
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 30

Thirteen growled, keeping her three heads just staring at her new obstacle holding her target. Sachin had reverted to standing on his two feet, staring at the creature before him, which was completely out of control and out of its senses. 'That is no human nor beast. What has that man done to these children?' Nothing more could make him any angrier than he already was. "Where is your master?" Sachin had taken a few glances around, not spotting Laonn anywhere in sight while holding Celia close in his arms to ensure she would not be in danger again. There was only constant growling escaping Thirteen's lips. There was going to be no negotiation or communication.

She had charged after Sachin, one head spitting out magma, thinking that it would do something to damage him. Sachin cast an ice spell, freezing it as it melted some ice. Jumping back simultaneously, he did not want anything to endanger Celia, who almost tried to jump out of his arms again.

"Stay still. Do you want to get hurt again?" Shifting to the side, he avoided some fire, and it seemed like Thirteen was trying her best not to kill Celia since she was still her target to capture and take back.

'I can't stay still.' Celia wanted to hop out, but Sachin did not allow it. She was tightly in his grip to avoid causing him any more trouble. There was no option but to remain in his arms, spotting Thirteen's head, ready to shoot out all elements. "Dodge!" Shouting unconsciously, she shocked Sachin, but he willingly leaped far. He was leaping even as far as almost ten feet away from Thirteen, who had shot out their explosive elements in his previous spot.

'Do you not wish to use that voice of yours?' Daise asked. She was not certain why she would keep her voice inside when she had one to use.

'Just stay put. You are not the one controlling my body,' Celia slightly argued back, clinging onto Sachin, who had the better advantage of avoiding the explosions. Celia could take advantage of this; it was her only chance to stop Thirteen and see if they could break her from her submission with Laonn. Celia enveloped her fist into flames right in front of Sachin. Tugging at Sachin's arm, it was like the gaze she gave him was clear. It did not seem like something that would work in his mind.

"Are you sure that this will work?" Sachin knew that he should not, but there was a look of trust that he could put into her. It was not something that he wanted to allow, but if he had not allowed it, then she would have done it either way without his consent. Celia nodded her head to him.

Both turned their gazes back onto Thirteen, who started charging after them. Sachin jumped back ten feet and avoided another explosion. He leaped back five feet before launching Celia to Thirteen, who had been caught off guard. Celia balled her hands into a fist, erupting them into flames to throw multiple punches onto Thirteen's three heads. Thirteen attempted to claw down onto Celia before she used her feet to lock down her hands. It's a good thing that Thirteen did not have any extra limbs on her. Thirteen had been caught off guard, slamming back to the ground while being unconscious for a brief bit. Celia used both palms to slam Thirteen's left and right head back to the ground, keeping their mouths shut. "Snap out of it! This archmage can help us!" She almost hoped they would listen, her eyes meeting the middle head gaze. Keeping her flames dead, she did not want to ignite any explosives at this close distance.

Thirteen had paused and huffed out for the longest time before a ring stung her head; her body reacted and head-butted Celia's nose. Celia stumbled back, caught from behind, before Thirteen managed to grab her. Sachin had leaped back, staring at the other girl who started growling and foaming at the mouth of all three heads. 'What is going on?' He had no idea what was going on with the poor girl.

Celia knew that Laonn must have done something to mind control or harm them. 'That damn mage!' There was no doubt in her mind that it was accurate. She wanted to find a way to kill the mage who was not forcefully implanting something into their mind. 'I am going to kill him!' Celia's hands were blazing in flames once more out of her anger.

Sachin hugged Celia, knowing just how angry she was. He was no different; their anger was what they felt for the mage who had done evil to those who were only seeking help. "Don't worry. We will get him and give him the punishment that he deserves. Trust me." Sachin promised he would not allow Laonn to escape any future punishments. He wanted Laonn to receive the most torturous punishment that could be given. Giving him death was too easy for him to escape.

Celia wanted to do things by herself, but she did need the help of the archmage. If he was right at the end of the chase for Laonn, then she would take any help to stop the man from doing more harm to others who did not deserve any of the pain he inflicted on them. She nodded her head into Sachin. Another explosion was about to happen; she did not need to respond since Sachin had caught on to it. 'He is learning well.' He knew it would take time to ignite three of the elements together.

Thirteen had only become more repetitive in her attack, shooting more rapidly at them while Sachin dodged each without a problem. Out in the distance, Celia spotted the one man who had been hiding and held an evil, wide grin across his lip. Celia saw a red glowing symbol forming in front of Laonn's hand, and it was clear that he was going to try to hurt Sachin.

'Send a flame back!' Daise shouted inside of Celia's head.

She did instinctively, almost cupping her hands together. She had formed a strong and bright fireball as it shot out at Laonn into the forest. The flame had burst in front of Laonn and burned within a fifteen-foot range. Sachin and Thirteen had paused, not expecting a small ball of flame to be shot out and explode at such a wide range. Celia felt her body shaking, and it had taken a lot of strength and energy to form a strong attack.

Laonn had dodged it, clapping his hands as he appeared behind Thirteen. "Well done. I would not have expected my failed experiment to be a success. Better than this one." Laonn gave Thirteen a deadly gaze like he had planned to harm her later.

"Why are you doing all of this?" Sachin had to know from the direct source that he had finally met Laonn after chasing after his trail. Celia and Sachin knew they would meet their enemy eventually; they were not fully prepared or ready to take him down. He had heard from other followers of Laonn that he would start a new age with his experiments.

Laonn smirked, stepping closer to Sachin, who held Celia in his arms. Sachin only held Celia closer, forming a barrier to keep Laonn from attempting any ambush on them. Laonn had only taken a step closer, taking a long look at Celia, who had impressed him. "You raised her well. It makes me wonder what you have been doing to make her progress so well." Everything that Laonn had done only made her fail in the experiment.

"Answer my question." Sachin kept his tone intimidating but calm at the same time. His eyes were sharp, keeping his gaze on the man who could be plotting anything at that point.

Laonn chuckles, "You should know it best. All of this is for the betterment of humanity—a world where no one is neither looked down on nor weak. Everyone will be on the same level of status and power. Do you not like how the emperor uses you as his dog? A lion such as yourself could be a ruler."

Sachin only had a disgusted expression behind his serious face, and he did not like the sound of it. "You speak as if you are speaking on everyone's behalf, such as both humans and beasts. You are not a ruler or emperor. Do you really believe that humans and beasts can still live together with such experiments? Everything that you believe in is nothing more than your selfish thoughts." Sachin knew that Laonn's ideas and theories were ridiculous. The man was only selfish to put the entire world under his control and make it the way he liked it. 'All of this is only the talk of a madman. We have to get rid of him.'

"I believe they can if they have a leader like me. Let me be the one to judge and tell them to join my era. It will be great joy and pride to be one of my people." Laonn tapped the barrier that did not allow him to get any closer, but his gaze did not leave Celia. "So, will you return what is mine, or do we have to go about this the hard way?" Laonn's gaze changed to that of a man who wanted what 'belonged' to him.