
The Richest Man In The Entire Multiverse

A man who enjoys the richest in all dimensions. Known as The Wealthiest Man in the Entire Multiverse, his wealth spans kingdoms, surpassing time and space itself

Quirktopia · Fantasy
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Title : The Richest Man In The Entire Multiverse


Before You Read

Movement or Etc

[ -- } Movement or Pov or Explaining The Movement

[ : or ; ] Talking

[ --(Test)-- ] Pov or Talking Pov Or Sound

[ Emoji ] Movement Rection

[ Test () ] Talking or Reading or People Etc

[ "CTC" ] Please click the comment when you see "CTC" It's part of my story to help you feel it more because I will post my picture or GIF showing exactly how my characters move


My Whole Map "CTC"



This is my first time making my own novel, I know this writing is so weird hahaha, but I hope you enjoy Thank You ♥ "CTC"



Chapter 1


Unknown Explain; from another world there is someone who is rich in the whole world, his name is Rendon LabanDura, in his extreme wealth even the author does not know his entire money because he has a secret that he does not tell us what his secret is, why is he so rich even the author cannot read or explain it or even I do not know how much money Rendon LabanDura has and this is his beginning of the story, let's rock, and let's listen to his story "CTC"


CuriCarl : Rendon LabanDura 

Rendon LabanDura : why?

CuriCarl : How did you become rich in the entire multiverse?

Rendon LabanDura : "I'll teach you. Lend me $100

CuriCarl : Here's $100,,, "CTC"

Rendon LabanDura (mind) : ah ha ha haha Gullible ͠¬ ▿ ͡¬

CuriCarl "How can you make my $100 grow?

Rendon LabanDura : No need to grow it."

CuriCarl : why?

Rendon LabanDura : Your $100, I turned into my $100. "CTC" 

CuriCarl (Reading a Script) : wow, a.ma.zing! Ge.Great mind.set, You're impressive, anddddd talent are truly on a multiverse level wow clap clap and smiling face :)

Rendon LabanDura : Thank you, bro,,, Then I will say to my mind

Rendon LabanDura (Mindset or Mind) : hehe Ez money in just 2sicond parr

CuriCarl : Okay, let's start

--(Phone Ringing)--


Calling Nanny 001 

Nanny 001 Name and Face

[ Nanny Number - 001 The Most Beautiful and Talented Nanny ]

[Name Luna R NIvera] [Gender Woman] [Age 28.3] 

[Code Call Nanny Most Beautiful And Talented]

Luna Reveal "CTC"



CuriCarl: "Okay, let's get started."

Rendon LabanDura : wait some call me

CuriCarl : Alright!!!, Sir

Nanny : Ah, Sir, I'm here on Mars now. Should I proceed with purchasing the entire Mars?

Rendon LabanDura : of course, why not, kokonat? That's why I sent you there to buy Mars. Oh, and please also mention that we'll be buying their visible stars. Ask about the price too.

Nanny : What if they don't agree? (✿ ͡◔ ω ͡◔)✊ hehe

Rendon LabanDura : Find G0kU, buy him, then conquer Mars and forcefully purchase it. It's as simple, Right! "CTC" 


CuriCarl : Wow Mindset ba minset ( ͡👁️ 👄 ͡👁️👍)

Nanny : Alright!!!, Sir

Rendon LabanDura : thanks for watching "CTC"

Nanny : Okay, Sir, I will destroy the phone and buy a new one "CTC"

Rendon LabanDura : Alright!!!

Nanny 001 Pov -- He's destroying the phone because he's buying a new one, as instructed by his boss, who requires a new phone for every use

Rendon LabanDura Pov : Okay, let's start, CuriCarl

CuriCarl : Alright!!!, Sir

CuriCarl : Okay, Sir How did Rendon become like that, or how did your life become like that, and what advice would you give to someone like me

Rendon LabanDura : Here's my advice to you all: in life, we should not base our choices on others' lives; instead, we should strive for success to achieve wealth. It's all about mindset sometimes, one's mindset can be different; sometimes, it's divided in two. It's challenging when your mind is focused on B**b.. , like when you're looking at a goal but listening to the clouds


CuriCarl : That's intense

Rendon LabanDura : Sometimes, when a person thinks, they're always looking at the clouds instead of the goal. They should focus on the goal, not just on having fun, because some people have no goals; they only care about enjoying themselves and always expect you to help them, like with CandyCash

CuriCarl That's not CandyCash, I think it's CandyCrush



Rendon LabanDura : Ah, CandyCrush. And between the two, a star or a butterfly, wouldn't you choose the sun because it shines brighter? It's like life; we need light. What about you? What do you prefer among those three?

CuriCarl : You, bro i love u

Rendon LabanDura : ? . ? . ? HUH?!

CuriCarl : Ah, what I mean is that everyone should love each other, like saying "I love... you, like I love you, bro

Rendon LabanDura : ? . ? . ? HUH?! . . . Okie 😑 

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) ; I think you're really gae😑

Rendon LabanDura ; ah bro let me ask you: would you rather be the provider for your family, or would you prefer your family to provide for you? Would you rather be the one asking, or the one giving? You choose

CuriCarl : Idol, that's tough. It's a heavy choice

Rendon LabanDura : Choose, bro, choose

CuriCarl : "It's really hard, bro"

Rendon LabanDura : Are you the idol or are you the one I love i love u bro?

