailed girlfriend by his side and Goku and Mina. They decided to stay as a group and do the shopping together while everybody else decided to go their separate ways.

Both girls were looking at their respective partners as they waited for a response as to why their faces and hands were full of bite marks.

"It's a sibling-thing. You two wouldn't understand"

"So it's normal for the both of you to bite each other?"


Shin said as he looked at the girls with a serious look on his face all while Goku was shaking in agreement in the background. To them, it was a regular thing for them to bite each other. Even if other people found this weird since no regular siblings would do this, it didn't bother them in the slightest.

The girls couldn't help themselves but sigh at the sight of the two.

"OHH! Momo look! The new shop I told you just opened!" Out of nowhere, Mina yelped in excitement and grabbed Momo's attention to show her a brand new clothing shop that had just recently opened.

Momo took great interest as ever since Mina told her about the store grand opening and secretly had been waiting for the day they were finally allowed to shop there.

Momo's eyes immediately turned into stars as she heard this and instantly turned her head towards Shin. "OH MY GOD! LOOK SHIN! I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR WEEKS FOR THIS! CAN WE PLEASE GO THERE!? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!"

Shin was initially surprised at first but couldn't help himself but smile at how cute his lover was acting. He had never seen her act this way but he was happy that see her so cheerful. But he couldn't help but be a little worried as his mind lingered about what happened yesterday. He quickly brushed it aside and pushed it to the back of his mind. hoping it was just a moment of sickness and nothing worse

Shin looked over at the store and saw the massive line that was piling up and quickly looked at his phone to check the time "We don't have a specific time limit so we can take our time. I don't see why not so sure!"

Out of nowhere Shin, felt something embrace him and he looked down to see Momo hugging him tightly and her head in his chest "OH THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU I SWEAR!"

She then grabbed Shin's hand tightly and started dragging all the way to the back of the line that was so long that he couldn't see the end of it. He turned his head to see his brother in the same predicament as he was. "You know were going to have to carry everything ourselves right "

Goku couldn't help himself but frown "Are we still going to have time for that Ichiraku Ramen shop you told me about?"

"Probably not brother. sorry"

"Ah, crap baskets!"


After a hellish hour of standing in line and dealing with extreme boredom and even dealing with an angry group of people in the line which Shin had decided to dub as "Karens", They were finally inside the store.

Shin alongside Goku stood at the side as they waited for everything to be finally over. Bags were hanging off their arms and were even holding some with their hands.

As much as they wanted to get the hell out of there and get some ramen in their stomachs, they couldn't do that to the girls.

Goku who had a bored expression on his face leaned his head back and looked at Shin who also had a bored expression "You know what Shin? As much as I love Mina and all, I can't ever understand women"

"Like what do they even need all these clothes? And why do they even need all these (delicious-looking) bath bombs?

Shin smiled as he turned his head towards his brother "I don't know anything about women either. We're barely scratching the surface here"

Then his face turned extremely serious" But if I know anything about women..."

They turned their heads towards Momo and Mina who were currently brawling it out with multiple older women. It was an absolute warzone as everybody tried to take some clothes before it was taken by somebody else.


"Is that women can be extremely scary"

Before Goku could say anything back, that's when it hit him.

It was a clean, slightly sweet, yeasty aroma that somehow smelled warm like you were inhaling a blanket on a cold winter day.



That's when he looked out of the stoor window and saw a muffin cart right below on the mall's first floor.

Goku wasn't the only one looking out of the store as Shin's gaze was on a particular person he never wanted to see again. His hand was on a certain dork whose hair was fully green.

Even though his face was hidden due to the hood covering his face, Shin could easily make out their facial features.

He could never forget the white-haired bastard who tried to take his life on multiple occasions.

Tomura Shigaraki.

"Hey Goku, I'm going to deal with something right quick. you think tha-"


Shin turned and quickly realized that Goku had suddenly disappeared out of nowhere. All that was left were the bags he was holding before. Which were down on the floor

Shin in a panic, looked everywhere for his brother before he looked down below to see him running towards a muffin cart!


(Down below. first-floor)

"Muffins get ya muffins!"

down bellow on the first floor, there was a group of random pedestrians all surrounding a singular muffins cart.

As the muffin man was simply selling the muffins he had on the deck, he saw a spiky-haired boy slipping through the cracks, and eventually, he pushed to the front of the line ignoring all the angry people around yelling at him.

The boy pulled a bunch load of cash out of his jacket "I'LL TAKE YOUR ENTIRE STOCK!"

"Um kid you can't skip everyone like that I'm going to have to ask you go ba-


(A few meters away)

"I"m so glad we could have this chat! It's great! Thanks, Midoriya!"

"Thank's for telling me all I need to know. You truly are a good guy!"

