
The Richest Man In The Entire Multiverse

A man who enjoys the richest in all dimensions. Known as The Wealthiest Man in the Entire Multiverse, his wealth spans kingdoms, surpassing time and space itself

Quirktopia · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Most Expensive House In The Entire Multiverse

Chapter (4×((120+45)×2−330+200÷10×3−50+25÷5+7−62)×204)÷(68016) = ?

Yeah! You're correct. The answer is 3


Chapter 3


Rendon LabanDura: Nanny is taking so long, where could she be , , ,

"Rendon LabanDura -- waiting for a long time."

Rendon LabanDura ; She's still not here until now, better call her. Ai Number 909 is my fastest Ai

Ai 909 : Why sir? ͠👁️ ω ͠👁️ 

Rendon LabanDura ; Buy me the most expensive new phone in the World 

Ai 909: Yes sir, what type of phone would you like? From Multiverse 5, Multiverse 35, or Multiverse 68

Rendon LabanDura ; i choose, 35 again

Ai 909 : Yes, sir. She will be sent in 15 seconds... 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1."

Ai 909 -- Ai 909 is approaching Rendon

Ai 909: Sir, here is your new phone. Its price is very high, almost 80.2 billion dollars, because it has a lot of features and was developed with the collaboration of various countries, which is why it's that expensive

Rendon LabanDura ; Please, just let me use it once, and then I will destroy it

Ai 909: I have prepared, sir. The options I narrowed down to are from Multiverse 5 and Multiverse 68. Their prices are 49.5 billion and 128 billion dollars respectively. You can destroy them immediately because I have replacements ready or can change them at the speed of Sesexagintillion540x Speed of Light

Rendon LabanDura -- Click Phone Number Calling Nanny

--(Phone Ringing)-- And --(She Accepted The Call?) --

Rendon LabanDura : Nanny

"Nanny: Hello, sir

Rendon LabanDura (Calmly) : Why are you taking so long? ͠─ - ͠─ 

✿ ͠◔ ▿ ͠◔ ) (Nanny) : Ah, sir, because there are many people outside your house, I don't know what they are doing in front of your Super Mega Base or Maybe because of the news 

Rendon LabanDura : Just use a helicopter or jet ͠─ - ͠─ 

Nanny : I can't get out, it's like we're almost locked in, we don't know what to do. Should we use Ai 909, the fastest AI (✿ ͠◔ ω ͠◔ ) hehe

Rendon LabanDura : It's dangerous because of its extreme speed; you could die. Only things that fit inside it are allowed, like phones or small items such as keyboards or monitors

Nanny: The other Ai can fit a whole vehicle

Rendon LabanDura : It's really prohibited because of their extreme speed; their impact could be like a bomb due to their velocity. That's why they have a loading dock here, and they can only move quickly here because there's someone balancing the gravity. They're capable of using hyper speed. Ah, I know, just a moment, I'll make a call. Ai 909, Give me another phone

Ai 909 : Here it is, sir

Rendon LabanDura -- Click Phone Number Calling Someone

--(Phone Ringing)-- And --(He Accepted The Call?) --

Unknown (Explain) : OctuposPride has his own phone inside his system, but he also buys one just for fun because that's what his master told him to do, for reasons you already know

Rendon LabanDura : OctuposPride

OctopusPride: Why, master?

Rendon LabanDura: "Fetch my most beautiful and highly skilled, or very talented, nanny from outside the Super Mega Base

OctuposPride : "Okay, Master."

OctuposPride - walking towards the nanny

--(People Pov When OctuposPride Was Seen)--

People (Reaction) -- 👁️👄👁️

People (Person 1) : Wow, Look! That's one of the robots Rendon LabanDura had built in another world ( ͠◔ ⏥ ͠◔ )

People (Person 2) : Yes, that's the one! The design is so beautiful, for galactic shock, mega ultra high-tech, artistic design. It must be expensive, right!? ( ͠◔ ⏥ ͠◔ )

People (Person 1) : How much do you think that costs? ( ͠◐ ⏥ ͠◐ ) 👉

People (Person 2) : Maybe the price is equivalent to five planets ¯\_( ͠◑ ⏥ ͠◑ )_/¯

People (Person 1) : The price is too high. Maybe its value is equivalent to only 1 to 3 planets. You are the owner of the Multiverse Bank and Government, so because of you, taxes have decreased. Businesses now pay almost only 1% tax

People (Person 2) : That's really just 1%. ͠◑ ⏥ ͠◑ 

People (Person 1) : Yes, that's why for small business owners, it's only 0.1% tax for them ( ͠◐ ⏥ ͠◐ )

People (Person 2) ; Why does he still pay taxes even though it's no longer necessary, right? ͠◓ ⏥ ͠◓ 

People (Person 1) : But according to the rules written to balance our world's system ( ͠◐ - ͠◐ )

People (Person 2) : True, I have nothing to say about that because he's the only business man who's exceptionally talented. Not only that, he holds the title of the richest person in the entire multiverse, and people nowadays are enjoying their work. Before, it was stressful because they had various jobs, but now those hard-working people are no longer hardworking; it's like they're just playing at their work. Life seems to have gotten better now because of him, so I really have no say in whatever he wants to do in his life because he has already helped us so much.

