
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 31

Sachin kept Celia close, seeing that Laonn's gaze was clear. He would not let Celia go, no matter how many years passed. "She is not an object or item. She belongs to no one but herself. Do not think that I will let you take my daughter." Celia could sense the anger coming off of Sachin, along with the protectiveness. It was strange to be able to witness him being protective over her. She was not even his biological child.

"Your daughter? When did you take it into your own hands to adopt a child who is not related to you in any way? She has neither your blood nor looks." Laonn kept his eyes on Sachin before looking back to Celia.

Celia did not turn her gaze away; it made her seem weak in front of him. Sachin spoke out once more, "She does not need to have my blood or looks. I would never allow you anywhere near her ever again. Even when Celia first appeared in my life, I wondered what kind of monster like you would have laid a hand on this child. Regardless of whether you are Celia's father or not, I am the man who will protect this child from here on out." He wrapped Celia into an even more protective embrace, like a father to a daughter.

Laonn attempted to destroy the dirt terrain below them, hoping it would cause Sachin to fall. Sachin formed his Earth and shielded him and Celia from falling into the large hole below them. He leaped back, landing on solid dirt nearby as Laonn emerged above them.

"Such a heartwarming commitment to this child. This child has something that belongs to me, though." Laonn formed a sharp crystal with one hand while attempting to grab Celia with the other.

In response, Sachin caught on, creating an ice shield—shattering the icicle into pieces. Celia did not want Laonn to grab her; by instinct, she had bit down on his hand. It frightened her to see that he did not feel any pain or faze from it. Yet, she held her gaze so as not to show any fear in front of him. Sachin formed a dark poison vine to let it entangle Laonn, who had retreated back.

"Ah, the fine poison that only runs within the Maximus family along with the ice. I have yet to gather some of your family blood, to be honest. It is unfair that you can use it while I cannot. I am quite at a disadvantage here." Laonn had to rip his hand out from Celia's mouth; it still bled, but he did not seem bothered by it. Sachin sent another vine out towards the man who was six feet away.

Laonn then managed to get the poison vine away as Sachin had created multiple darkness tentacles in defense. "You do not understand what you are saying. It is ridiculous to know that someone such as yourself is nothing more than a fool." Sachin did not know what went on in the madman's head, but he was only going to have to stop him by any means if they could not lock him up.

The barrier shattered with just a touch of Laonn's magic, tracing its weakest part. He targeted Celia once more while Thirteen appeared out to try and distract Sachin. It was almost like child's play, which Celia brought upon herself to burst out her flames. It was almost as close to being an explosion when she contained it to the smallest she could. The impact of the flames injured Laonn and Thirteen for a brief bit. Sachin managed to get away from the two and noticed how high Celia's temperature had gone. 'This is not good. The more she uses her fire, the more it will counteract back on her.'

Thirteen tried to lash at Sachin before a strong elemental wind was shot at her. Resulting in a topple and stumble from the poor girl.

"Archmage!" Ernest arrived and had been the one to shoot out the wind to push Thirteen off to the side. Laonn knew he could not take Celia that day, snapping his finger to get Thirteen to follow him.

"I would love to keep talking to you, but I think the time has come for us to take our leave," Laonn smirked. Thirteen went up to Laonn, following after him.

Sachin felt that the timing was a bit late, but he held Celia close, who only started burning up more. He immediately leaped to Ernest, handing her to him. "Take her back and get her a healer. I have to try and leave some sort of tracker on him." Sachin could still track Laonn, but not too far. He glanced at Celia, and her face did not look too good. Her fever was sparking up, with her body glowing a hot red around her.

"Ah! Hot!" Ernest tried to hold onto Celia, but her body was getting hot as fire, which made it hard to hold her. He did not have the specialty in his element to withstand her fire. His elements were mainly focused on Wind and Earth, which only burnt him. "Archmage!"

Sachin held onto Celia before Ernest could drop him, forming ice around his palm to cool her. He knew that this was going to come back to him; being able to track down Laonn was a once in a lifetime. This was the only way to save Celia. He could not turn away from her. How could he forgive himself if this daughter of his died?

"Ernest, change of plans. You go and take others with you to track Laonn. I will take Celia back." Sachin ordered Ernest to do so. Ernest nodded to Sachin and shouted for the other mages to follow him. Using their stronger senses to find the scent and traces of Laonn.

Sachin took a portal back to his home, not hesitating to get the healer from his family home. "Her temperature is way past average. I'll send for the maids and servants for ice and water to her if I can, but it is not within my element to use. It is rather hard to do so." The healer gave a look to Sachin, knowing that he was the only one who could keep constant ice in form.

Celia was panting and burning up; they had to place her on an ice-shaped block since the bed would only burn. It was getting worse by the second. Sachin could only place his hand on top of her head, forming more of an ice temperature to cool her down. "I will keep her temperature down as much as possible. Find out if there is any other way to cool her off or even make a potion."

Celia tightly held onto Sachin's hand, and it felt very nice that she did not wish to forget the cooling effect of it. 'I like this. It feels too hot no matter how much I try to cool down.'

'You have used too much of the fire. The more you use it and the more energy you put into it, the more it will come back to harm you.' Daise spoke out, knowing fairly well that Celia was in no condition to be using any more fire. 'I do not even know if your body can withstand all of it now. You are still far too young and weak to withstand the fire.'

Celia did not think that Daise would still be talking to a sick patient now who was on the verge of death. 'Do I really have to still hear you? You are the one who encouraged me to use it.' She reminded the old fox in her head.

'I only told you... you know what? I am not going to give a dying person any harder time.' Daise just decided to stay quiet at that point.

From what Daise felt, they were not getting anywhere; even Celia knew they would not progress. The sound of the maids and servants rushing in with the coldest water and ice they could find in the mansion. Reg and Priti were not allowed inside and left to stay with the newborn. The mansion only had a clattering sound due to the constant back-and-forth walking to the main room. Reg kept trying to stay calm, but there was just no way that he could be calm, knowing that he had left Celia alone throughout the whole chase and search.

"Reg, it is okay." Priti held his new baby sister in her arms, patting and ruffling Reg's head at the same time. "Do not feel like you are at fault for this. Your father is the best-known archmage. He can help Celia get through this." She did her best to reassure Reg that everything would be okay. The newborn infant, taking her mother's human traits, remained sleeping. It was going to be a long night for everyone.


"Celia? Celia?"

Celia could hear a voice; it was strange to hear her new name being used so often. Yet, it was strange because the voice did not sound real. Her eyes opened to see where she was, but it also shocked her to find the place strange.