Shigaraki grip soon tighten as he choked the poor green-haired boy. Nobody seemed to notice anything at all as everybody continued to walk with no idea what was happening whatsoever.

Shigaraki was extremely ecstatic with the outcome of the situation. Everything was clear to him now. It was him, All Might. Society was truly reliant on the heroes and All Might especially. His path was laid out for him.

If he wanted to show everyone true fear and prove how fragile society's sense of safety truly is. He had to kill All Might.

After all, it was his fault.

Midoriya tried with all his strength to break free of Shigaraki's grip. But to no avail as in response, the grip only grew stronger.

"Oops don't struggle now! unless you want to die!?"

Shigaraki said as his grip continued to grow strong by the second. He decided that he already provided his usefulness and so, he was didn't deserve to live anymore.

So in order to end this quickly as efficiently as possible, he was about to place his last finger on Midoriya's neck.


Before he could finish the boy off, a girl's voice rang out of nowhere. They both looked over too to see a short girl of a slender yet curvaceous figure. She is fair-skinned with a perpetual blush on her cheeks. Her eyes are large and round, their irises a warm auburn brown, with rather thick upper eyelashes.

It was Uraraka!

"Is that a friend? No that can't be right"

She said as she looked at the white-haired boy. who was smiling at her.

"Hey, let go of him!"

Soon Midoriya caught his breath and yelled out to his friend. If he didn't try to defuse the situation then she would get her due to his own fault "THIS IS NOTHING EVERYTHINGS FINE! STAY BACK NO CLOSER!"


All of the sudden, he felt that his neck was lighter than before. that when he quickly realized that Shigaraki let go of his grip. He started to cough hard as he gently held his neck.

Shigaraki lifted up his arms and smiled as nothing happened. He got what he came for so he had no reason to stay here any longer "Oh you're here with a friend!? I didn't know! sorry about that."

He then walked and started walking away. with some parting words of course " Be careful. the next time we meet I'll likely have to kill you"

"Oh!? you're leaving so soon!? But you just got here!"

But before he could actually make some distance, he felt something wrap around his neck. But most importantly he heard a voice he hated with all his heart.

He turned his head to the right to see a very familiar face close to his. His hair was spiky and he was wearing a black leather jacket with a red shirt on the inside. But his most identifiable character trait was the boy's glowing yellow eyes. staring into his.

"So...Son Shin!" You could feel the animosity in his voice as he growled and stared eye to eye with his advisory.

"It's been a while....."

"Tomura Shigaraki"

Shin didn't do anything but continue to smile at Shigaraki. Like he was talking to an old friend he hadn't seen for years.

"Why don't we go ahead and sit down and talk for a while? For old times sake"

"I've been dying to see you again"

Shigaraki felt his body forced to move as he was dragged towards a bench nearby by his neck.

"Shin what are you doing!? he's dangerous to get close to away from him!" Midoriya yelled as he tried to dissuade his friend from even getting close to such a dangerous advisory.

Shin just turned his head around and smiled lightly "Don't worry about me. he can't harm me. why don't you two go ahead and continue with you're playdate? This is something I have to do" Shin said as He turned back around and continued walking towards the empty bench. Shirigaki in tow.

The pair couldn't help but blush at the comment while they watched the other two walk away.

Soon the two made their way and sat down on the bench while acting like everyday civilians. But soon the situation turned dire for the next symbol of evil. As he found his neck being chocked by an even more powerful grip than his own

Shin was the one who initiated the conversation "Now since we're all alone now, Can you tell me why you decided to make a cameo today? And what did you say to Midoriya? It doesn't seem right for you to come all this way just to meet a simple UA student"

Shirigaki just crackled as he made eye contact with Shin once more. Even though he knew he was outclassed by a far superior opponent, no fear could be found within his body "Hehehe....You have no power to demand an answer out of me"


Immense pain went through Sharigaki's neck as Shin put more pressure onto his neck. Almost enough that it could break "I'm the only person here with the power to snape your neck like a kit-kat bar. I strongly advise you to spill it before I apply even more pressure"

"Haaaaa....HAAAA" To Shin's surprise. instead of receiving an answer, all he received was even more maniacal laugher out of Sharigaki's mouth It was loud enough to gain some attention from nearby civilians

But soon it became very quiet as the laughter disappeared from his voice. in its stead, it was replaced by a more sinister tone "Tell me, Son Shin...."

"Do you have anything to lose?"

"To lose?"

Shin felt the situation turn more ominous by the second as they continued to lock eyes with each other. Still, he pressed on.

"What do you mean"

"hehe...You still don't understand do you?"

