
Chapter 2 the origins part 2

After my uncle took me out before I beat up those old geezers, he explained the whole situation to me and why the young man from the longkai family took an interest in my sister. What happened was my parents' fault for a change, which was that they offended the young heir of the family, and knowing that they were my parents and that I had a sister, he had no better idea than to do that, not only to become in my brother-in-law to bother me, if not also another to enslave and have my parents in their hands. The worst thing was that he hadn't done this before, I knew the bastard was only doing it for me to become his servant. This was not only a slap to my pride as a warrior but also that he was despising me, I was always calm, understanding and patient, but this is no longer out of line. After my uncle told me this, I told him about my thoughts he agreed with my assumptions also that he did not disagree with what my parents, more especially his older brother who was my father, but he told me that he did not He could help with this issue and even more so when he was the leader of the family, it would be seen as favoritism among the general public.

I understood my uncle's position and it wasn't like he didn't want to. My uncle really loved me and my sister very much, it was just that his position as head of the family prevented him from getting involved in this issue, also it was not like my uncle had total control within the family, a part of the power of the family. family fell in the jurisdiction of the long-awaited of the family, so I did not have any anger towards my uncle, besides if he has done a lot for us so I did something crazy. At the royal family banquet, I challenged the young longkai heir to a Ragnak, everyone went crazy at the banquet, no one dared to do what I did besides it was forbidden, at that time I could hear.

-This brat how can he be so disrespectful-

-Yes, also in front of the royal family-

-I feel my condolences to the family that raised such a disrespectful brat- and other comments made a voice sound in the room.

-Brat as through knee in front of the young longkai heir and more in the presence of his majesty-That voice was heard it was from a woman it was my supposed mother, who I can't stand and got down from her assigned seat to just slap me, to then try force me, but before he did that to me someone said

-stop I said in peace to the young man-

-but your majesty-

-Just stand aside if you don't want the execution-

At that moment, his mother came down and said- I'm sorry, your majesty, it won't happen again- and she simply got up and left, but not if she whispered something in my ear first- do something stupid, little brat- and after telling me that she it was like that seat.

After that moment that the whole room was silent because of that scene the one who stopped my mother said- well can you tell me why you challenge the young raiser even knowing that you are not a cultivator - that was the name of the young heir of the longkai family or at least that's what i remember

I said with all respect in the world at that moment- I know your majesty I know I didn't wake up with the blessing of cultivation, but still I can't allow my sister to finish and even more knowing that this is partly my fault for being a bad brother -

- What do you mean? - asked the king

- which I mean make weak and not be able to protect my sister. Because I'm not a cultivator, I feel useless as a brother, an older brother protects and cares, but I can't do that because I'm weak, so I want to do this-

-but young man you know the consequences of the challenge you are giving and besides you are not a cultivator you could die-

At that moment I knelt down and put my head on the ground as a symbol of supplication, in turn I said -yes I know and I don't care and I don't mind dying either-

-but young man you have a bright future you could even become someone important in the royal court because you would throw everything for a challenge also what would happen to your family no answers your own life-

Then I raised my head and said- your majesty with all the respect in the world, but I really feel that I never had a family-

-what do you mean- asked the king with furrowed eyebrows

-It's nothing that your majesty should worry about, but the only ones I really consider my little sister and my uncle are the only ones I consider family-

-I understand, but I want you to give me a reason why this challenge between you two is allowed-said the king with a voice that really impressed me

I had because I did it so that the kingdom would not be a matter of ridicule from the other kingdoms, that's why I said- the reason is very simple, your majesty, I even said it before, worse in parts-

"You're talking about your sister's marriage, isn't it?" said the king.

-exactly that is the reason why I launched the challenge to raiser, because I do not want him to marry my sister, and I hope he does not have to give more explanation, but if I have to give more explanations, one is because everyone knows what it is the just particular of raiser, besides that as I said before I couldn't deal with being a good older brother, I know that if I don't do something I will regret it for the rest of my life-

When my king's face gave me a melancholy face, but I didn't understand even now I don't understand what that face represented, but leaving that behind, the king told me- young Max your challenge to the young raiser has been accepted, put your conditions-

At that moment the whole room fell silent until many curses were heard, but only one of them caught my attention were curses from my opponent from the longkai family who was a raiser who could be seen very angry besides the fact that he seemed to want spit out a piece of blood and just stood up and shouted -how dare you piece of shit scholar think of fighting me besides you're not even a cultivator-

at that moment there is a somewhat awkward silence between everyone inside the room until an impudent aura that mediates from the king flooded the entire room and the king said- young raiser I suggest you calm down also that I've had enough of your nonsense on the part of my daughter knows-

at that moment raiser's face turned pale I wasn't going to lie that made me very funny, but continuing raiser said- it wasn't to offend him, but I'm thinking about the king and about the kingdom what would the others think- he said it stuttering if not If he was in the presence of the king at that moment, he would most likely knock me to the ground and trade me uncontrollably, but I couldn't do it because of the king's presence, but now that I think about it, it was funny.

but continuing with the above, the king replied- that does not matter my ancestors, when they created the kingdom they made the Ragnak, with the purpose of resolving disputes between people who no longer had reconciliation, that is why they created it and there are no sections for those who challenge them to a fight to the death

-yes I know but what about my family I remind you that this would bring dishonor to my family and the kingdom for facing a simple scholar against me a young promise who will make a name for himself in this world- said raiser with the purpose of making the king reconsidered the challenge and obviously the public agreed with raiser

But since the king was not someone easy to intimidate, he yelled- ENOUGH- that was when everyone shut up after the king saw that everyone had already shut up. I've had enough that you're trying to seduce my daughter you know, also that you're trying to refuse to fight someone in a Ragnak, a tradition that has been maintained since the kingdom was founded so don't be inert to reject it you understand- everyone was silent even a raiser who had much more to reply at that time was heard once again in the room -UNDERSTANDING YOUNG MAN-

-Yes understood- he could only gnash his teeth and lower his head

-good and put your conditions for the Ragnak-

After 30 minutes we both agreed, although I did not like one of the conditions that they imposed on me, but if I did not accept it he would not accept it, so I accepted so that in the next moment the king would announce Ragnak – attention to all from this moment I announce the Ragnak between the young Max of the setsuro family against the raiser of the longkai family in 3 years they will face each other in the Ragnak-