
Chapter 3 the origins part 3

After the king's banquet I was not surprised by what my family did to me, when I came back they kicked me out of the family for what I had done not even my uncle could do anything, and I didn't blame him any worse for that if they told me I could do what yes, I was run over by the raiser longkai, that I could return to the family at that moment I took it as a joke, I really wasn't stupid, after that they beat me up and then threw me out on the street.

If I was honest myself, I hadn't felt anything for the beating that my family gave me, the only thing that, if it hurt me was to see my sister try to stop the beating, but until the end she was with me even when they threw me out on the street, she was there until you got me up and then she started crying, telling me that it was her fault it really hurt me to see her like that, and the other one who stayed was my uncle who told me some money along with the same personal things or at least the ones that I had, to support myself, he told me to take care of myself, the same thing my sister said, and then they both made a promise so that later I would leave the capital.

Travel during the first month went fairly well, so in the month I finally managed to become a cultivator, in turn in that same month I got my first partner skyuki, a snowflake owl that was a female, snowflake owls snow were characterized by having their white plumage, in addition to having the particularity of having small blue tones in their white plumage that resembled blue ice, in addition to having an affinity with the wind and with water, but it was only slightly, that is why the name .

But let's not say it wasn't easy to become friends with her, first because she didn't trust me this I knew because she would itch or scratch me when I tried to get close, and the other was because of our soul connection with which I discovered the second reason why What she didn't trust in me was that some people had taken her away from her family to sell her in the cities.

To then give them to those who had just woken up, along with their family members they were captured and the only reason they could escape was because when they were being transported, the transport that was carrying them suffered an accident, so they could later escape, and then suffer an accident a beast stronger than itself, for me later it will find it will hurt, so that I can take care of it and become my first companion; but that was after i gained her trust because i really had to work really hard to get her to trust me, and all of that went on for a whole month.

At first it was difficult to gain his trust as I never had social skills as I was just a scholar before I woke up, not to mention I talk to many people like me as I disliked them for their way of thinking and doing things , although I couldn't expect much for people who were always children with a golden spoon as such they were raised the way they were.

That they believed that the entire world would be in the palm of their hand, and that thought is not entirely wrong since knowledge is power even cultivators had to study to understand beyond their current cultivation realm.

But going back to the above, since I had no socialization skills, I had to be guided by what, reading the books as it was, was TERRIBLE! I never thought it would be wrong at the time, although they couldn't blame me for doing anything, since the book i read about snowflake owl was from another kingdom where snowflake owl was native, so i wasn't surprised that they gave the kingdom the wrong formation, to get the upper hand and make their beasts disobey when they reach a certain age , and kill his his master.

Luckily I was able to express to her to a certain extent skyuki, since she more or less could understand what she was trying to tell me, although I don't forgive myself, but I learned a wise lesson thanks and that was, don't believe everything they read and tell you, because yes some people told me that it was like that too, so after that accident with skyuki I decided that I would create a blog for my partner and my next partners.

To know what they liked and what they disliked, so that they could feel comfortable with me.

I don't think I've ever told anyone this before, but I always dreamed that beasts would be my friends, if I knew that in my world most people considered demonic beasts as weapons, but I considered them as friends, companions that I could trust. in them, that's why I wanted to understand and help my colleagues who may be my friends in the future.

To fight together that is why when I became friends with skyuki I was so happy, that I even almost cried with joy that she accepted being my partner, on my trip I wanted to give her a name like that suddenly a name came up that, although I never named nothing in life came to me suddenly and at that moment I said


Apparently he had liked the name as he let out little squawks of approval so that's how I continued with my journey to be able to get stronger to take care of my precious people.