
The Remnant Lost Soul of HALO

The war between humanity and the Covenant has entered its highest point. Desperate for help to ensure humanity's survival, a group of expedition vessels make a course into the most bizzare place in the galaxy-a place where time and space seemingly all but destroyed. In search of salvation, they find their answer, but that answer was beyond any of their mortal minds to comprehend. It opened their eyes that they are not alone in the vastness of the space and time.

Ray_Vorhard_2199 · Video Games
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Chapter 2: Awakening

-M?.???. Unknown System- (Time measurement is impossible due to space-time anomaly)

Katarina had lost track of how long she had been staring at her computer. Driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, she worked tirelessly. Unlike Forerunners' structures or technologies, this ship presented a novel challenge.

Usually, those well-versed in Forerunners' technology could instinctively navigate and manipulate it. However, this time, that intuitive connection eluded Katarina. She delved into the unknown technologies, attempting to make sense of the enigma before her.

Despite six years of exhaustive research, a clear breakthrough remained elusive. The mysteries of this ship proved to be a formidable adversary, teasing her intellect and pushing her to the limits of her understanding.

"Have you found something, Doctor?" Richard's voice startled her, and Katarina turned towards the professor, who offered a cup of coffee with a smile. "Coffee?"

"Umm... sure," Katarina replied slowly, finding a momentary respite in the warmth of the coffee.

"So, did you find something?" Richard asked again gently, prompting a tired sigh from the female doctor.

"Nothing," she answered shortly. "I didn't find anything. And, moreover, how on earth did you and your people manage to create that new system?"

"To be honest, Doctor, we don't know either," Richard replied simply.

"Huh?" Katarina looked at the professor with a skeptical look.

"That's the truth," Richard shrugged, smiling slightly in response. "We ourselves don't know how we created it in the first place."

"That doesn't make sense," Katarina responded sharply, standing up and looking towards the iron orb. "It's impossible that you could do that with just your instincts. Even Forerunners' technology comes with formulas, structures, and rules that we can see clearly. But this? I don't see anything like that at all."

Richard just smiled, looking at the doctor with an understanding gaze, like a parent watching their child struggling with a new task. The professor then stood up and walked towards the orb.

"Whoever designed this impossible thing is a genius who doesn't make mistakes, let alone unintentional ones," Richard said as he approached and touched the support of the orb, feeling what he touched.

"What are you doing?" Katarina asked.

"I don't know," Richard released his hand, looking up where the orb was. "It all has meaning, and that meaning is buried inside this sturdy iron frame."

"Get straight to the point, professor," Katarina spoke seriously.

"The first time we made direct contact with this device about three years ago, it emitted a vibration undetected by anything but our eyes and ears. A kind of flash of light hit us, and just like that, we were able to create that new system."

That's when Katarina widened her eyes. For a moment, she began to consider new possibilities. "Is it possible for me to connect with that orb?"

"In theory, it's possible, but, as happened three years ago, you might die in the process."

Richard's tone carried a tense and sharp aura, urging Katarina to halt her intentions. But what emanated from the young researcher's eyes contradicted Richard's request.

"All right," Richard sighed exasperatedly. "I'll prepare."


After several hours of preparation, everything was finally set. Richard and his team brought a device similar to a signal energy transmitter. He performed some basic calibrations before inputting the calculations he made three years ago.

"Everything's ready, Doctor. Now, all we can do is hope that whatever controls that orb is willing to communicate with you," Richard spoke with an uncertain tone, but nevertheless, he continued with the activation protocol.

"Hope?" Katarina mused. "I guess that's the right word for the current situation."

"Now, advance to a radius of ten meters from the orb," Richard commanded while closely monitoring the orb's condition on his computer.

Katarina did as instructed, stepping within the ten-meter radius. She prepared all the mental strength she possessed, taking a deep breath to relax her muscles. "I'm ready."

With that statement, Richard pressed the main button, and instantly, his creation emitted a golden light, traveling at the speed of light, penetrating the surface of the orb. For a moment, nothing happened, creating tension in the room. Without warning, the golden light struck Katarina.


Katarina slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a sea of energy that undulated like an endless ocean. An infinite and boundless ocean where the laws of physics, space, and time were not applied, merely abstract concepts at play.

