

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

chapter 19; Ares City Champions

<p>Yali had unleashed hers first to injure the huntress, her injury on the other hand lit the match for the son of Mars and after confirming his rival had gone berserk Tian summoned his divine flames and unleashed his greatest strength. <br/><br/>he unleashed the radiant path of divine domination since it wasn't exactly a soul skill and more of the culminatiomnof all his power in a single strike, the sword got engulfed by golden flames and a stream of golden fire shot towards The son of Mars, <br/><br/>regardless of his divine Aura he was enveloped instantly, the flames burned around him decreasing the aura he was emitting and passing the time for his berserk state. <br/><br/>shen on the other hand was facing the son of Poseidon, as the fight began they each didn't launch any counter attacks, <br/><br/>Shen hadn't even retrieved his hammers and they were fighting in close combat, after the huntress got hurt they were startled however they both managed to maintain their cool. <br/><br/>she didn't stay down long though as she soon got up and they started trading arrows with Yali, <br/><br/>they were both so good that they each avoided or neutralized the others arrows, Yali's arrows were made of light while the huntress' arrows were made of shadows, the two of them were in a stalemate, <br/><br/>however after the son of Mars got enveloped in the golden flames the son of Poseidon reacted, he realized that he needed to take this fight seriously or else his side would lose. <br/><br/>the huntress seemed to be in a stalemate but she had been injured earlier so she would tire before her opponent who seemed to not even have broken a sweat, <br/><br/>although the son of Mars' berserk state was powerful he couldn't get himself free of those golden flames and his berserk state was running out, <br/><br/>although he was certain he could hold his ground against this son of Zeus he wasn't certain of obtaining victory when he is joined by his two teammates. <br/><br/>so he needed to defeat this son of Zeus before his two allies could come to help him. <br/><br/>at that moment his eyes changed, the right turned sea blue while the left turned sea green, his aura changed from its calm state to a form more dangerous than any of his allies, <br/><br/>it felt like he was the eye and his surroundings were a raging storm, the air stood still and smelled as well as turned metallic and everyone's hairs stood up, <br/><br/>this was the sign of an oncoming lightning strike, the foreboding aura sent shivers to everyone's soul and at that time, as he expected his opponent to be cowering in fear like they always do, <br/><br/>he was surprised to see that his opponent was smiling, Shen simply smiled because this aura fully stimulated his golden hammer like nothing ever before. <br/><br/>that coupled with the three in one domain made him feel like he was about to explode with power, he needed to release it and to show just how much it was <br/><br/>his torso bone triggered on its own releasing his first skill the skies turned dark instantly as lightning strikes appeared from above and a harsh rain fell on the arena however the rain was localized to the fighting grounds only, <br/><br/>the spectators felt nothing, this was an extreme level of control no one had ever seen on the continent, Shen's eyes turned lightning blue as sparks flew from all around him, his aura more than tripled as he prepared to engage his opponent, <br/><br/>the son of Poseidon started whirling his trident picking up the winds, rain drops as well as triggering the stream of water around the fighting stage, <br/><br/>the water before him became thicker than ice while the water from the streams formed tentacles that attacked Tian and Yali distracting them and delaying their victory over his allies, <br/><br/>however Shen wasn't idle either, he also decided to multitask, he pulled out one of his hammers and threw it upwards into the storm cloud, <br/><br/>suddenly the storm cloud intensified as it turned Into a vortex and sent two air vortices to surround the sun of Mars and the huntress, <br/><br/>although his friends' attacks had been disabled the two demigods still had to use all they could to resist the force of the two tornadoes as the winds were powerful enough to rip them to shreds. <br/><br/>in reality Shen would never be this savage as he didn't want to take anyone's life however this was a simulation so no one would really die, <br/><br/>still he didnt let the winds rip then to pieces and just let them keep the two prisoner. this was capable because he had linked the two hammers to his mind using the golden hammer's energy as well as his spiritual power, <br/><br/>he then used his second hammer to launch a deadly strike. this attack was known as one of the clear sky nine absolutes, this was a combination of nine secret skills invented for the clear sky hammer, <br/><br/>each skill is dangerous in and of it's own however after combining them together they would launch a terrifying attack that even a titled duoluo would find hard to resist. <br/><br/>so he combined the nine absolute techniques using the single hammer which for some reason was actually fashioned like a clear sky hammer, <br/><br/>these techniques when launched together would create nine after images which the user would then combine to release a single attack, <br/><br/>when Tian saw Shen unleash the technique he was surprised, his father had tried to teach him the skills however his spear wasn't strong enough or suitable to the skills. <br/><br/>so he had failed to master it, in the