
The Richest Man In The Entire Multiverse

A man who enjoys the richest in all dimensions. Known as The Wealthiest Man in the Entire Multiverse, his wealth spans kingdoms, surpassing time and space itself

Quirktopia · Fantasy
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I Can Buy Whatever I Want

Chapter 200 But This Chapter 2

" -- He watched something on ViewTube and saw that it had a lot of views, so he made his own ViewTube channel and saw Mr. B3@st 's ViewTube."

Rendon LabanDura: "What the heck, the views on this are so high, almost 100 million. I wonder if P3NIS and Verd watch this? Or maybe 0ggy and the Kokonatchest ? Can the three cockroaches, Taguro, Rudulpo, and Yujistube, also create a ViewTube channel? For my first channel, should I take Mr. B3@st as a challenger? Hmmmmmm?"Rendon LabanDura (mind) : I can also have my channel on billboards or advertise it worldwide

Rendon LabanDura (mind): "That could work. Then I'll put my channel on billboards or ads all over the world."

Rendon LabanDura : Yeah, I'll create a ViewTube channel. If they don't want to watch, I'll trade the planet for it. That's right, let's start creating my ViewTube channel. Okay, then click 'Sign In,' then 'Create Account.' Okay, my email is MQube@Kokonat.cmo, and for the password, 'Natoy, I love you dearly

Rendon LabanDura (Reading) : what's your birthday

Rendon LabanDura : They're asking for my birthday, just ask my mom, and then next.

Rendon LabanDura (Reading) : Where do you live?

Rendon LabanDura : It's asking a lot of questions. 'Where do you live?' 'Where do you live?' Obviously, at home. What else? Okay, let's move on

Rendon LabanDura (Reading): What device are you using: phone, PC, an Apple Pro Max fully paid, or Android?

Rendon LabanDura : Wow, I hope everyone has an Apple that's fully paid. Whatever here is fine, okay,, Oh, by the way, I already have a lot of Apples, maybe around 1 billion Okay Next.

Rendon LabanDura (Reading) : . . . . .

Rendon LabanDura : It's question and answer time again

Rendon LabanDura (Reading 2): What do you use at home that you want to count? 1 Bathroom 2 Kitchen 3 Dining room

Rendon LabanDura : Oh no, I have to count? Maybe I'll just count the bathrooms, it's easier and there are fewer

"Rendon LabanDura -- Walking towards the bathroom"

Rendon LabanDura: Okay, here are the things I use: Golden toothbrush, golden toothpaste, golden toilet with diamond, pure diamond bathtub. Okay, there are almost four. Okay, I'm coming back now

Rendon LabanDura -- Returning to his computer

Rendon LabanDura : Okay, I'll put down here that there are four. Boom, okay, next

Rendon LabanDura (Reading) : . . . . .

Rendon LabanDura : There's still more

Rendon LabanDura (Reading): How many waters do you need in the bathtub to fill it up? Count each drop; you should be the one counting, others are not allowed

Rendon LabanDura: This is too much, it's making things difficult for me. Maybe I'll just use my ViewTube account with nearly 50k subscribers. Should I buy it so my ViewTube channel can be called 'Nanny'?

Phone -- (Ringing)

Nanny : Hello Sir, why did you call?

Rendon LabanDura : Buy the ViewTube channel

Nanny : Okay, sir. I'll go to ViewTube now

Nanny -- Nanny is going to ViewTube 

A Ninute Passed

Nanny : Sir, I'm here now

Rendon LabanDura : Buy the whole ViewTube

--(Nanny 001 Pov Talking to ViewTube Owner)--

Nanny : Ah, this is Sir Rendon LabanDura's nanny

ViewTube Owner: The price is 852 quintillion dollars

Nanny's POV (Mind): He immediately stated the price, knowing that Rendon LabanDura will buy the entire ViewTube

Nanny: Wait a moment, let me talk to my boss

--(Talk to Phone Boss)--

Nanny: Ah, sir, the boss said the price is 852 quintillion dollars.

Rendon LabanDura : What the Heck 👁️👄👁️ "CTC"

Nanny: Why, sir!?

--(ViewTube Owner Pov )--

ViewTube Owner's POV (Mind): Surely, his boss must have been shocked by the price, it's extremely expensive. Perhaps he will hesitate because of the exorbitant price pressure

--(Back to Nanny Talk to Phone Boss)--

Rendon LabanDura: It's ridiculously cheap! Buy it now-buy it now before someone else buys it

--(ViewTube Owner Pov )--

ViewTube Owner Pov (Miraculously) : What The Heck!!!! 👁️👄👁️

-(Nanny 001 Pov Talking to ViewTube Owner)--

Nanny: Okay, Boss." Ah, Sir, Sir Rendon LabanDura will buy the entire ViewTube. Where should we sign?

