

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

XGreenleaf · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter 17; three in one joint domain.

<p>About five hours later Shen heard Shrek team being summoned once more. <br/><br/>they woke up Tian and headed straight for the arena, their opponents would be the team that won the second match and they called themselves the flame kings. <br/><br/>they were all boys and they all used fire, first was the son of hyperion, the next one was a son of Vulcan and lastly the son of Hecate. <br/><br/>one of them used magic flames rumored to be impossible to extinguish while the others used natural flames. <br/><br/>in the arena they took the same stance except this time Shen went forward, his opponents all wielded bronze leaf like swords except one of them had a sword with ancient runes on it. <br/><br/>the son of hyperion had yellowish red flames around him, the son of hephaestus had pure yellow flames while the son of hecate had green flames. as usual Shen initiated his domain and his friends also unleashed theirs, <br/><br/>Shen felt his torso bone react and he understood that he could unleash the first of his three soul skills from his soul bone however he realized it wouldn't make sense to unleash it here, <br/><br/>so he stimulated his bloodline power to draw extra energy from the soul bone while at the same time he stimulated the shackled hammer to release golden lightning, <br/><br/>after he obtained his third soul ring he realized that he was starting to influence the hammer ever so slightly. <br/><br/>with the culmination of all that power inside his body his eyes were sparking while his body was shimmering with power, <br/><br/>the energy fluctuations coming off of him could even be felt throughout the entire arena, <br/><br/>Where she was seated, Athena had a stunned look on her face, looking at this boy and the energy fluctuations coming off of him, she could feel her father's divine power radiating throughout her body, <br/><br/>the air had a metallic taste to it as everyone felt the hairs on their body stand up, their skin got tingly as a storm cloud gathered above the arena. <br/><br/>this was weather manipulation which happened to be the first of his soul bone soul skills, he hadn't even intended to use it but after accumulating all that power it activated on it's own, <br/><br/>all other elements were banished from within a distance of 200 meters, his domain covered 100 meters so his friends were safe as his domain helped them retain their elemental powers <br/><br/>however when it came to his enemies, the domain amplified the soul bone skill making their flames star spurting out, a loud rumbling was heard as the clouds above were preparing for a horrible thunder storm. <br/><br/>lightning was sparking throughout the clouds and the endless rumblings sent shivers down everyone's spine. <br/><br/>at that very instant Shen summoned his two hammers each about four feet long, the metal was glowing blue with power as it melded with Shen's domain, <br/><br/>the hammers were sparking with lightning and their appearance increased the suppression effect coming off of Shen, <br/><br/>this was because the hammers in his hands had linked to the shackled hammer in his dantian, <br/><br/>an illusory chain connected from the shackled hammer to Shen's hands and through those to his hammers. <br/><br/>the entire arena had already turned dark and a light rain was starting to fall, Yali and Tian were glowing brighter as the stronger Shen became the more his domain amplified their powers. <br/><br/>Tian was akin to a small sun right now while Yali was seriously cultivating, she felt the breakthrough coming with Shen's amplification and so she chose to breakthrough instantly, <br/><br/>Shen on the other hand had already unleashed the clear sky hammer's disorderly wind splitting hammer technique, <br/><br/>he swung the hammers simultaneously gathering the winds in the process while his hammers gained speed and weight with each rotation, and with each finished rotation his aura became even stronger. <br/><br/>ever since he had awakened his potential he had been trying to master this technique and so far he could reach 35 out of the 81 rotations however as he reached the tenth rotation the three demigods broke out of their trance and realized they are just giving him more time to gain power, <br/><br/>as the fight started Tian had unleashed his domain which captured a person's spirit into a trance like state however he had directed this effect to Shen so they were all drawn to Shen and forgot they had to fight him. <br/><br/>shen realized he didn't want these guys dead so he stopped at the fifteenth rotation and he brought the two hammers down one after the other, <br/><br/>the two hammers landed right in front of the attacking demigods, as the first hammer landed it sent a shockwave of lightning, wind and water that blasted all the demigods away dousing all their flames and blasting the rain away.