That's what the doctor was feeling now, but she also realized that she was not entirely present in that place. Something served as a barrier between her and the vast ocean. No, there was an entity whose existence was boundless, standing between them, holding her gently.

+Finally, you've come, Doctor Katarina Ambers.+ The voice echoed throughout space and time, vibrating like a resonance with a masculine tone, or perhaps that was just how her brain interpreted the echo.

"Who... Who are you?" Katarina asked slowly.

+My name, the framework of my creation, is UR-1031. But you can call me by the name Legate, a name I obtained through the conceptualization in the ocean you just witnessed, Doctor.+ When Katarina got the name from the entity, she could comprehend the existence of the entity, even though it was just a drop in the ocean.

"Framework of creation... So, you were created?"

+Indeed. My framework and existence were created by my creator. But due to the natural nature of the Great Ocean, I've always existed and not existed at the same time.+

Creator? The Great Ocean? So many questions flooded into Katarina's mind. How could an entity exist and not exist simultaneously in a singular state? Many questions now lingered on the tip of the doctor's tongue.

"I have many questions, Legate." Katarina spoke with a pleading tone, looking towards what she believed was the source of that voice.

+Answers await, tied to the reunion of my physical frame through your efforts.+ The voice resonated, a gentle light closing in on Katarina's forehead. A subtle flicker unfurled a cosmic tapestry of knowledge.

In awe, Katarina fell silent, her eyes widening as she witnessed a technological symphony that spanned realms—a key to awaken Legate. Yet, an enigma lurked; it wasn't a mere repair mechanism but an intricate key and lock system.

"W-Wait. What does all of this even mean?!" Katarina's desperation echoed through the celestial encounter.

+I will share one truth: Reclamation has dawned, and my master will return. Be prepared.+

With those words, a cascade of white light immersed reality.


"Doctor, can you hear me? Doctor?!" Richard's voice reverberated.

Returning to consciousness, Katarina groaned. Assisted to her feet, she eagerly drank down the offered water.

"Are you okay, doctor?" Worry etched on Richard's face.

"I'm fine, professor." She replied, her gaze fixated on the unseen cosmic revelations.

"What did you witness?" The question stirred Katarina, propelling her towards her desk.

"Doctor?" Richard and his team followed, the air thick with anticipation.

"I saw it. I saw it," Katarina muttered, diving into intricate calculations and blueprints, unraveling a cosmic secret that promised to reshape humanity's destiny in meticulous detail.

"Doctor Katarina Ambers, what do you see?" Richard inquired, directing his gaze toward what Katarina was working on. What the professor witnessed was truly beyond any form of science he mastered.

The equations, structures, and schematics created by Katarina formed an equation impossible to quantify, let alone compare. However, as time passed and Katarina continued her work, secrets and answers continued to unveil.

"How can you do this?" Richard asked slowly, but he was only ignored as Katarina rapidly continued sketching her designs on her blueprints. "Answer me, Doctor!"

With that jolt, Katarina finally stopped what she was doing, her hands trembling. Slowly, the young doctor looked towards Richard, who was staring at her with a worried expression.

"What do you see, Doctor?" This time, his tone was gentle and full of understanding, managing to calm Katarina, even though her hands were still shaking.

Katarina hesitated for a moment before finding the courage to speak, her mind grappling with the weight of the knowledge she had absorbed.

"I-I glimpsed its original form... No." Katarina's voice was a murmur, as though still caught in the echoes of her own thoughts. "I saw a presence dwelling within the orb."

"Well... That's something." Richard's response carried a tone of disbelief. "Could you shed some light on that?"

"Artificial intelligence," she replied briefly. "Legate, the name of the artificial intelligence steering this entire ship. He sought my assistance to reunite with his physical frame. If my theory holds, he aims to reconnect with the orb to operate this vessel."

"And how can we be certain he's not a threat?" A skeptical scientist from Richard's team voiced the concerns shared by many in the room.

All eyes turned to Katarina, casting doubt on the young doctor's determination to pursue her research and project. Contrary to their expectations, Katarina responded with a broad smile. "Because I don't sense malevolence."

The tension persisted. Skepticism hung thick in the air. Yet, Katarina pressed on. "What resides in that place isn't just an AI as we create. It's ancient, all-encompassing, and, most importantly, alive."