"Your quirk...Monkey Kings Phyisuqe was it? Such an interesting quirk you and your brother have. To be able to overcome any human limitations and grow to high levels of strength. I dare say with enough time, you could even surpass the strength of One For All"

"But that doesn't make you invincible"

"Everybody has a weakness that holds them back from reaching their full potential. Even You"

Shrigaki continued to smile without fear "And If we can't hurt you directly. Then we can hurt you indirectly"

"You may be powerful but in front of us you just anoth--GAHH"

Shrigaki felt his neck once again go through more immense pain as the grip around his neck grow tighter. Even tighter than before. His face went from pain to anger as he unconsciously moved his hand to retaliate.

But an emotion he had long forgotten washed over him as his hand had stopped mid-motion. His face started to sweat as his eyes avoid the persons' hard-felt gaze. He could feel the anger locked on into him.

He had forgotten who he was talking to. How could He? This kid at his age is capable of defeating multiple high-class enemies on his own. He is even capable of giving high-rank heroes like Hawks, Endeavour, and even All Might himself a run for their money.

It was like Death had finally caught up to him as its hand was holding him up by his neck. Just a faint of movement would send him straight to HIFIL!

For the first time in forever...He was frightened.

"I tell you this since I have something more than you to attend to," Shin said as there was anger in their voice. But he ultimately was too tired to continue to deal with him. He had already heard the conversation between Shigaraki and Midoriya.

"I don't care about your little evil organization and frankly my dear, I don't give a damn about being a hero a justice at this point either"

"But anybody and I mean ANYBODY who'd try's to hurt to people I care about.."

"Is going to pay!"

Shin then tightly grabbed Shirigaki by the throat once more and then threw off the bench. freeing him from his captivity.

Shirigaki, who was thrown up in the air a bit, stumbled forward before rubbing his neck "You let me go?" Why?"

Shin got up from the bench and started walking away. But not before finishing what he had to say "I'm letting you go not because I want to but because It would serve no purpose. Putting you behind bars would be a waste of time as those friends of yours would just break you out. It's not worth the hassle, to be honest"

"So go crawl off somewhere and hide. I don't really care. Your days of terrorizing are nearly over

"I don't ever want to see your face again"

Then Shin continued to walk away into the massive crowd leaving the emo by his lonesome. Shigaraki couldn't do anything but grit his lips hard as he looked on into Shin's direction. It was hard enough that blood was slowing out of his mouth.

'You'll regret this!"

Then out of nowhere, a black portal appeared right below him and swallowed him whole. It was so fast that nobody even noticed anything.

Shin as he walked towards the escalator the lead up to the second floor, felt Shigaraki energy suddenly disappear.

"I guess his nanny was here all along" Shin chuckled to himself as he quickly connected and figured that kurogiri was secretly in hiding. Waiting somewhere to quickly extract his young master.


Before he could go back and meet with his group, Shin heard his voice being yelled out as he turned around to see both Midoriya and even Ochako running right towards him.

"Shin, what happened!? why did you let him go!? Midoriya said as he stooped right in front of shin while being visibly confused by his actions.

Shin was secretly annoyed by the boy's interruptions as he wanted to get back to Momo before she and the rest find out he went missing.

Shin sighed and shook his head "It would be a waste of our time. Somebody like him who is important to their plans would do anything to get him out."

After he finished his sentence he stepped on the escalator and slowly ascended up to the second floor.

"Wait where are young going" Midoriya yelled as he watched Shin slowly ascending up.

"I'm going back to my group! I'll see you tomorrow!"

"Wait I have something to ask you!" Midoriya yelled as he looked up to Shin


"How did you know!?" Midoriya yelled as he asked the question he wanted to know for all this time

"It's simple!

"You're All Might secret love child right!?"

"Huh!" Midoriya screamed in shock as he stared back at Shin with disbelief! First Todoroki and now this!?

"w-what!? No th-that's not it! That not it at all! tell him Ochako!" Midoriya said as he tried to get back from his friend only to see her completely shaking from head to toe.

"Dddddddd-Deku...Yyyyyy you're All Mights s-secret love child!?"

"W-what!? no, you don't understand! Shin was joking t-that's all! R-right Shin" Midoriya then turned around and tried to ask for help from his classmates but all he received was silence as Shin was nowhere to be seen.

With a panic look on his face, he had no choice but to dissuade Ochaco by himself.


After saving his classmate from certain death, Shin went back to the store to see his main trio Goku, Momo, and Mina waiting outside of the store. currently talking with each other.

As Shin walked powered toward's his favorite people, Goku was the first one to notice. Goku's eyes sparkled as he launched forward's to see his brother.

"Shin! Shin! I have something to show you! I found something that blows even tacos out of the park!" Goku said with excitement with his voice as he shoved his hands in front of Shin's face.

Shin couldn't help but smile at Goku's enthusiasm "Oh ya what is it? I can't believe you found something you like even more than tacos"

Shin didn't realize but Momo and Mina quickly made their way towards them and stood right beside the two.