beginning the skill was so secret that only the Tang family knew of it, however later it was publicized to make the clan members much stronger during the move to Hao-Tian star. <br/><br/>however even then not everyone could handle the skills as they required a lot of strength and tenacity that most people fail to obtain even with their clear sky hammer. <br/><br/>but most people start trying to learn the skill at the titled duoluo level, so Shen displaying them now was a great surprise and even worse he seemed to have mastered all nine of them. <br/><br/>none other than Shen knew that what he displayed were just the basics of the nine skills, his father had taught him these basics in the month before the Shrek qualifications. <br/><br/>he had a slight grasp of all the nine skills but was yet to completely grasp a single skill. <br/><br/>however after he combined them together with the domain ability and the enormous power flowing within him, it was absolutely terrifying. <br/><br/>the son of Poseidon was launching his skills as well however as he got ready to attack the combined might of the nine absolutes terror struck his heart, this was because once combined the attacks launched an attack of equal physical and spiritual strength. <br/><br/>shen brought the hammer down so hard that had it landed on the son of Poseidon he would be dead, <br/><br/>however he landed the hammer right before the son of Poseidon, the force from the hammer blew everyone to the edges of the stage friend and foe alike, <br/><br/>it obliterated the auras of everyone however luckily for the Shrek team their joint domain linked all three of them as one so as long as one of them can remain standing the others suffer no damage at all and so they survived unscathed, <br/><br/>the opposite happened to the demigods though, this was because the joint domain had weakened them already before Shen's strike, <br/><br/>the huntress passed out cold however the two remaining demigods stood up even though they were injured, the sky was still dark and at the same time Shen summoned the hammer he had thrown up there. <br/><br/>this entire time the hammer was swinging amongst the clouds hence the vortex and as it returned to the ground it brought with it all the force and momentum it had accumulated, <br/><br/>its target was the two demigods, Athena flew from her seat instantly because she understood that once that hammer landed the two demigods would be dead. <br/><br/>she positioned herself before the two demigods to stop the attack with her shield. <br/><br/>however the attack never came, she was starting to wonder if she was too late however as the wind passed the realised what had happened. <br/><br/>the hammer was right in front of her face but it had been stopped, with that much force the hammer should have broken the person's hand however for some reason the boy was fine. <br/><br/>his eyes had changed from lightning blue to gold his lightning turned from silver blue to golden blue, the shield didn't seem to have any effect on him and that scared her. <br/><br/>this shield was known as the Aegis which had a history that whoever's looked at it would be struck with terror so severe they would run away in fear. <br/><br/>however this boy stood before the shield and still held his composure, on the contrary it seemed like he was showing mercy. <br/><br/>that golden look in his eyes showed pure domination, the man she was looking at had an aura similar to her father however at present she could tell that his boy wasn't a demigod. <br/><br/>it was at this moment that she realized the severity of the situation, as a goddess she was aware of a lot of things including the fact that Olympia wasn't a continent but a planet and that it wasn't the only one there was. <br/><br/>Shrek academy wasn't from this planet, it originated on duoluo star also known as the center of the most powerful god realm in the known universe. <br/><br/>most god realms are led by a fifth dimensional being called supreme god king, however duoluo divine realm was led by a seventh dimension being called a god sovereign. <br/><br/>his name was Tang San also known as the sea god Tang San, one of the original gods of the Olympia divine realm was the sea god Poseidon. <br/><br/>Poseidon was originally from douluo divine realm. back then he was a first class god but in Olympia he managed to become a God king, <br/><br/>there is one supreme god king, eleven god kings and 24 first class gods. <br/><br/>Athena was one of the 24 first class gods, this boy however exuded an aura that was much stronger than hers. <br/><br/>that was all just in the few seconds she held his gaze, a few seconds later his eyes returned to their normal blue and his aura vanished, <br/><br/>he dropped to his feet exhausted for the young boy's body couldn't take that much power without any side effects. <br/><br/>Shrek academy had just won the championship and the crowd was in awe for all of them, <br/><br/>however at that very instant the skies rumbled and a blast of white lightning descended from the skies onto the arena, <br/><br/>in its stead was a man dressed in white and green, in his hands was a bronze staff with silver and gold snakes entwined on it. <br/><br/>it was the caduceus, divine weapon of the messenger god Hermes, the entire arena bowed to the god in respect, <br/><br/>this was one of the twelve god kings in the divine realm. he collected the three champions and disappeared once more, <br/><br/>the appearance of a god king was usual for these championships however with the presence of Athena no one expected a god king to show up. but when Hermes left, Athena was gone too.</p>