People (Person 1) : But what can you say about those who dislike him? ͠◐ ⏥ ͠◐ )

People (Person 2) : eh serously, ͠👁 ⏥ ͠👁 

People (Person 1) : yes serously( ͡ㆆ ▭ ͡ㆆ)

People (Person 2) : Why do some still dislike him despite the immense help he has given?" ͠◑ ⏥ ͠◑ 

People (Person 1): Yes, there are many who dislike him, maybe around 15% or 7% of people who have issues with him. Not only that, they even call him stingy, like what the heck ͠◔ o ͠◔ 

People (Person 2): Hahahaha, they really made me laugh. What the heck, indeed (╯ ͠> ‿ ͠< )╯< p>

--(People Hater Of Rendon LabanDura Pov)--

People (Reactions)-- Angry Mad 😠 , 😑 , 😤

People Hater (Person 1) + (Whispering): Yeah, our lives improved, but for me, he's still stingy. He should really be disliked because he doesn't want us entering his house or feeding us inside his house, like what the heck. I think Rendon LabanDura is manipulating us, and the fart in the fridge even hardened. How did that happen

Unknown (Explaining Again): Number 1, if you let strangers into your house, you'll lose your privacy. Number 2, he has so much privacy that only those he trusts can see it. Number 3, I wish everyone had a partner. Number 4, I heard the fart that went into the fridge hardened. Number... wait, I think I read that wrong. Cut

and How did the fart harden inside the refrigerator!!!???

--(OctuposPride Pov)--

7 minutes ago

OctuposPride - "He ran towards the barrier and said..."

OctuposPride ; Please open the energy shield from above the barrier where I ran

Ai Shield: "Okay, I will open it once you're exactly there

OctuposPride - He is climbing up there from the wall going outside his Master's Home

OctuposPride - And after that, he's already outside Rendon LabanDura's Super Mega Base

OctuposPride - Walked 2 steps and then the detection system found the nanny (looked) left and right

OctuposPride: "Where are you? Where are you, Nanny? There you are, caught you!

OctuposPride - The car was taken or located where Rendon LabanDura's nanny is

--(Nanny 001 Pov)--

Nanny: Ahhhh! What's that?

Driver: It's OctuposPride.

--(OctuposPride Pov)--

OctuposPride: "Hi guys, I'll take you to my Master now

--(Nanny 001 Pov)--

Nanny : OctuposPride!?

--(OctuposPride Pov)--

OctuposPride: "Yes, ma'am. This is your servant. Let's go to my Master's Home

OctuposPride --- Running into the Barrier and Climb

--(Nanny 001 Pov)--

Nanny (✿ ͠^ o ͠^ ) (Happy) "Ahhhhhhhh! It's so fast! I'm enjoying this, I wish every day could be like this 

OctuposPride: "I don't want to, you take over."

Nanny: "Hey, why are you like that to me? Fine, we're not friends anymore. I'm higher than you, and why are you making excuses? You're in trouble with our boss, I'll report you

OctuposPride: "Let's settle this with a fistfight. Whoever wins will be obeyed

Nanny ; Never mind, forget about it. Hey, why do you think boss bought ViewTube? I'm just curious

OctuposPride : nanay mo panot i

(Translate nanay mo panot i in english Your mom is bald)

Nanny : HUH

OctuposPride ; Maybe he'll pit the ViewTuber against each other in a cockfight, or he might have something else in mind, like a new business venture

Nanny ; "Maybe, but he's extremely wealthy now. Even the top 2 are almost unable to reach his level of wealth, nearly billions of times richer than them. I wonder why he decided to expand his business

OctuposPride ; "Who knows, maybe he bought a Multiverse. ͠◔ ω ͠◔ 

Nanny ; "Maybe because he wants to buy a Multiverse. ⊂( ͠◡  o ͠◡ )⊃

Unknown: ;"They don't know that their Boss can buy 7 multiverses in one day And the author also doesn't know how much money Rendon LabanDura has


To Be Continue


"(This joke is not part of the story, it's just extra)"

Host: How's everyone doing tonight? Any cooking enthusiasts here?

Audience: Raises hands excitedly

Host: Me too! But sometimes, frying chicken can be a challenge. It always ends up burnt. So I asked it, "What's your problem?"

Audience: "What?"

Host: The chicken said, "Well, with all these feathers, I can't see the timer!"

Audience: [Laughs]

Host: So next time, I need a chicken without bangs so it can go straight to the kitchen timer!

Audience: [Laughs even harder]

Host: Thank you, folks! Hope you enjoyed my feather-light joke!


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