ViewTube Owner: Okay, Rendon LabanDura is now the official owner of the entire ViewTube, and here is the USB containing ViewTube's top security and accounts

Nanny: That's all

ViewTube Owner: A Wait That More, all the important documents are also there

Nanny ; Thank you.

--(Back to Nanny Talk to Phone Boss)--

Nanny: Boss, we've already bought the entire ViewTube. Sir, I'll hand over the ViewTube account and the important documents now

Rendon LabanDura: Okay, thank you

Nanny: Ah, sir, I will destroy the phone and buy a new one.

Rendon LabanDura: Ah, okay, I'll replace my other two phones as well. Let's destroy them together. On the count of 3, 2, 1, Go! Let's see who can break theirs faster

(Phone Destorying) -- Boom Bag Bag,, -Punch- -Kick- -Hammer Bag Boom- -Granade Boom-

Rendon LabanDura: Okay, it's all set, completely destroyed, buy a new one

Rendon LabanDura -- He will walk outside to wait for his nanny to arrive

Rendon LabanDura -- waiting outside his fence, you'll see nothing but Gold and Diamond and Antimatter and Californium-252 andPainite and Taaffeite And many other different collections

TV Super Mega HD 1M Building Size TV) : it automatically turns on and he sees the News

TV News (Person 1): News! The fart that entered the refrigerator, hardened

TV News (Scripter): You're reading the wrong one, it's the other one

TV News (Person 1): Oh sorry guys, I got the lesson wrong here, The mussels ate the tender juicy hot dog, okay this is really it, the news is that someone bought ViewTube

TV News (Person 1) -- It will be miraculous

Tv News(Person 1) '(✿👁️ 👄👁️ )ノ' What the heck, The entire ViewTube was bought Yes, that's right, as you heard, it has been bought

--(People Pov Watching Tv in Building)--

People (Reaction) -- '👁️👄👁️

--(Back to Rendon Pov Watching Tv)--

TV News (Person 1): Guys, do you know how much it was bought for?

--(People Pov Watching)--

People: "How much?!"

--(Back to Rendon Pov)--

TV News (Person 1): "Guys, do you know how much it was bought for? It's extremely expensive, almost otherworldly; the price is nearly 852 quintillion dollars, purchased by Rendon LabanDura

--(People Pov Watching)--

People : We weren't surprised because Rendon LabanDura is extremely wealthy. He bought nearly every farmer a single plot of land for them to cultivate

--(News Pov)--

TV -- 250k Live Views Per 1Minute

TV News (Scripter) : 👁️👄👁️ Wow, our live stream reached 460 million viewers

TV News (Person 1) : What the heck, that's insane, the next level play, bro! 👁️👄👁️

(Unknown Person) : It didn't just spread in their world, it spread throughout the entire Universe at yah0000.com. In their world, each universe has agents who monitor every move of Rendon LabanDura or wherever he resides because these agents observe every action of the wealthiest individual in the entire Multiverse

--(Universe 94 Pov Or Calling People Are Alien)--

Alien 1 : Boss, there's a call from the Universe asking about the whereabouts of the wealthiest individual in the entire multiverse

Aliens (Reactions) -- 👁️👄👁️ What!

Alien Boss : Answer it now! What are you waiting for? You know other worlds are also monitoring this. Report it immediately before other news agencies in our world beat us to it

Alien 1: Okay, Boss

--(Universe 12 Pov Top 42Trillion the most Richest in the multiverse Name Martos)--

Alien 1 -- Running towards the boss

Alien 1 : Boss, Boss Martos!

Martos : Bakit Why?

Alien 1 : Rendon LabanDura has bought ViewTube from their world

Martos : We lost again. It's a shame because ViewTube could have brought us significant earnings in their world. How much did he buy it for here

Alien 1 : 852Quintillion Dollar 

Martos : It's so expensive! But How much we have saved money from their world

Alien 1 : 520Billion Sir

Martos : Wait, how much have we accumulated in each of our businesses across different universes?

Alien 1 : If I sum up everything from different universes and here in our world, it totals to 520 billion dollars, 20 billion dollars, 300 million dollars, 1.5 trillion dollars, 500 thousand dollars, 23 thousand dollars, 60 million dollars, and 32 billion dollars

Martos : It's taking a while to read that total

Alien 1 : Oh yes, you're right, sorry boss. The total of everything is approximately 720 Trillion

Martos: How wealthy is he really? He truly impressed me today. Perhaps he has been saving up for that for a long time

Alien 1: "Maybe he really worked hard to save up just to buy ViewTube

Martos: Maybe if we owned ViewTube, we'd suddenly be extremely wealthy. We could even afford to buy other worlds and potentially become one of the top million or billion. The owner of ViewTube is really lucky. I wonder what he'll do with his money—maybe he'll buy Mars or Pluto.


To Be Continue

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