
chapter 1 the origins part 1

Cold that was the only thing I could feel, from the cold metal of the knife that cut my throat, at this moment at the moment of my death, now that I am in this situation, I wonder how to get to this point, and now I see it happen all my life passing through my eyes, now I remember, my name was Max I was a 15 year old boy who was in the third year of middle school, who was going to high school, you couldn't say he loves to my parents, because they got married because my mother got pregnant with me, when she was still young, so their parents forced them to get married, from that I was born, my parents, although they seemed kind people, were all On the contrary, they really were horrible people, even considering committing suicide when I was barely 3 years old, even not knowing the meaning of that word, the only thing I knew was that I didn't want to continue in this situation, if someone asked me what, it wouldn't be so bad, would it? Most likely you are exaggerating and that did happen no one believed in me I did a lot to get people to believe me but nothing related and what I did only made my hell called home worse for me and my little sister and Now that I think about it, if it weren't for my little sister Monica, I would most likely have committed suicide, at my age of 4, it was only because she was born that I didn't commit suicide, I couldn't allow her to live that hell alone, so I swore to myself from that moment, that I would protect her even if it costs me my life, that's how the years passed and we both grew up, me as a 15-year-old high school boy and my sister as an 11-year-old elementary school girl, everything for both of us I improved in those years thanks to the help of my uncle who was the leader of the family, we managed to improve our situation at that time thanks to him I was able to live a life like a boy my age, thanks to that I met one of my franchises favourites, called Pokémon was a game that made me happy on that day of misfortune for that, I am grateful to my uncle for allowing me and my little sister to have this opportunity, but still I understood something that I could not always depend on my uncle all my life and that of my sister, so we tried to have a fairly normal life while we trained and while we still continued with school that was all we did all that time, so it would have continued if it were not for that day the day everything went away shit , a day that I thought would be another day as I discovered something that I think they wanted to hide from me, I discovered that my sister is engaged because of my parents, at first she calmly fears it but then I explode with fury, I could not believe that my parents could do that to his own blood, and the worst with someone that all the people knew was a terrible guy that the whole kingdom knew and more the female population was afraid of the young heir of the longkai family, it was known that his young heir was a promising warrior very talented that even the royal family sees his potential, also his family was not a small family if it was not one of 5 most powerful families without counting the royal family and also that my family was one of 5 families, the only 2 defect that the young heir of the longkai family had was that one was one who used his power and influence to make life impossible for poor people in addition to some powerful families, and that was my case even knowing the same mo that he was my oldest that never mattered to him even being 3 years older than me that never stopped him, because of my appearance no one defended me just because of my appearance that it seemed that I could kill someone with only if they bothered me I always tried to make friends but everyone was afraid of me, now that I think about it maybe if I had changed maybe just maybe I had the opportunity, I don't know if it's funny or sad to know this now that now that I'm dying; I already look like an old man doing this but what was I doing, and the other defect that he was a terrible person with women he treated women like sex toys and if not only this was enough for them he took away from women who were even already married , even with 18 years old the young longkai heir also already married with 8 wives and increasing, but there are even blushes that his wives are raped every night, and knowing the fame of the young heir like this I made a decision I was not going to allow my sister married a man like that, so I went to my uncle but he wasn't going to have good news for me either, there I found out that it was the elders of the families who agreed to this proposal also there I heard something keeps repeating itself in my mind and just thinking about it makes me angry.

Finally that useless brat will serve something.

If you have, it's disappointing that he hates fighting.

But if you weren't like that, think that it will be of some use.

If you're right, at least it will be of some use to the family.

She must be proud that it will be of some use to the family.

I really almost jumped towards the elders, to try and kill them, if it wasn't for my uncle holding me immobile, I would have hit them even if it meant my expulsion from the family.