To be able to foresee a future occurrence or an ancient Oracle, one must be in direct contact with the Moon Goddess of the Werewolves Realm.
The Moon Goddess name is widely known as Keretia, a famous Deity that the werewolves are known to worship without fail. It is also said that she picks special Weres to convey messages that she can't portray to her servants herself.
Those special werewolves were distinctly referred to as 'Exceptional', as they were quite different from their species with the ability to see the future beforehand.
The contact Kider first had with the Moon Goddess was when he was barely a boy. Kider was alone, swinging his little body, to and fro as he looked down on the ground with a sad pout.
He has always been bullied by his peers due to the difference in his skin color. Nobody ever came close to him, contending that they would be dirty if the shamble, dark-skinned boy came close to them.
Then suddenly, a huge, white ball of striking light came out of nowhere and he looked up in surprise, his small mouth left wide open from the abrupt illumination that came from a place he could never imagine.
He slowly rose from the swing and jumped on the sandy floor, his worn-out sandals moving him towards the globe of feral fringes escaping out to later evaporate into the air.
Kider stood, admiring the vicious power and authority emitting from the ball while tilting his tiny head, absorbing the heated energy bursting out of the ball.
Then gradually, Kider brought his trembling hand and positioned it towards the white, hot ball. When finally, his palm made contact with the surface of the mysterious object, it blew up and vanished into frivolity, shoving the young boy far off the surface in which he stood.
From there on, Kider was hospitalized for months, deep into an irreversible slumber before he eventually overcomes it and stood up with his feet.
The doctors were stunned at the vitality with which he recovered with and in less than ten days, Kider has been discharged from the hospital.
After that skeptical incident, life went on as normally as it could but for Kider, nothing was normal again.
He noticed his dreams became more distinct and accurate, he saw strangers in his dream and there was a silent voice, pleading to him to convey this message to those people.
From there on, everything for Kider changed. His people outcasted him because he was assumed to be having mental issues and he was scorned each time he goes out.
Unable to deal with the constant attacks from his people and the urgent pressure from his family to leave the city, Kider took a daring decision and left his hometown without a glance back.
From there on, the title, 'The Vagabond' was instilled into his name because he was never seen in a single place for more than a few days.
Traveling to numerous cities and countries to convey special messages to thousands of people all over the world, Kider never had a true home.
Most people he foresaw their future, believed him to be crazy until the event that he mentioned happened accordingly as he said and they realized that he was right after all.
To hide his true identity from possible dangers, Kider used a powerful substance which he was given, by one of the greatest black witches as a gift when he predicted that her son would be attacked by neighboring rivals, to conceal his face.
The potion enables one's face to change according to the shift in the weather which made it difficult for anyone to recognize him as the Vagabond.
Kider was given specific missions to convey like when he saw a dream that explained that from just a drop of ink, thousands of blood are going to spill innocently in the vampire's realm.
Kider, after entering the enemies' realm was finally led to talk to the then king of South-Mairak Kingdom, King Jonebith when he was told that a crazy werewolf has stepped into the territory, claiming that he can see the future and demanded to speak to the king.
When he told them about his dream, they all scoffed and laughed at the stupidity of a statement, saying, how can thousands die just from the drop of ink.
Approximately two days later, the foolish king Jonebith, signed the fake peace treaty, and in less than a few seconds, not only thousands but millions of vampires were attacked and killed by the werewolves, including Jonebith himself.
Kider, during the turmoil, found the perfect opportunity to run from the cell he was being kept in and fled away while disguising himself as one of the soldiers.
Recent research has it that 'Exceptional' werewolves became extinct due to some scientific reasons and the only surviving one was Kider.
Kider settled on the East Coast for some years because the dreams he used to see stopped all of a sudden.
He normally used to have special dreams every two days and the longest he didn't see was a week but when it reached a month and he didn't see any dreams, he began to worry.
Years later, on a mysterious night, Kider woke up with gigantic beads of sweat all over his body. It's been so long since he got a dream that his entire body was shaking from the ordeal.
In his dream, he saw an old lady named Mrs. Belwi Kentucker and that she was about to witness a terrifying scene and she would bring together two fateful lovers if she told anyone about it but would suffer an irrevocable disease if she did otherwise.
Kider was a bit reluctant to travel after so long to convey the message and the location was the North-Eastern Pack, a place he had past animosities with. So, he decided he won't go and risk his life anymore when no one would believe him.
But when the dreams endlessly peeked into his sleep and left him drained with exhaustion at night, he had no other choice but to risk it and journeyed towards North-East.
As soon as he reached the outskirts, the cold weather escaping from the North-Eastern Pack made his features change again.
As usual, when Kider found the old lady and told her of her fate, she ran away, screaming she has been attacked by a crazy man and he rolled his eyes.
Tired from the journey, Kider found an abandoned cave to settle in for a few days before he could travel again and made sure to set traps in case of any wary intruders.
When the Alpha and his Beta stepped into his territory, he took out all the traps and led them directly to him because he could feel the aura that busted through the air when he smelt the Alpha.
He felt the power of the Makabad Crystal and just couldn't resist it.