
The Red Demon and the Devil

I sighed, “Why does it feel like I’m being watched all the time?” “Maybe it's because you are." A cool voice came from the other side of my room. I froze. How did someone get in here without me noticing? Who is this man? I don't recognize that voice. I felt too terrified to turn around, but I forced myself to. Across the room, near my bed, stood a talk man. He seemed well built, quite muscular, and had black hair. He had fair skin and handsome features, but the most noticeable feature was his eyes. They were a golden-red colour. He wore all black clothes. There was something ominous yet intriguing about this man. "W-who...? Why..?" I was at a loss for words. Wait, was he from another assassin core and sent to kill me? I quickly grab hold of my sword from where it sat beside my desk and this time, with more confidence, I asked, "Who are you and why are you here?" The man slowly walked toward me and I tightened my grip on my sword. Then he disappeared. I quickly looked around but couldn't see him. "I don't think you'd like to know who I am, but I'm here because you have brought much interest to my kind and now to me." The man had appeared behind me and whispered into my ear. I whip around and quickly move away, but this seemed to amuse the man. "Why wouldn't I want to know? And what do you mean your 'kind'?" Why am I asking questions instead of getting rid of him? "You probably wouldn't believe me if I told you who I was." He replied simply. I just stared back and him and he seemed to be thinking. "Fine," He said, "my kind are demons. I myself am a high-ranking demon, but there is talk amongst all since you had encountered one. As for who I am..." He trailed off as we began walking closer to me. There was something about him that made me freeze. Then he was gone again and before I realized it, he had knocked my sword from my hand and had grabbed my chin to tilt it toward his face which was very close to mine. My heart was racing and my face felt hot. He looked even more attractive up close. The man smirked. "I am the Devil." ——————————————————————————— Nyx is your average 20-year-old, full-time university student, but she also has a trivial side job. She’s a hit-woman. An assassin. And she’s good at it. But something, or someone, has taken notice of her. Something that it not human. Something with an evil side, and he knows something that she doesn’t. However, with him having taken notice of Nyx, so have other non-human creatures. Her life is about to get a hell of a lot more dangerous and filled with an unexpected, long winded series of adventures. ——————————————————————————— Warning: Violence, suggestive content, sex, murder, suicidal ideations Thank you for everyone that reads!! Feedback is always appreciated! It means the words to me!

redpheonyx · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


We moved quickly and spent the whole day running. Where to? I have no idea.

We stopped once for Asmodeus to catch something to eat after he had heard my stomach growling. As the day went on and we kept running, my body began to become fatigued. I was hyperventilating but not enough oxygen was reaching my muscles to produce energy and I had no immediate source of glucose handy. My movements grew clumsy and my lungs burned. My legs felt weak and as if they were going to collapse. My heart rate was excessively fast. It felt more difficult to keep up with the two men and eventually they began to increase the gap between us, or maybe I was as I began to slow down.

In my clumsy and exhausted state, I was less aware of my surroundings and I suddenly found myself slamming face first into the ground. I groaned as I tried to push myself up, but my body was too tired. I managed to move my head to look behind me at what I had tripped over, and saw a small hole in the ground.

I moved my head again to see the blurry image of Asmodeus and Almos running back toward me. I again attempted to get up but miserably failed. I was still struggling to catch my breath and my heart rate was still significantly elevated.

"Maybe we should find somewhere to hide out for the night." Asmodeus spoke as the two men neared.

"No, I'm okay." I panted, attempting once again to push myself up from the ground, but to no avail.

Asmodeus stopped beside my fatigued body and picked me up. I just rag-dolled in his arms, I could barely move. "Maybe you're just faking it so I'll spoil you." Asmodeus winked at me and I rolled my eyes in return.

With Asmodeus carrying me in his arms, we continued on our journey until the sun began to set. Almos pointed out a small waterfall coming from the side of a mountain, and it appeared that there was a cave right behind it. We agreed that we would rest here for now.

There was a small pool at the bottom of the waterfall. I'd really love to wash off, I haven't had the chance to for a few days now.

"Hey, guys? I think I'm going to go for a quick dip in the water to wash myself." I said as we stopped in front of the pool and Asmodeus set me on the ground.

"Go for it." Almos shrugged.

"Hmm come to think of it, I could use a quick wash myself." Asmodeus said in a low tone at my ear. My cheeks felt hot and my heart beated a little faster. "Almos, you can set up a fire. We're just going to wash off." Asmodeus said as he smirked at his brother.

Almos shrugged again and began preparing to make a fire.

"Are you going to tease me again or are you going to let me get a good look at all your sexy features?" Asmodeus spoke in a husky and lustful tone while placing his hands on my hips.

"I'm not going in you are!" I blurted, although this didn't entirely feel true. Maybe I felt a little bit of a desire for him to be there with me. No, that wouldn't be a good idea.

Asmodeus frowned as he lightly grabbed my chin and tilted my head back to look at him. His eyes were becoming red. I could feel him bring his body a bit closer to mine. "You don't want to bathe with me, princess? Do you want me to beg? So that's what you're into." He smirked at the last part.

"No, that's not what-"

"Asmodeus can you control yourself for 5 minutes even? God it's so gross to see you do... that." A voice spoke from behind us. Asmodeus let go of me and we turned around to find five figures walking towards us. Three men and two women.

As they left the shadow of the trees, I could make out who it was. Midas, Ares, Livius, Adephagia, and Hubris. What they hell were all of them doing here?

"Why are you all here?" Almos's voice came from the trees as he rejoined us with a small pile of wood in his arms.

"We want the girl, you idiot." Ares sneered, "We heard that the angels have started to come after her so we figured we should make the next move."

"Congrats on slaughtering that angel, by the way." Livius sneered as he looked at me, "I'd love to have such an opportunity."

Asmodeus stood in front of me in a protective manner. "You're not getting her."

"Oh, so you're going to use her for yourself? I see how it is." Midas snarled, "We won't let that happen."

"Why have you all teamed up, anyways? The one that drinks her blood becomes the most powerful and then will be allowed to take over for father. What is your plan?" Almos asked.

"Who said we all want her blood? I know I would much rather have her body." Adephagia smirked and said in a low tone. Right, she wanted me to become a lesbian.

"We will determine after we take her who will get her, or maybe she will even be allowed to choose her fate." Ares spoke confidently.

"Yeah, well, you're not taking her." Asmodeus growled. He then whispered to me, "Nows the chance. Fighting with the highest ranked demons might fully draw out your abilities."

I nodded. I was exhausted but I had no choice but to fight. My gaze hardened and I tried to bring my abilities out before the fight began since Asmodeus and Almos had wanted me to learn how to activate them of my own will; however, it seemed to be no use. I'd have to wait until blood was spilled.

Without warning, the fight began. Ares charged at Asmodeus while Livius and Hubris charged at Almos. That left Adephagia and Midas to come for me.

I took my sword out, ready to fight, but fighting two opponents at once was difficult. As the fight went on and the two kept landing blows on my body, I started to feel a surge of energy and gained a thirst for blood.

"So you show your true self now." Midas smirked as he charged at me. I charged toward him as well. He swung his sword down and I blocked it with my forearm guard. I then took my sword and impaled him. His face went pale and he looked shocked.

"I am, and it wants blood. Your blood."