
The rise of the Ultimate species

Kirean silver dies in a nuclear blast, ends up getting an opportunity of a lifetime with his own overpowered species and his system see how he conquers his new universe! !!don’t worry about the Ultimas being over powered early on because they will really need it when they start expanding out words this is not a chump universe a runt here can be a god in others and they’re a lot to happen before they start steamrolling everyone like a lot I don’t think it’s going to be until a a hundred or a few maybe less oh and my grammar and spelling is trash I’m new!!! Plz don’t read for a serious novel because I’m really bad and it’s going to take time to improve so take it like something fun to read and make fun off but don’t take it serious btw this novel is very unrefined most of this is coming of the top of my head all I have is a general idea so if you have any advice or ideas of yourselfs plz tell

TheprimordialGod · Fantasy
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75 Chs

Inside the dreadnought!

"Do you think they are finally use the elements" said kirean as all of them use elements for everything if kirean were to tell you every instance of ultimas using the eye of elements he would have to talk for eternity Adam thought for a second and said "forefather I believe they are the first round was mainly about strategy and formations they didn't really try with their personal strength but this round is different they have to show their all" said Adam as amber who was attentively watching the fleets said "it's a pity we still haven't figured out how to allow the ships to use the elements aswell a ship that can use all elements to oppress you would be" amber stopped her sentence as she realized she hasn't even thought of this before if she did this would already be a thing after all the elements are a form of energy it only makes sense that energy could create elements as she thought of this she was getting excited and started doing calculations in her head as the others strangely looked at her as kirean said "well looks like we can expect new technology" as the others started laughing

As the fleet and dreadnought flew ever closer you could see flak shooting from the dreadnought cover the void as the fleet also retaliated making the void look like fireworks went of as explosions scattered across the void as they were about the clash you could see the three captains in the command room all of them with their eye of elements open with their armor on their bodies, typically an Ultima had no reason to not use their eye of element in battle but the first round was strictly for fleets the soldiers acting as strike craft were technically part of the fleet but were stopped from using the eye of element but this round is all about power so they can finally use their strength, "you guys ready" asked Alex with excited eyes as he could finally fight in person Sophia was also excited she was still the ferocious girl that won the 2nd tournament after all while Jared was the calmest as he nodded "yes ofcourse and watch each others backs" said Jared as Sophia and Alex gave him the side eye and said "ofcourse who do you take us for?" Said Alex as Sophia nodded while jared smirked and "you guys looked a little too excited" said Jared as Sophia was about the respond the ship shook as they looked at each other and instantly got serious "ok let's go" said Jared as he led them out as Alex said to the coms officer "tell all soldiers to meet behind the battle ship that's the head of the formation right now" said Alex as he quickly caught up with Jared and Sophia as the coms officer immediately sent his orders as the three captains and the soldiers were regrouping to battle the ships already started fighting the dreadnought they quickly surrounded the dreadnought with all weapons pointed at it but it wasn't going down with out a fight as it had more fire power then they thought 100,000 of small weapons with medium to short range fired as the dreadnought quickly brought the battle into a stalemate, behind a battleship that was currently broadsided firing all its weapons at the dreadnought were 3 million soldiers and the three captains "looks like it really hid some firepower" said Alex as the others nodded as Jared said "don't worry about that we will win for forefather get ready" said Jared as everyone got tense while Alex got into the leading position as time passed and the battle got more intense Alex finally made his move he lead the 3 million and two captains as the rushed to the dreadnought at top speed as they rushed you could see all ships instantly amp up the fire power giving suppressing fire to take the dreadnoughts attention as the army made it to the dreadnought after minutes of flying through explosion they started immediately attacking flame sword slashes, millions of weapons infused with elements hit the dreadnought that was not all as they also attacked with the raw elements fire,ice,lightning and plenty of more elements filled the vicinity of the dreadnought but the damage was minimal as they could only dent and leave gashes so the soldiers started attacking the parts already damaged by the fleet combat in hopes to get into its hull as for the three captains they we're currently together

You could hear loud bangs and see shockwaves coming from all over the dreadnought as the soldiers were trying to do the maximum damage they could the loudest was coming from the top of the dreadnought as the three captains were here the two stood aside as you could see Alex madly pouncing the hull with every punch a hill sized dent will appear followed by a shockwave as he kept punching and getting deeper weird doors on the ship hall opened where billions of robots came out "well looks like I can finally have time to have fun" said Sophia as she rushed to the robots without even thinking as Jared shook his head and stood still to make sure Alex wasn't disturbed, not only the three captains were facing the robots as it seemed all around the dreadnought robots came out as you could see ultimas fighting them although they were billions and billions of them they couldn't stand a chance one punch could turn one into dust but there were too many of them the number looked almost unlimited as the ultimas were using extremely wide ranged attacks to instantly destroy them all but more would always come out, a dark passage way with no one insight you could hear explosions from above that get louder and louder soon the ceiling of the passage dented with each explosion as the last hit lands the dent burst open as the passage shakes "finally i made it through" a voice sounded out from the passage when the dust settles you could see 3 ultimas standing there looking around