
The Ruthless Mafia Plaything

Vivian has just had a fall out with her boyfriend and she decides to go drink it out with her best friend Penelope. She then has a fateful encounter with a stranger where she makes a promise she never intends to fulfill. Years later, Vivian goes looking for a job and crosses path again with that same stranger who demands that she fulfill the promise she made to him. There Vivian discovers he is not who she mistook him for and that my friends is where their story begins..........

Deevine23 · Urban
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50 Chs


Vivian's pov.....

I told Cory everything on our way to the hospital, even the fact that Kate had threatened my family thereby leading to my mother been admitted in the hospital. After listening to my story, he assured me that everything was going to be fine but I knew better, nothing was going to be fine, he only said that to make me feel better.

"Welcome sir".

"Good day to you sir".

"You are looking fresh sir".

"How are you doing today sir" and many more greetings were offered to Cory immediately we entered the hospital, I mean everyone who crossed our pact bowed their heads to him.

I smirked "Looks like your popularity extends to hospitals as well".

He chuckled "Ohh this, it's not nothing really, this is just one of Adamson's facility, he owns everything here". Why am I not surprised, he is the King of London afterall.

We walked over to the V.I.P section where Pete was standing waiting for us and Adamsonnnn.....wait! Was he sitted on the couch comfortably with his legs crossed and eating some Raisin Bran?.

Cory raised his brows "Adamson?".

Adamson turned to him and smiled "Hey Cory, you came".

Cory crossed his arms " Yeah I did but tell me you are seriously not doing this Adam".

He shrugged "Doing what?".

"Your unborn child along with his mother are in intensive care right now and you are just sitted here comfortably eating some Raisin Bran?".

Adamson glanced at the Raisin Bran in his hands and then at Cory "It's good, want some?" Then his eyes met mine and he cocked his head "Why is she here?" I knew this was going to happen.

Cory shielded me like Adamson was suddenly going to pounce on me "She's with me" and Adamson shook his head "Why did you bring her here, you shouldn't have done this Cory".

I frowned "At least am actually worried about Kate, am not so relaxed enjoying some cereal".

He grinned at me "You do remember you are reason we are here in the first place".

I bit my lips, this guy always had a way of shutting me up "I didn't do it on purpose".

"Yeah right" and he went back to eating his Cereal.

Just then, I received a text from COLE? what did he want from me, I thought I already told him off, I wanted to ignore the message but something told me to read it, it might be something important. The message was requesting for my presence in the hospital mum was admitted, how did Cole get the news that mum was admitted in the hospital, did Celia inform him? But more importantly, why was I needed there, has mum finally been discharged, or did Cole tell her that we were no longer together? That bastard, he was going to hear the end of it if he actually did that. Anyways, I needed to find a way to leave here without anyone noticing cause it would be so tiring to start explaining how I got a text from my ex.

Adamson glanced at me and then at the phone in my hands before he smiled "Got to run".

I frowned "Am not running, I got a call from the hospital" and his smile fell.

Pete raised his brows "Hospital? is everything okay?".

I shook my head "I don't know but that's what am going to find out".

Cory faced me "Maybe I should go with you" But I shook my head "No need, Kate needs all the family she can get, I'll be back soon" and I left.