Goku in excitement separated his hands to reveal...

A muffin?

"A muffin? really?" Shin said as he had a surprised look on his face. He knew that muffins were obviously delicious and all but he knew about Goku fascination with tacos so it made it very skeptical

"Of course! The optimum proportion of ingredients, mixing, and baking results in this perfect round object that we call a muffin! This Shin is the result of years of human minds working together to create such a delicious yet proportionate, and creative delicacy! THIS IS PERFECTION!"

"I didn't realize you can use such big words!"

Shin's eyes were filled with surprise as he continued to listen to Goku rambling. He has never seen his brother being so passionate about anything besides fighting, training, and tacos.

Momo just giggled as she looked at Shin "He's been like this ever since he showed us the muffin as well. I have never seen him so excited like this. It's really cute!"

Shin just sighed as he looked onto goku who was rambling to Mina " I guess I'm going to learn how to bake muffins"

Momo just giggled again and took out her phone "We have a few more hours before we have to go home. why don't we go get something to eat before we leave"

"OHHH! OHHH! SHIN CAN WE FINALLY GO TO THAT ICHIRAKU RAMEN SHOP!?" Goku suddenly appeared in front of the couple with the same exciting look. he desperately wanted to visit the shop ever since they saw it.

Momo just sighed at the site "I wished we could go to a restaurant shop rather than some ramen shop but fine. It's either that or we don't eat anything at all"


Goku yelled as he raised his into the air and roared out into the air with excitement at the prospect of finally getting something to munch on. He then ran Mina and grabbed her hand and started walking towards the other side of the mall. Hands in tow and a smile on both of their faces.

Both of them smiled as they continued to stare at the pair who were making a distance between them.

"Shall we go catch up?" Shin said he turned his towards Momo with a smile on his face. He didn't want to show it but he was badly hungry as Goku and was equally excited about trying out this new ramen shop.

Momo didn't say anything but nodded with a smile on her face as well. Shin didn't have to say it but she knew all too well that he was extremely excited about eating just by the look on his face. She practically knew everything about him. Including his ungodly appetite and stomach.

They both intertwined their fingers with each other and then started walking towards the ramen shop. quickly closing the gap between each group but not completely.

As they were walking and filling the air with their conversation, Momo averted her eyes and looked at shins just for a split second. But a split second was more than enough to realize there's worry behind Shin's eyes "Shin I can tell your bottling something. What's wrong?"

Shin, who was surprised by the question, feigned ignorance and just kept a smile on his face "Mhhh? nothing wrong at all. How did you make up such an assumption?"

Then Momo right behind him "You're tail wiggles like crazy when you lying

Shin turned around and sure enough, his tail was wiggling all over " Damn it. My own tail is working against me!"

Shin at this point couldn't help but sigh as he was caught in a lie. "I just can't stop thinking about how you fainted yesterday. The way you were just staring into space and then out of nowhere just suddenly collapsed. I just can't help but be worried about you that's all. Are you sure that you're alright? maybe you go see a doc-"

Before he could finish what he had to say, he felt his hand being griped than it was before. He tilted his head and was met with black eyes staring into his yellow eyes " Shin, I love that you care for my well-being but honey, you have to stop being so anxious. I don't feel bad like yesterday and it was just a one-time thing. If I feel anything wrong you'll be the first one to know. So please stop being so worried. If not for yourself, but for me"

Shin didn't say anything but just stood there for what felt likes minutes. No words were spoken until Shin just chuckled and smiled back "Yea you're right. You're always right. I got to stop worrying about what-ifs and just focus on the present"

He then tightened his hand as well " When I saw you falling to the ground, panic instantly overflowed throughout my body. I just don't want anything bad to happen to you"


"Alright!" Then shin yelled with excitement out of nowhere and looked back a smile back on his face "Let's not worry about this anymore and catch up with Goku and Mina! I want some ramen in my belly!"

Momo just sighed before giggling "Sure but do we have to eat ramen? I would prefer if we actually got some good food from a restaurant rather than some ramen shop that just opened up from out of nowhere"

"Nope! My stomach wants some ramen and that's what I need to eat. I don't make the rules here. I do what the stomach guides"

Momo then pouted a little "Fine, Fine. we'll go get some ramen. I swear you just think with your stomach rather than your brain. I didn't even know it was humanly possible for someone to eat so much at once"


With cheerful expressions on their faces, They both started walking to the other side of the mall hands in two and all the while just taking their time. Both of them were laughing and giggling as they enjoyed each other's company. ignoring the world and its problems around them

Shin glanced over for a second and took in the sight that was in front of him. All he could do was stare at Momo's smile which radiated happiness all around his body.

Shin than smiled

"I'll protect that smile. No matter what"

This chapter was so unnecessarily long

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