
The Reason I Burn For You

"Take my life, Tashina and I promise, I won't stop you" he assured with a bitter smile. She kept her blazing green eyes steady on him and without a second thought, she drove the dagger straight into his heart. _________________________________________ She was an opium flower, he became the chilled morning dew_ both were equally poisonous in love. An alpha no more than a moth, desiring her was a flickering fire. Beautiful, cruel fate meant to burn him and make her fade away. The steel blue soul penetrating orbs and an alpha true to his title with the hope of finding his mate faded since long. Loneliness eaten heart beating inside his desired outer then that fallen angel happened to step inside his territory. Oh! My bad. A fallen demon, she was destructively brave, a fierce, and rough vampire. Everything about her was forbidden yet inviting to his hardening heart. The fire she possessed was bound to burn him but he was willing to jump into that pit of hell that even Grim pitied him. A forbidden love tale of unfortunate lovers... The Reason I Burn For You ~***~ Volume 1[COMPLETED]: the Beginning of a Forbidden Love Tale, completed at 136 chapters. Volume 2[COMPLETED]: the Forbidden Love Tale and the Forbidden Potion, completed at 271 chapters. Volume 3[COMPLETED]: the Beginning of the End of The Forbidden Love Tale, completed at 439 chapters. Side Story and Book 2, to be released om JANUARY 2023!

QueenRani6 · Fantasy
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439 Chs

She Was Finally Back In Town 1

The delirious roar of the dangerous-looking motorcycle plummeted down the snowy road.

Her brown, curly hair blew backwards from the harsh wind and her exotic eyes couldn't be seen behind the dark shades she wore.

Her complexly structured almond skin was a stark contrast to the white snow that covered the road.

Her body was coated in a total black outfit which consist of a skinny black jeans, a black sleeveless shirt with a black leather jacket on top. She complemented the dark look with her favorite black ankle boots.

Although she knew her husband won't certainly be happy about the way her perky shaped butt stood up from the trousers, she rocked it effortlessly and longed to see his jealousy filled face.

Then she suddenly pulled to a stop, the motorcycle making a screeching halt at the sudden interference.

She swung her longs legs over and she landed on her feet at the right side of the motor.

As she walked down the narrow aisle that descended from the street, the crunches from her heel echoed down the deserted path.

At the end of the alley, stuffed up on a wall, were three haggardly looking men trapping a terrified senile man amongst them.

Their backs were towards her so they didn't notice her on time, giving her the advantage of surprise.

She stood, silently watching them with crossed arms and pursed lips. She pressed two of her fingers on her dilating pupil and visibly let out a shaky breath.

A technique that always proved handy whenever she had to deal with scumbags.

"Please, I don't have any money with me..." The senile man quivered as he backed up to a dense wall.

"Oh yeah, why don't we find out ourselves?" One of the men scowled and the others started to grope the man, searching through his pockets.

"You know, I have seen a lot of bullying but you guys just seem to make the act look too shabby to my liking" she scoffed as she dipped her hands into her pockets.

The men all turned around towards the sudden voice and when they spotted her, they began to laugh maniacally with a mocking face.

'Oh, boy' she thought.

"Listen here, cupcake. Why don't you let us finish our job then we can come play with you, OK?" One of the men sneered and the others eyed her up like a piece of meat.

She felt her left eyelid twitch at the endearment.

She always hated when men other than her husband called her names other than her name.

It boiled her blood so bad that she nearly killed a man who had dared called her 'Honey'.

Thankfully her husband interfered and the man's life was spared.

"You're out in open, not to mention, in broad daylight, trying to steal money that isn't yours, like come on, have some professionalism" she ignored their comment and leaned on her weight.

"This chick keep spewing rubbish, heh? Forget about her" The men turned back to the old man who was by the wall.

Few seconds later, a ball of snow came flying at one of the men's head.

The men turned around again.

"Oops, my bad" she smirked with a very unapologetic face.

"Go get her!!" The leader ordered and one of them advanced towards her.

The man easily towered over her with more than three feet but she still maintained the eye contact with him through her glasses.

"Hello there, big guy" she smiled and the man grimaced.

"You don't like the name?! How about sugar pie or buttercup?" her grin was that of mockery.

The man grunted and brought his hands forward to grab her by the collar but his hand didn't reach far.

"I hate creases on my clothes," she shrugged as her tiny palm wrapped around the man's huge wrist.

The man brought his other hand and it still didn't get to touch her.

"Let's get started" she smirked.

As her hands held the man's hand, she climbed over him and when she got close to his face, she used her leg to kick his nose a few times and in a second, the man was on the floor as she stood above him.

The other men turned around after they heard the commotion and their mouth were hanged open when they saw the huge man on the floor and the girl looked like not even a single snow touched her.

"What the-" his exclamation of awe got cut when she moved forward in a single stride and flawlessly raised her leg to kick him on the face.

Her fist was quick to collide with the other man's face and a excruciating sound resonated around the air as he fell with a groan.

She then slid to the other one's back and used her finger to press a soft spot behind his head and he fell unconscious on the snow.

After completing her task, she dust off some snow from her clothes as a nonchalant look embellished her oval face.

The old man standing by the wall stared at her with his jaw dropped and a look of awe and shock took over his face.

"It was just an exercise, you can chill" she shrugged before she walked off and went back to her motorcycle.

"Just came into town and I'm already beating up old bags, when will you get a break, Chivi?" she mumbled under her breath with a sigh.

She climbed into the motorcycle and ignited the engine as she roared down the streets.

She frowned slightly as the empty streets, she knew North-East was always busy with the early morning works so where was everyone?

She packed her motorcycle as she got into the building and she came down from it.

She walked past a few huddling werewolves who were talking in a hush and when they saw her, they quickly bowed and left the bench.

She raised one of her eyebrows at the scrambling werewolves.

'Definitely not normal'

She thought as she walked to the enormous building that was placed in the center of this big land.

As she got in, she took in a deep breath and released it with a content sigh.

She has been gone for so long, it felt good to be back home.

The maids that passed by, bowed and welcomed her home.

She smiled and greeted them with the same respect they gave her.

She walked up the golden staircase and went down a hallway she knew all too well now.

Her steps were getting eager and bouncier as she neared her destination and she couldn't hold back the excitement in her face.

When she spotted a very familiar golden hair at the end of the hall, she stopped.

Even though she was in a room full of blondes, she would surely recognize that shade of blonde.

From across the hall, she screamed with an excited tone.

"My sweet, fluffy puddles of Rencules!!!!!" and she ran down the hall with her arms wide open because she knew he would be waiting with his arms open too.

Chivia was back in town and it didn't take seconds before the whole city was aware of that.

Finally, my favorite character in the book has showed up!!!!!

I am so happy to see Chiiva (Ren's mate), who else is?!

I bet she is as crazy as her husband.

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Love from Queen.

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