
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasy
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75 Chs

End of the tournament!

As the three stood in the passageway scanning the entire ship from the inside Alex looked around and said "we can finally scan it or we might be lost for a few hours" said Alex as the others nodded as they started walking in a direction as they made their way through the dreadnought they saw robot factories building robots every second they continued moving along seeing a lot of rooms but no people they saw an ammunition manufactory along the way they did meet some robot security but they were nothing at all as they finally made it to their destination the power generator room as they entered they saw a gigantic reactor " a zero-point energy reactor? That's kinda primitive for this kind of ship" said Alex with a weird face as Sophia added "come to think about it all technology here is primitive maybe this is apart of the nerf I want to see what kind of stuff the full powered dreadnought has" said Sophia as the others nodded while Jared said "although this is primitive to us as we have control of all energy but to others this is a treasure" as Alex nodded and said "right zero-point energy is virtually impossible for pre-space faring civilizations even space faring civilizations with multiple systems under their control might not have it" although not of them look down on others but this technology is way too primitive for ultimas in this giant universe if you don't have a jump drive or warp drive you could not efficiently expand let alone a zero-point reactor if you don't have a jump drive or warp drive you are still in the beginner village in their view, as they finished their conversion they immediately got to work to dismantle the reactor although it would be cool to blow up the whole space ship that's not efficient in the process of dismantling Alex got impatient and just smashed the reactor core Sophia and Jared just looked at each other and shook their head

As soon as the reactor core got destroyed you could instantly see the dreadnought lose power which was quickly caught by the deputy captains as they instantly called for a cease fire as the ships immediately stopped firing after receiving command as the soldiers continued to clear out the robots as they couldn't stop until they were cleared a few minutes passed and all the robots were cleared so they stood their near the dreadnought waiting for their captains so did the fleet as 3 figures appeared on top the dreadnought they immediately took the soldiers to the fleet to get ready to meet forefather the crew and soldiers were well disciplined and knew it was not time to celebrate, as everyone got into their ships a blinding light covered their eye sight for a second then they appeared in the same place before they went into the second round but now they were surrounded by cheers as the ultimas on the sitting areas were already celebrating with bears in hand so was Stephen as he was confident in his friend winning this tournament so he was drinking with Mia and celebrating, kirean seeing everyone already celebrating just smiled and said to Amber "hey Jared gave us a good suggestion we could uplift primitives with technology and gift technology ofcourse this is limited to regular technology like the zero-point reactor stuff others can actually use" amber nodded on this while Gaia said "forefather I already made this protocol I was going to bring it up once we came across primitives or a civilization" said Gaia as she brought a paper to amber and kirean with a detailed description "good job Gaia this should help us in the future" said kirean as Gaia just smiled while amber said "forefather I will have some scientists focus on this" said amber as she made the zero-point reactor in only a day she and kirean have no doubt that the other scientist will not have a difficult time

"Adam who was the most impressive to you in the second round" asked kirean as he looked at the three captains "forefather I have to say Alex this tournament was practically made for him" said Adam with a neutral face as he didn't care who won as they are all his captains "yes this tournament was well suited for him but in the next one it won't be the same" said kirean as he stood up and the crowd instantly quieted down as the soldiers straightened their backs seeing everyone ms eyes on him kirean said "first of all I have something to announce we will be introducing a new law the initiative protocol, it's practically a law in place to give fleets even more autonomy as the laws allows us to give a yearly amount of money to each fleet that the captains will use to pay wages and even build new ships they can also hire more crew and soldiers for theyre fleet aswell as allowing them to name they're fleet and allow them to customize the color of they're fleet captains can also use theyre resources and coins to build new ships, the fleet naming and customization is to give crew and soldiers a sense of belonging to the fleets so they fight harder for the fleet, this law will be put into action as soon as we leave this virtual world" as kirean finished introducing the law you could hear whispers of people talking about the law all of them are excited as this gives them the possibility of seeing bigger fleets and that they have a higher chance of joining as soldiers or crew as everyone was excitedly talking about the law so we're the soldiers they were the ones most excited if it were for their discipline they would of been jumping around in excitement, kirean waiting for everyone to calm down to finish of the tournament by announcing the winner and the prize