<br/><br/>in the 500 meter diameter however the second one wasn't far away and as it landed, it collided with the first hammer that was already on the ground and instantly a multidirectional lightning wave was released, <br/><br/>first the impact cracked the arena creating a 100 meter wide and ten meter deep depression in the stage the lightning wave then was released. <br/><br/>instantly Athena appeared and created a dome on the arena stopping the lightning wave from frying all the spectators however the demigods weren't so lucky, <br/><br/>the lightning passed through them, it melted their swords to sludge however shockingly it didn't vaporize them, this was the incredible control Shen had over his attack. <br/><br/>he attacked their weapons and their energy but made sure he didn't kill them which meant even the spectators would have been safe without Athena shielding them. <br/><br/>the fight was done with one move, the arena was stunned as they didnt know how to react. <br/><br/>this was just too powerful, he was worthy to be Zeus's chosen one of this generation. <br/><br/>he could have killed all his opponents however he destroyed their weapons and stripped them of all their remaining power leaving them empty shells with no capability to fight. <br/><br/>after a short moment the arena burst out in cheers as this was a display they hadn't expected to see. <br/><br/>the three heroes returned to the resting quarters however now they were feared, Shen was still in the lead while his two friends moved beside him. <br/><br/>they returned to their usual waiting spot and waited, matches went on and three hours later was their third match, the time between matches was becoming shorter which meant they needed to conserve their energy for the final match. <br/><br/>in this fight Shen and Tian remained back and Yali took center point, their opponents shockingly were all women. <br/><br/>one was a daughter of Atlas, the second was the daughter of Iapetus and the last one was a daughter of Kronos, <br/><br/>they all wielded bronze bows with quivers on their back, from the way they handled their bows it was obvious they were experts and they had heard of Shrek's strength, <br/><br/>in this fight she could tell that they had planned to play a long distance game, when they were told to begin the three demigods stood at three diferent locations and notched their arrows in their bows, <br/><br/>however before they could shoot they were stunned instantly, that was because Shen and Tian had unleashed their domains along with Yali's. <br/><br/>currently Yali was glowing with green gold radiance and just then her bow made its debut, all light elements were drawn to her in that very instant, <br/><br/>she was looking like an angel and she only lacked wings to make her an actual angel, <br/><br/>with the amplification of her friends domains and the fact that she had already reached the 40th level, her domain originally had a diameter of 90 meters at three rings, <br/><br/>it was smaller than those of her friends however at level 40 her domain expanded to 120 meters making it the biggest one, <br/><br/>with the amplification of Shen and Tian the three in one domain expanded two times her domain's own size bringing it to 240 meters covering the entire fighting grounds and part of the crowds area. <br/><br/>her bow was now glowing with light as its crystalline form absorbed light that was reflected by its golden appearance Tian let the stun effect linger on her so her rivals wouldn't attack instantly, <br/><br/>Shen then granted her two of the lightning element's abilities one was explosive strength and speed while the second one was paralysing her opponents making their actions slower than they usually are. <br/><br/>the city mayor had once witnessed Apollo healing someone and the aura he felt off of him was similar to what Yali was emitting, <br/><br/>once she was ready she had Tian release the stun effect and the demigods released their first round of arrows while they attempted to change their positions, <br/><br/>using ghost shadow perplexing track and Shen's explosive speed she intercepted all the arrows, <br/><br/>the first one to arrive carried some fire element as it had come from the daughter of Hyperion so she activated her mysterious jade hands and borrowed Tian's divine flames and captured the arrow using Tian's flames which suppressed the flames on the arrow, <br/><br/>she instantly notched it in her bow and unleashed it instantly at the daughter of Iapetus, similarly she rushed to the second Arrow which had a corrosive effect but she simply applied her healing effect and banished the life corrosion effect from the arrow, <br/><br/>as she grabbed it she imbued it with illness as well as the light element and unleashed it to the daughter of Kronos, <br/><br/>at the same time she rushed to the last arrow which was wrapped in time energy so it wasn't easy to determine if it had reached or not, <br/><br/>he used Shen's lightning element to Bend the space around the arrow banishing the time element and imbuing it with thunder power and she unleashed it to the daughter of Iapetus, <br/><br/>the fight had taken less than a second but they had already lost. <br/><br/>the crowd didnt even understand how the girls had lost, in their previous matches they had obliterated their opponents in seconds due to their team work however this time they were defeated in one second.</p>