
The Ravager in danmachi

A young megalomaniac king gets invaded by an ancient threat and is forced to take a gamble and jump into the unknown land of magic and gods. In a new world, he wonders if he can get strong enough to fight back aganist his ancient enemy. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic of 'Wake of the ravager' and 'DanMachi' i do not own any of these or their characters. I recomend to read ' Wake of the ravager' to get a better understanding of the story, although its not mandatory.

Parlantesco · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

35- Strange skills

[Delivering Skills...]

[Weaponized Luck level 1!

Makes you more perceptive to 'lucky' or 'unlucky' situations]

[31/32 Warp Remaining]

[Dragon slayer level 1!

To kill dragons, one must THINK like one, SEE like one, BE like one]

[30/32 Warp Remaining]

[Skill slots full.]

Looking at the screen in front of him he was quite intrigued of what his new skills did, as he couldn't really assume their use with such a vague description.

Suddenly another screen appeared, though this one was full of glitches and incoherent words.




Is the only thing he could read from the glitched screen.

[Chained spirit level 15,16,17,18,19,20!]

[ChA1n3d BEnT: SuMm0ns HaVe a B3nt p0ol 4 T1m3s smALl3r ThAn WHat thEY hAd BeF0r3 Dy1NG]

[P3rmAneNT SUmM0n: R3movEs tHe T1mE l1miT 0f sUMmOnS]

[24/32 Warp remaining]

Looking the 2 new skills he could make a vague assumption of what Kala wanted to do, but for that to be done he would need to get even stronger.

'Which is exactly what I'm gonna do'

[God's Blessing has reached level 3! +1 Sta]

"And that's it! So, you can now 'keep getting stronger' but you should seriously take a break now and then" Hestia said looking at Calvin as if knowing what he was thinking about.

"Yeah, I'll take a break" he said with the intention of not taking any breaks at all.

He then stood up grabbed learner by the hand and got out of the room, leaving a worried Hestia behind.

'Hes going too fast, at this pace he's gonna end up like Ottar, but instead of being obsessed with Freya he is going to be obsessed with training!' she thought slumping on the bed.


Calvin went to the backyard to try his new abilities, but after a while of not getting anything, he laid on the grass folding his arms behind his head and looked at the blue sky.

'The sky is brighter in here' he thought as the sky in his old world seemed darker and greyer.

Suddenly Learner that was sitting in one of the many stone benches laid besides him.

"How's the magic doing?"" he asked Learner.

"Good, When I got Hestia's Blessing, I could feel another type of energy entering my body, it felt strange as I could manipulate it very easily and was more malleable" she said making a small fire in the tip of her finger.

"And I can fuel it with Bent" making the flame turn Bigger while gaining a Black tint on the edges.


(Think of Warp as Mud you can do sculptures with it and make it take any form and that form will affect the enviroment in a different way, but it is also very hard to control.

Then think of Bent as a river, that you can modify the direction of, and every bend on the river makes something different, you can also bend it every way thus gaining more utility.

And Magic would be some sort of Gas that you can manipulate and take any form you want to without the downside of it being difficult but it also won't affect reality and the rules of physics, it affects another whole spectrum of 'space')


"Cool can you do some of those flashy spells?" he asked.

"Not yet, I'm still trying to understand its nature and make it take the form of a different element" she said as the flame flickered.

"Damm, I wish I could do some of those spells that some adventurers have, without getting a skill for it, you know those ones right? Those that say 'Purgatory' and then the whole area around them catches fire" he said moving his hands as if doing a spell.

"You can't, at least until you find out how the System works, while it does give a lot of advantages against 'Systemless' creatures it also limits you"

"Yes, I know but I've learned to live with that limit, and even learned to break it, so I just need to do that again" he said remembering when he broke the limit of skills from 12 to 14.


(Okay so now imagine Bent again, a river, then the System would be a dam that separated the river in many smaller rivers and then bent them through each other, thus making even more complicated stuff, kind of like programing)


"I still don't understand how could humans make something so advanced, humans of your era seem stupid" Learner said.

"I want to know too, if they were that powerful how could they just vanish? Did they think that the earth wasn't good enough for them anymore and just left?" he said trying to make his own theory about the past of humans.

"But anyway, that's all on the past" he said getting up and looking down at Learner

"Wanna go to the dungeon? Maybe my new skills are related to monsters" he asked Learner.

"No thanks, I'm gonna keep practicing here" making a small stream of Water come out of her hand.

"Okay then, see you later" he said going back to the mansion and out to the Dungeon.

He also noticed that bell and the group had left the mansion too.


Making his way through the dungeon killing monsters here and there until he got a drop from one and something in his head told him that he was lucky, then a notification popped up.

[Weaponized Luck level2!]

[23/32 Warp remainig]

Looking at the notification he knew that his new skill was something based on probability, which means that it will take a long time to level up.

Going further down the dungeon past the 18th floor he was now walking through the 22nd floor when suddenly something ran past him.

"Huh?" he said looking at the direction the figure went.

Then a party of adventurers came from the sea of trees.

"Where is that monster?" one said.

"I'll make a fortune if I catch it!" another one exclaimed.

"Oi have you seen a Vouivre around here?" one of the dudes asked Calvin with an 'intimidating' tone.

"Why should I tell you?" Calvin said not at all surprised by the Cliché situation.

"Huh?! Spill it right now brat! Or I'm gonna-" the guy said just to get interrupted by one of the other adventurers.

"H-hey dude, do you know who you are talking to?" The other man said.

"And would I care about this kid" he said.

"T-that's the Sword prince! He could beat the sword princess in a fight when he was level 1!" the other guy said pointing at Calvin.

Hearing this the Man that had asked Calvin grew a shade paler and stater sweating a bit.

"I-I I'm sorry I didn't know please forgive me Sword prince!" he said bowing to Calvin.

"Yeah, yeah, get out of my sight" he said Shooing them away with his hands, making the adventurers go back to where they came from.

'Now, a vouivre? I'd like to see one of those in person' he thought going the way he saw the figure go in.