
The persuasion plan

Merry still remembered the time when after completing high school, it was time for her to decide what to study further.

Usually, other people, her age have confusion about what career path to choose, but for Merry, there was an even bigger block on her path. Merry had to consider not only her aspirations but also how to persuade Mrs. Miller to allow her to go out to the university.

Merry knew that convincing Mrs. Miller to let her pursue higher education would require strategic maneuvering and appealing to her ego.

She didn't know what was Mrs. Miller thinking when she first thought about homeschooling Merry when she had never before tried to even include Merry in any lessons, training anything related to education when her friends were compulsory or to say forced to take every required course.

Whatever the reason for Mrs. Miller's sudden change in perspective, there was a slight chance that Merry could convince Mrs. Miller.