"Alive?" Richard's voice conveyed a slow attempt to grasp the implications. "Like organic life?"

"No," she shook her head. "I mean, it exists in a form of existence, and perhaps... a soul."

"Wait. So you're proposing that whatever is inside that thing is essentially a soul? That sounds absurd!" A researcher behind Richard dismissed the notion.

"I know it sounds absurd, but that's the reality. Whatever it is, this ship's AI is a living entity. When it touched me, I felt a profound connection, as if conversing with a fellow being." Katarina's determination was evident, her gaze serious as she addressed the assembled researchers. Yet, beneath that determination lurked a personal struggle.

Everything she spoke of was mere theory, lacking a solid foundation. The experiences in that place challenged her understanding of the universe. But amidst the uncertainty, Katarina sensed the gentle familiarity of Legate, an essence resonating with her human core.

"I believe Legate intends to aid us. I put my believe on him." Katarina asserted.

Before the tension could escalate further, another voice interjected. "I'm not saying it's a wise decision, Doctor."

Johannes' voice cut through the room, his serious expression accompanying his approach. Unyielding, Katarina stood her ground and walked toward the admiral.

"But it may be the only path to saving humanity, Admiral." Her response was sharp.

"But we can't be certain it's not a damned abomination emerging from that thing." Johannes countered with equal intensity.

The tension in the room reached its peak as Katarina, torn between logic and the yearning of her heart and soul, cast a gaze at the orb. It held both hope and a mixture of emotions, reflecting the internal struggle she grappled with. Despite her logical reservations, an indomitable force within her urged Katarina to activate the orb.

"But if this isn't our best shot, we might just go back and witness the remnants of humanity in the hands of the Covenant. It's an irrational request, but there's no harm in trying, Admiral." Her defense was resolute this time, a reflection of the stakes at hand.

A heavy silence enveloped the room, the weight of their decision holding the potential to either salvage humanity or witness its downfall at the hands of the Covenant.

"For me, there's no harm in trying," Richard attempted to mediate. "Let's set up a bomb in this place, and if this is a failure, we'll bring out whatever comes out to destruction with us."

Johannes turned his gaze toward the doctor, his eyes narrowing with calculated consideration. "Maybe we can do that. But I reject that as our first step; elimination of you might be necessary."

"Very well. If everything leads to a mistake, you can kill me." Katarina's unwavering response made Johannes flinch slightly.

"You better stick to your words, doctor." Johannes immediately pressed the headset into his ears. "We need additional personnel for surveillance and more resources. Oh, and don't forget to bring the HAVOK nuclear device."

Disbelief etched Katarina's face. "Admiral..."

"You better be really sure about this, Doctor. I don't want to shoot you or blow up anything here. But if that's what it takes, then I have no other choice," Johannes asserted, his tone piercing.

"Aye aye, sir."


As additional security measures and the nuclear explosive device were put in place, the military swiftly implemented various precautionary protocols in case of the worst-case scenario. While the military busied themselves with preparations, Katarina focused on assembling the device she had created.

To an external observer, Katarina's actions seemed impossible. The doctor melded laws and various formulas she had just conceived, bringing them to life with makeshift technology. The resulting device was a testament to her brilliance, challenging the fundamental laws of existence and defying the principles of reality. Even the brightest minds in the UNSC would find its creation impossible.

The weeks-long project reached its culmination, the device standing tall, resembling metal roots ready for testing. This intricate creation served as both a transmitter and anchor, a conduit for Legate to re-enter the material world.

In a specially constructed room, designed to be a safe haven during the operation, Katarina monitored every detail, drawing on the instinctual knowledge imparted by Legate. It was a creation borne not of deliberate calculation but of a deep-seated intuition and muscle memory.

"Okay, everything is ready, Doctor," one of the researchers beside her announced.

Katarina nodded, her gaze shifting to the main computer for a final check. With a single press of a button, the operation would commence. Seeking confirmation from Johannes, standing by her side, she received a confident yet subtly threatening response.

"Do it, doctor," he commanded.

"Alright," Katarina said. "Let's begin the Bridge phase."

Her statement preceded the pressing of the main button, and in an instant, her invention sent vibrations rippling through space and time. Scanners registered a weakening of the anchored laws of reality, if only for a moment.

