

On November 5, 2022. A young fan sitting at home watching man UTD losing to Aston villa. "Even though we now have a new manager and a playing good football, we still would lose some game because of the lack of depth. Same old story, let me see if we are planning on recruiting in the summer. Thirty minutes later, Same old story 'excuses on why we cannot spend during the window'.He sighed and said God how I wish we can get a new owner matching our coach ambition. Unknown to him a shooting star passed at that time and his wishes was granted.

Arites_Teslim · Sports
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Chapter 23: Aftermath

Eric Ten hag's POV

Most people would think I'm angry about how the match was squandered so late in the game but they won't know that I am even pleasantly surprised by the game process after all they are a team in form in the La Liga without losing most of their players to world cup.

The ending part of the game as well makes for a good lesson materials for the players especially the youngsters of the importance of control in a game and not just going crazy while ignoring or under estimating their opponents, well we would talk about those in the debriefing and analysis sessions, first let me go see Isaac, he promised me some good news.

Isaac's POV.

'Good morning ten hag, how has been your day' I asked.

It's been good and I think it might get better if you called me for what I think". Ten hag replied.

"well I did, what do you think about the team signing Milan Skrinar from Inter Milan this winter?" I asked.

Well I do believe he is going to become an important member of the team since Raphael and Lisandro are the only defenders I really trust in the team irrespective of how good Harry played for England in the world cup, he is a good player but not quality enough for my plans and not consistent either. Milan is a good defender and a leader a s well so I he is great, wait was that the surprise you promised me? Is he coming?

I reply, "well I talked with inter Milan and they made it known they would be willing to enter negotiate with us so as not to lose him for nothing next summer and the Milan Skrinar's team said they are willing to come if they get convinced since no much difference between winter and summer to them, so all I need was your go ahead and we enter advanced talks with them immediately".

"Oh well you have my consent Isaac, and you know what I can already see what he would add to this team when he joins, so it is great. And what about the other players you wanted to get especially the right back and the striker". he asked

"Well for the right back, we have all but completed the deal for Jeremie Frimpong and all that remains is for him to come back from vacation and come officially sign for his new team, as for a striker,well there are some changes, the options available are;

1. Cody Gakpo: permanent signing €65 million

2. Joao Felix: loan for 6 months.and if we want to buy him after we then enter a new negotiation with Atletico Madrid possibly for €125 million.

3. Goncalo Ramos: trigger his release clause and with tax and everything about €140 million.

4. Benjamin Sesko: summer deal about €105 million.

5. Victor Osimhen: Deal until summer for about €120 million.

I do not know what is best for your team so I decided to come and see you again, the price are not really a problem except maybe with Financial Fair Play but tell who you really want and let the negotiations team do their work".

Ten hag spent about 10 minutes thinking Ang looking at their data before replying, "I really wanted Gakpo but few of his goals came from inside the box, and he hardly enters the box 6, so let's sign Felix on loan and go again in the summer, no rush".

"okay no problem, but for the Midfielders you need they do not plan on changing clubs in the winter window especially de jong, even with all the talks he said he is moved but our team has to qualify for champions league next summer before he plans to move".

"Well I expected that, I just wanted to try our luck, let us talk about the players contract renewals for now". ten hag said.

"Yes, that's part of why you are here, well Marcus's agent said he wants his player to be highest paid equal with de gea (£375,000) but I told him de gea is leaving or taking a paycut so that doesn't count and we are only willing to give him £300,000 pounds per week as our highest paid alongside Casemiro, but add a rich performance based bonuses which we in the club believe will help increase his motivations. He went to talk about it with his clients but I do believe he would accept it as long as he does not have any confidence problem with how good the bonuses are. So as long as you do not have any problem with making him our highest paid player, it is a done deal". I inform him.

"Well there is no problem here, I am in absolute support of the performance based contracts and I will even support it being used for every player at the club, hell even coaches". Ten hag replies.

"Well I will tell your colleagues you said that". I joke.

"Oh please don't do that, he mock exclaimed, they would tear me up".

Okay, okay, I will pity you and keep your secret, as for Diogo Dalot his agent at first was trying to stall but after asking if he plans to change club, If he does I would send his client to the reserve team till his contract end while getting someone that wants to play for us, no longer being played we are a big team.

He said his client never planned on changing club, at least not now when he is an integral part of something at a big club like man United and that he was only trying to get more for his client, since then we have been negotiating slowly and are about to come to an agreement for a base salary of £135,000 pounds as well as performance based bonuses.

As for Garnacho, the deal is about to be signed a contract of £50,000 that increases differently after 2 years depending on his progress and contributions to the club during that period. It was only that much because it was included in the contract that in the next two years, his feeding, rest, leisure and accomodations would be decided by the club to aid his growth during his youth.