
The Red Demon and the Devil

I sighed, “Why does it feel like I’m being watched all the time?” “Maybe it's because you are." A cool voice came from the other side of my room. I froze. How did someone get in here without me noticing? Who is this man? I don't recognize that voice. I felt too terrified to turn around, but I forced myself to. Across the room, near my bed, stood a talk man. He seemed well built, quite muscular, and had black hair. He had fair skin and handsome features, but the most noticeable feature was his eyes. They were a golden-red colour. He wore all black clothes. There was something ominous yet intriguing about this man. "W-who...? Why..?" I was at a loss for words. Wait, was he from another assassin core and sent to kill me? I quickly grab hold of my sword from where it sat beside my desk and this time, with more confidence, I asked, "Who are you and why are you here?" The man slowly walked toward me and I tightened my grip on my sword. Then he disappeared. I quickly looked around but couldn't see him. "I don't think you'd like to know who I am, but I'm here because you have brought much interest to my kind and now to me." The man had appeared behind me and whispered into my ear. I whip around and quickly move away, but this seemed to amuse the man. "Why wouldn't I want to know? And what do you mean your 'kind'?" Why am I asking questions instead of getting rid of him? "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was." He replied simply. I just stared back and him and he seemed to be thinking. "Fine," He said, "my kind are demons. I myself am a high-ranking demon, but there is talk amongst all since you had encountered one. As for who I am..." He trailed off as we began walking closer to me. There was something about him that made me freeze. Then he was gone again and before I realized it, he had knocked my sword from my hand and had grabbed my chin to tilt it toward his face which was very close to mine. My heart was racing and my face felt hot. He looked even more attractive up close. The man smirked. "I am the Devil." ——————————————————————————— Nyx is your average 20-year-old, full-time university student, but she also has a trivial side job. She’s a hit-woman. An assassin. And she’s good at it. But something, or someone, has taken notice of her. Something that it not human. Something with an evil side, and he knows something that she doesn’t. However, with him having taken notice of Nyx, so have other non-human creatures. Her life is about to get a hell of a lot more dangerous and filled with an unexpected, long winded series of adventures. ——————————————————————————— Warning: Violence, suggestive content, sex, murder, suicidal ideations Thank you for everyone that reads!! Feedback is always appreciated! It means the words to me!

redpheonyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


I looked at myself in the puddle again. My appearance turned back to normal after some time, when Asmodeus had stopped the fight. I had never appeared like this before, or at least I'm pretty sure I haven't. I sighed and walked over to where the two men were sat around a small fire.

"We can't stay here long. We'll be found in due time." Almos spoke as I came over.

"I agree. The angels are to come soon I'm sure, and demons have been lurking around here although I took care of them. On top of this, now her little assassin core is looking for her." Asmodeus said, sounding concerned.

"They might ask for help from the other cores too." I said as I sat down between them. Almos nodded.

"We need you to learn to control your abilities." Asmodeus said as he looked at me, "Something is stopping them from completely coming out, but I have no idea what."

I looked down at the ground. This all sounded like a lot to try to accomplish, especially in a relatively short period of time.

"You should get some rest, princess." Asmodeus said as he scooted closer to me and tried to scoop me up into his lap.

"Hey!" I protested, "Stop it!" I tried to wriggle out of his grasp but he only held on to me tighter.

"You didn't seem to mind it last night." He said, there was a moment where a common emotion crossed his eyes. Lust. I felt my face heat up a bit.

Almos yawned. "You guys do what you want, just don't wake me up." He said as he laid down.

"Sure I guess I'll take first watch." Asmodeus mumbled. His grip on me loosened, but now felt more protective than playful. "Just sleep, princess. Unless maybe you were waiting for Almos to fall asleep so we could do something." He winked at me which made my heart flutter a little. Why did it do that?

"You wish." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh I can assure you that I do." A smirk crossed his face.

"Whatever, let me sleep." I sighed. There's no point in fighting against him, with my luck I would end up in a situation that I don't want to be in.

I awoke from my sleep by being pushed into the cave floor. "What the hell-" I began to protest but stopped as I noticed a small demon at the entrance to the cave and Asmodeus stood beside me. Almos was stood as well, and both were preparing to fight. I watched as several more began to appear.

"Shit. They found us sooner than I thought." Asmodeus spat.

I stood up, ready to fight as well. Asmodeus smirked, "You're quite eager I see."

"Am I supposed to just sit around and hope that you can protect me?" I retorted. Almos chuckled a little.

"Grab the girl. Kill the others." One of the demons growled, then they began to attack us. I ran my sword through the flesh of one and the smell of blood filled my nose. My desire to kill became overwhelming.

A smile arose on my face as I became hyper focused on killing as many demons as possible. I attacked every one that I saw. I laughed and smiled and enjoyed the event.