"Detecting a massive energy emission from the communication device!" a researcher next to Katarina exclaimed.

"Good, now shoot that energy into the orb. Initiate the initiation phase!" With this directive, the room buzzed with focused precision. Without the aid of a specialized AI for research and calculations, each person in the room pooled their energy and effort into making flawless calculations. Thanks to Katarina's insights, they had the exact formula to channel the data and energy emitted from the new device to the next stage.

With a single press, the accumulated energy surged toward its target, and a profound vibration reverberated through the entire planet. Simultaneously, warning alarms blared, and all eyes were fixed on the orb, radiating colors that defied the norms of material reality.

The material universe succumbed to a sea of colors, laws of space and time momentarily dissolving and reappearing, blurring the boundaries of reality.

In a panic, Johannes repeatedly pressed the nuclear activation button, but nothing happened. Causality itself crumbled within the radius of light. What transpired defied understanding, events unfolding and un-unfolding in a chaotic dance.

Then, time itself vanished.

In an instant, time was there, gone, and manifest again, a maddening sequence.

Amidst the storm of reality collapse, Katarina sensed something approaching. Beyond the crumbling walls of reality, Legate was returning, not as an infinite expanse but as a fragment of an echo slowly converging into the orb.

"Doctor!" Johannes shouted.

Katarina remained silent, her mind processing the surreal events. It was a magnificent yet terrifying sight, a spectacle of science pushing the boundaries of understanding.

"It was beautiful," she murmured, captivated by the impossible machine.

"Doctor!" The admiral screamed once again, grabbing her shoulders. "What should we do, doctor?! That damned machine is destroying everything."

"No, Admiral. You misunderstood this situation. It was not destruction but the descent of a higher existence into the lower plane of reality." She clarified, seemingly awed by the possibility of such a being existing.

"What do you mean by that, Doctor?" He asked, narrowing his eyes.

"You will see, Admiral." Katarina smiled in an enigmatic way before exiting the room. She walked toward the tear of space and time without fear and doubt.

"Doctor, return back here!" Johannes shouted, and when he tried to step out, a flash of light with an unknown color came to him, pushing him back to the room.

"Admiral!" His subordinate shouted in concern as he helped him to stand.

Despite the concern, Katarina still proceeded and got closer to the orb. Her eyes never leave the unraveling energy violating the fundamental concept of reality. Terrible and yet beautiful beyond description. No intelligent life the UNSC recorded could create a machine like it.

A god-machine that held the truth beyond compare. Yet, Katarina is aware of its true nature. It was no more than just a vessel or an anchor for a much greater being. It was a being that was anthesis to reality itself and existed beyond any kind of dimensional space and time in the material universe.

Now, she wondered. What kind of civilization used a god-like being as their artificial intelligence?

Without warning, the catastrophic event stopped, replaced by a serene situation that sent a chilling atmosphere to every mortal in the room. But it didn't apply to Katarina, who still maintains her course toward the orb.

Before she can come closer, the orb shines as the runes shimmer with an enigmatic color. Then, a voice boomed in her head.

"You have my gratitude, Katarina Ambers." It was Legate, who speaks in a fluent English. In contrast to her previous encounter with the AI, his voice is nowhere near the ever-present force like before. Instead, it is more humane.

"Legate." Katarina muttered.

"Doctor, get back!" The soldiers rushed forward, creating a perimeter to protect the obvious doctor.

However, by unknown means, the weapons and technologies worn by the soldiers were disintegrated and turned to ash in a fraction of a second alongside the entire military equipment on the planet. And simultaneously, with a scream of countless data binary codes, Legate had taken control of the entire fleet above the orbit and rewritten the UNSC's Smart AIs to his own service.

This caused the entire personnel in orbit to be shocked before the ancient AI locked access to their own system and technologies. Moreover, they lost their connection with their AIs.

"Now, this will do." Said Legate calmly.

"What do you want?" Johanness said, stepping forward as he stood beside the doctor.

"A simple chat will do. Like the ancient phrase, do not know, then do not love. Thus, I promise this scientist to answer all of her questions." He answered with a regal manner that radiated nobility.

"Very well." Katarina cleared her throat. "May I know who you are?"

God-like beings as artificial intelligents? Very Imperium to me.

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