

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter 18; Finals.

<p>what the crowd didn't see was that each countermeasure Yali took had been designed to disable her opponents instantly, <br/><br/>with her explosive speed and strength she could quickly calculate where they would end up and she unleashed her arrows in that very location, <br/><br/>the daughter of Iapetus attempted to disable her arrow with corrosion however the divine flames resisted it instantly and burned away her energy, <br/><br/>as for the daughter of hyperion she attempted to avoid the arrow with her fire element however the lightning element obliterated it instantly and shredded her body although it didnt kill her, <br/><br/>as for the daughter of kronos, she attempted to bend time around the arrow however the arrow that was moving at light speed arrived at her before she could bend time and exploded on contact blowing her away instantly, <br/><br/>she hadn't used much of her own power as she had mostly borrowed the strength of her colleagues but she had attained victory, <br/><br/>what's more shocking is that they hadn't even unleashed their three in one domain to it's full strength, <br/><br/>for the fourth and fifth matches which surprisingly were the quater and semifinals they relied on their three in one domain's full strength to disable the opponents while they approached them, <br/><br/>Shen would arrive with his hammer before one opponent while Tian placed his sword before the second one's face and Yali condensed an arrow from light and drew it right in front of the opponent's face, <br/><br/>they used the same trick twice because the opponent wasn't expecting them to use it again, this was because they had revealed a new trick each time thay appeared so the opponent was expecting something new and were defeated because of that. <br/><br/>as the finals approached, the teams were granted a one hour break as the losing teams fought for third place. <br/><br/>when it was time for the final match it was close to midnight already, the arena was lit up so that it looked like it was midday, <br/><br/>Tian, Shen and Yali entered the arena amidst cheers from the crowds of spectators. on the other end their rivals had entered as well. <br/><br/>Shrek team wasn't the only team that ascended the ranks with straight wins throughout, their rival team had also done the exact same thing, <br/><br/>however unlike them, their rivals weren't soulmasters. they had the daughter of Hades, the son of Poseidon and the son of Mars. <br/><br/>the shocking part was that they too were the chosen generational heroes from their parents. <br/><br/>they arrived with their usual fighting strategy. the son of Poseidon was wielding a bronze trident and a shield and he was in the lead, <br/><br/>the son of Mars wielded two golden double swords and stood a step back to his right while the daughter of Hades wielded a silver-black bow that glittered with moonlight. <br/><br/>these three were famous allover the continent and were believed to be the unchallenged champions of this years competition, <br/><br/>that was until Shen, Tian and Yali showed up, they were the only people that threatened their victory. <br/><br/>regardless the public was still optimistic of their victory, it was obvious that the organizers wanted them to win as well because the edges of the arena were now surrounded by a stream of water that hadn't existed in Shrek team's previous fights. <br/><br/>this was to aid the son of Poseidon as it would make him more of a threat when he has a water source. their legend says that they have been fighting for a while, <br/><br/>the three of them once defeated an entire legion, the son of Poseidon single handedly defeated close to 2000 soldiers while he still wielded a sword, <br/><br/>this was before he obtained a trident and used it to go toe to the with a God and come out victorious, the god was one of the twelve most powerful gods of the council hence he was a God king, <br/><br/>the daughter of Hades was good at fighting with a long sword, one of her greatest victories was when she fought against a sorcerer with magic powerful enough to trance and maybe even defeat a god and the daughter of Hades came out victorious, <br/><br/>however that was before she was scouted as one of the followers by the great hunter goddess Artemis, as a follower of Artemis she obtains immortality, enhanced strength, speed and endurance compared to her peers <br/><br/>after her enhancement she fought against and defeated a giant created to be the bane of her father. that defeated earned her the crown as the leader of the hunters of Artemis. <br/><br/>as for the son of Mars he was once skilled in battle using a single golden blade, he fought against an entire league of monsters that had threatened to invade his home city and he defeated them, <br/><br/>that is when he gained the blessing of Mars after that enhancement he single handedly defeated an elder god. <br/><br/>elder gods are known as the great gods that created the heavens and the earth. they could be said to be the embodiment of the original forces that make up the world. <br/><br/>one could argue that the elder god he fought didnt use his full power as to exist