CuriCarl -- Blush 

Rendon LabanDura "CTC" : Life has no in-between, bro. You know, even Dora talks in her sleep, and in her dreams, someone says, 'Give me alone

Curious Carl: "Ah, yes! Isn't it that Dora's theory is about looking for the rice she lost? She had a nightmare that in the past, Dora swallowed white liquid

Rendon LabanDura : Yeah, bro, you know her companion? She really didn't have any companion there

CuriCarl : OH! Really!?

Rendon LabanDura : Yeah, it's scary. It's making my dandruff come out, using soap that's meant for scrubbing

Curious Carl : No wonder you're so fair-skinned!

Rendon LabanDura : Yeah, bro!

CuriCarl : Oh bro, do you know how old Sp0ngeB0b is?

Rendon LabanDura : When I remember, Nobita said to Doraemon that P3nis and Verd were born during Chenchuri-tuna, But according to rumors, they say Sp0ngeB0b is just a puppet now Because they said he got sick, but I forgot what illness he had

CuriCarl : Ah yes, that's right, it's because of precalculus, pal-yotis.

Rendon LabanDura : Yes, I wonder how Sp0ngeB0b is doing. Maybe he got sick because he drowned in the sea.

CuriCarl: Yes, maybe he drowned, that's why he got sick,, That's why I put lifebuoys on my fish so they wouldn't drown "CTC"


Rendon LabanDura: So you're really caring, bro. As for me, let them drown, I won't put lifebuoys on them. It's okay if my fish drown in water because I have replacements anyway

CuriCarl: You're so mean, bro.

Rendon LabanDura: It's not a big deal, right? They don't want it, so they won't have to struggle, right?

CuriCarl (Angry) ; Then I'll just remove their life jackets, is that what you want?

Rendon LabanDura: I mean, that's just my opinion, not yours.

CuriCarl (Sad) ; Ah, so you're saying I'm worthless.

Rendon LabanDura ; Nah, bro.

CuriCarl ; Then what? [ ͠◒ ︵ ͠◒ ]

Unknown Explain ; CuriCarl is overly frustrated, he doesn't know what he's saying or if Rendon LabanDura knows what he's saying, and even the author, even I, don't know what to say anymore because of this person's confusion. What can you say to him? You can comment on him and tell him what to say. What should he do?

Rendon LabanDura (in his mind): What should I say? I already know.

CuriCarl ; Why aren't you answering anymore?

Rendon LabanDura (in his mind) ; The right answer here is to leave.

CuriCarl: Where are you going, Rendon LabanDura?

Rendon LabanDura (in a whisper): I'm just doing this, calculating the correct answer. I've thought about it a thousand times and came up with nearly five hundred ideas, and one finally hit the mark. Huh, I'm really brilliant, seriously! Maybe that's why I became so wealthy. Not just wealthy, but I own the whole world! Ha ha ha ha ha!

CuriCarl: Hold on, Rendon LabanDura! The interview isn't over yet, bro.

Rendon LabanDura (in a boastful tone): "Interview? Ha! Do you even know who I am? I'm"

CuriCarl: "Yes, You Rendon LabanDura. You were also shown in the interview earlier

Rendon LabanDura: "I will continue what I have to say. Here, no one can match the smartest person on the planet, no one can rest thinking of the ideas flooding my mind. Not just ideas, but solutions to the world's problems. The joy it brings never fades, like my wealth that never fades

CuriCarl (di pa rin nawawalan ng pag-asa): "But Rendon, I'm interested in your accomplishments. How did you become wealthy? Do you have a secret to that?

Rendon LabanDura (boastfully): "Ah, the secret? It's simple, bro. The secret is a secret, can't tell

CuriCarl: "Why not, tell me now.

Rendon LabanDura: "I'm leaving now. Bye bro, time's up.

CuriCarl (Surprised): "Hey, why did you run? Forget our fight over fish, let's be friends again

Rendon LabanDura: "Okay, I'm leaving now. I still have things to do

CuriCarl: "Okay, what are you going to do?

Rendon LabanDura: "Maybe if my most beloved fish dies, I'll just put a life jacket on it.

CuriCarl: "Ah, okay-okay

Rendon LabanDura: "Thank you, because of you, now I know what to do if my fish drowns in the water

CuriCarl: "You're welcome, bro

---- Extra ----

Bonus Chapter

-(Rendon Calling CuriCarl)- 7seconds -(Accpeted)-

CuriCarl: Why, Rendon?

Rendon LabanDura ( ( ͠◒ o ͠◒ )👌 ): Bro, I put the fish in the lifebuoy, it was so happy.

CuriCarl: Okay, what happened after that?

Rendon LabanDura: It didn't move anymore.

CuriCarl: Well, that's great then, it must have fallen asleep.

Rendon LabanDura: Yes, it's sleeping peacefully now


To Be Continue

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