Tear their flesh from their bones. Make them suffer. Watch them die slowly.

No! End their misery quickly. Be merciful.

To hell with that! Listen to their screams, taste their blood. Don't be merciful.

These thoughts kept running through my head and it began to throb. It wouldn't stop, and it kept getting louder. I dropped to my knees, clutching my head. Almos then appeared in front of me, ending the life of another demon, "Are you okay?" He asked, still standing with his back to me.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." I stuttered, trying to stand an ignore the pain. As the three of us stood together, catching our breath, the demons kept appearing.

"Shit. Shit. Shit. SHIT." Asmodeus spat. Looking at him, I noticed his eyes were a bright red, he had longer fangs, and his nails had become extremely long and sharp. He had no weapon in his hands.

A sudden blinding light appeared behind the demons, causing me to shut my eyes. As the light faded, I opened them again and saw the demons had vanished and a figure dressed in all white floated in the sky outside the entrance. They slowly came to the ground and began towards us.

I heard Asmodeus growl lowly.

I watched the figure and soon began to make out their features. It was a women. She was wearing a long, flowing dress. Her long blonde hair swayed as she walked. Her features were soft and she held a warm expression on her face. She appeared to glow, but the most noticeable characteristic of her appearance were the large feathered wings sticking out from her back.

"An angel." I whispered, both scared and mesmerized.

She stopped a few meters away and flashed a smile, "Gentlemen. I believe you have something that I need to take with me." Her voice was angelic and soft.

Asmodeus seemed further angered by her greeting. I looked to Almos who appeared to be normal except for his eyes. They too were red.

"I'm afraid we won't let that happen." Almos replied to her.

She frowned, then addressed me, "Dear, you should come with me. These men are dangerous, but I can keep you safe."

Her voice was enticing. It made me want to go with her.

No! I can't. They just want to rid me from this world.

I shook my head, "I won't go with you."

Her frown deepened, "I see that it's true, that your demon side has more control over you. No matter, we can still purify you."

Spill her blood.

Do not do that!

Make her beg for mercy.

Go with her!

Kill her.

My head began to throb again and my chest felt tight. I fell to my knees, and Asmodeus was instantly down at my side.

"Are you okay?" He asked, seemingly worried yet he still looked enraged.

"Yeah I-" I was cut off by another shooting pain through my head, "I'm okay."

He looked at me for a moment before standing up and glaring at the angel, "What type of shit are you pulling? What are you doing to her?" He snarled.

"Whatever do you mean? I am doing nothing. Her two sides are fighting and she is but a victim of it." She stated.

"You should leave." Asmodeus spoke.

"I shall not until I have the woman. She needs to be punished like her parents. Slain then reborn. They deserved it and so does she." My heart skipped a best as the angel said this.

My parents. My real parents. Why did they deserve to die?

"They were pathetic beings really. I'm glad those two angels had slain them, although it is too bad they saved you." She continued.

My other parents. My parents that killed my real ones and adopted me. They were angels?

I felt furious. I gritted my teeth and glared at her.

In a heartbeat, I dropped my sword and launched myself at her. I briefly saw a startled look cross her face before I slit her throat with my claws. I stared at her unmoving body on the ground in front of me. I then stomped on her head with as much force as I could.

I still felt overwhelmingly angry. Everything I knew seems to all be a lie.

I began screaming at the top of my lungs to release my anger. Suddenly, a strong arm wrapped around my waist and a hand covered my mouth. "How fucking stupid are you? You're going to attract who knows what!" Asmodeus said in my ear in a low and angry tone.

I bit his hand in response, causing him to pull it away from my mouth momentarily, "I don't care! I don't fucking care!" I yelled at him, trying to free myself from his grip, but he just tightened it. He then took the hand that I bit and aggressively grabbed my throat. I gasped for air. He has a tight grip. He lifted his hand upwards a bit which caused me to tilt my head, and I looked him dead in the eye and growled.

"If you pull a stunt like that again, I'll have to punish you." He growled. I felt his hot breath on the back of my neck and my heart began to flutter. I felt something else too, something hard pressing into me from behind. Normally I would be nervous or embarrassed and push away, but I didn't feel any of those emotions. I just continued to stare into his red eyes. The only emotion I still felt was rage.

I can't deny it though. I felt a bit turned on as well.

Almos cleared his throat to draw attention to that he was still there, but Asmodeus didn't move.

"Let me go." I squeaked out. Asmodeus looked at me for a moment longer then pulled away. "What do we do now?" I asked.

"We need to leave, but it'll be even more difficult now. It seems your abilities have been further unlocked. You may look like your usual self, but your aura is stronger. You're a walking beacon." Almos said sternly.

"Then let them come to me. I'll slaughter every last one."