on the continent he can only embody one percent of his total power but that one percent is already comparable to a half-step god king. <br/><br/>as for Shrek team, they had decided it was time they go all out, normally they let a single person manipulate their three in one domain because they are worried of what their effect would do to their enemies. <br/><br/>although they knew they were in duoluo world and all these people are probably not real, they didnt want to risk it as that could also affect their evaluation. <br/><br/>however after looking at their current enemy, they chose to go all out. they had already chosen who they would face, <br/><br/>Shen would target the son of Poseidon, Tian would face the son of Mars while Yali would target the daughter of Hades. <br/><br/>after they entered the arena they let Yali take the lead while the two boys stood a step behind them, their opponents seemed to be about seventeen or eighteen years old while the Shrek team were still children of twelve years old. <br/><br/>so sending Yali forward was a form of undermining them, Yali was originally against that tactic but Shen assured her that it would make them angry which means they won't be performing to their best which will be Shrek's advantage. <br/><br/>as they stepped on the stage, their opponents unleashed their auras, The son of Poseidon was glowing blue green while his surroundings seemed illusory like one was looking at an after image of him. <br/><br/>his aura wasn't imposing at all infact it seemed to be calming, the son of Mars on the other hand was glowing blood red and his aura was filled with killing intent, as for the daughter of Hades, <br/><br/>she didnt possess the blessing of Hades but she possessed the blessing of Artemis so she glowed silver while her body itself became a shadow, <br/><br/>the silver aura was surrounding the shadow that was once her body. on the surface they were more imposing than the Shrek team has ever been. <br/><br/>with their auras which were actually the auras of their god parents, unlike the bloodline domains of the shrek team, the demigods seemed invincible. <br/><br/>when they were told to prepare for the fight, the three soul masters unleashed their bloodline domains to their full power pushing the joint domain to 300 meters. <br/><br/>this time Yali controlled sixty percent of the domain's power while Shen and Tian both controlled twenty percent however they still became imposing, suddenly the demigods didn't seem so invincible. <br/><br/>once they were told to attack, Yali remained rooted in place however at that very instant Shen and Tian leaped forward attacking their opponents instantly, <br/><br/>seeing the opponents approach, the daughter of hades folded the shadows in on herself and she vanished.<br/><br/>she had just teleported which meant she would be incredibly difficult to deal with, <br/><br/>luckily Yali was the one keeping an eye on her, although she had vanished, through the joint domain Yali could still feel her draining life essence, she summoned her bow and after it appeared the arena suddenly got brighter, <br/><br/>her body gained the greenish gold glow and light elements gathered in her bow, she knocked three arrows at once, <br/><br/>one was brighter than the sun, the second arrow was wreathed in golden flames or maybe it was made from golden flames while the third arrow was literally lightning given form. <br/><br/>she launched all three arrows at once however they each went in three different directions, <br/><br/>it seemed like she didnt know where the opponent was so she was shooting wildly however a second later the arrows vanished and three arrows suddenly appeared at a single spot before exploding with a combined force of three elemental forces. <br/><br/>the explosion sent a shockwaves throughout the entire stage and instantly the daughter of Hades appeared, the shadows on her body had vanished even though she still had a silver glow. <br/><br/>as she landed blood seeped from her mouth. the entire crowd was shocked as they couldn't believe that those simple arrows could actually injure her, <br/><br/>only the two demigods in the arena with her and the goddess Athena in the stand understood the actual situation. <br/><br/>normally these arrows explosion wouldn't even scratch her, however the three in one domain was just too powerful, <br/><br/>the arrows channelled twenty percent of the domain's power each in addition to the elemental power they were imbued with, even a god would have been injured in this instant. <br/><br/>at the sight of that the son of Mars got enraged and his eyes glowed with red flames as his aura turned into red fire, <br/><br/>this was the strength flame of this continent, although he couldn't sustain it for long but when he wielded it he was a very formidable opponent. <br/><br/>at that very instant Tian summoned his entire power and he too glowed with golden flames, he summoned his sword as it was time to end the match, as they started the fight, Shen had devised a plan for them. <br/><br/>they would pretend to attack first until their opponent shows his actual skills and then they would unleash their greatest strength to the end this fight as soon as possible.</p>