
The Ravager in danmachi

A young megalomaniac king gets invaded by an ancient threat and is forced to take a gamble and jump into the unknown land of magic and gods. In a new world, he wonders if he can get strong enough to fight back aganist his ancient enemy. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic of 'Wake of the ravager' and 'DanMachi' i do not own any of these or their characters. I recomend to read ' Wake of the ravager' to get a better understanding of the story, although its not mandatory.

Parlantesco · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

34-Level 3

After his time with learner Calvin took a bath and started Training his body while Learner was studying magic stones and magic itself.


As they were waiting for their goddess to come back Calvin trained without rest in order to level his body.

The 1st Day of training the results were:

[+1Bdy, Knt, End]

[Superior Constitution level 6! +1Bdy]

[Bent Manipulation level 9!]

The 2nd and 3rd days were more of the same but he managed to level Bent manipulation to level 10, by constantly using [Bent hardening] during his training.

[+1 on all stats]

[Superior Constitution level 7! +1End]

[Bent Manipulation level 10!

Please chose and ability...]

[Spell Penetration:

Your spells can penetrate through enemy spells, note that this does not dispel the enemy's attack.

The start of a counter-spelling skill tree.]

The 4th and 5th day were spent training his swordsmanship. He also noticed how hard was to level up [Beli Ma] now.

[+1 on all stats]

[Superior constitution Level 8! +1knt]

[Swordsmanship Level 12, 13! +2Str]

[Calvinian Swordsmanship Level 11!]

The 6th day he focused on skills that used bent using them over and over while Learner was by his side to give him more Bent when he spent it all.

[+1 on all Stats]

[Superior Constitution level 9! +1End]

[Dupdomancy level 12,13!

95pounds, 85 minutes]

[Chained spirit level 14!]

[Sense Grafting level 2, 3, 4, 5 ,6 , 7!

70 feet, Touch, smell, vision, hearing, taste, pain, perception, Balance, 35 minutes.

Please chose an ability...]

[Offensive grafting: Can now use the skill at a distance 10feet/ level of skill, take note that the duration might get affected by the mental resistance of the target.]

On the 7th day as Calvin was finishing his daily training Hestia and Bell finally came back.

[+1 on all stats]

[Superior constitution level 10! +1Bdy

Please chose an ability...]

[Pink Muscles: Pink muscles are stronger and more flexible than normal ones. +1Bdy, +1Knt.]

As Bell told them what happened to them outside Calvin looked at the last notifications, he got a moment before.

"But sadly, he died the day after, thinking about his goddess" Bell said ending his story.

'Bruh really? He died thinking of his first love? What a Simp' Calvin thought.

"Anyways! I heard that we got a new member in the Familia? Hello, what's your name?" Hestia excitedly asked Learner.

"Hi, my name is Learner" she said looking down at Hestia.

"hmm" Hestia looked at Learner intensely, learner was just looking at her with an intriging look, copying Calvin's brain had helped her show emotions.

'This girl reminds me of Wallen- whatever, but she is supposedly Calvin's twin sister?' Hestia thought looking at Learner up and down and then at Calvin.

'She certainly has the looks but my woman's intuition is telling me that these two aren't biologically related but my divinity is telling me that they are family? How?'

'But if my divinity is telling me that they are family then it shouldn't be a problem for her to join the Familia' Hestia thought looking at the 'twins'.

"Well then, I Hestia the Goddess of Family officially welcome you to the Hestia Familia" Hestia said with great pride.

"Thanks for the warm welcome" Learner said.

"Then come with me for a moment!" Hestia said grabbing Learner's hand and running to her room.

Seeing this Calvin followed them while the rest of the Familia stayed in the living room.

Meanwhile in Hestia's room...

"Please show me your back" Hestia said taking out a box from a drawer.

Learner nodded and proceeded to lift her shirt leaving her spotless white skin exposed.

Hestia then pricked her finger and let a drop of blood fall onto Learner's back.

Suddenly a glowing tattoo was made on it, then the letters on the tattoo were projected in the air.

Seeing this Hestia was amazed because the level and the stats kept changing, and the unknown skills where intriguing.

'Maybe it's something hereditary? Unknown Skills? And what's with the level of those skills?! I haven't seen that tier in all my life! I had wanted to ask Calvin about it but I noticed that he wouldn't say a word about it, but he also didn't lie in the little information that I managed to get out of him' deciding to let it pass she grabbed a paper and copied the Learner's status on it.

"Here's your status, with this you are now an official member of the Familia, I hope we get along" Hestia said handing the paper to Learner and extending her hand

"Thanks, I hope we get along too" Learner said with a smile and shaking Hestia's hand and then looking at her status.



Hestia Familia

Level: ?

Strength: ???

Endurance: ???

Dexterity: ???

Agility: ???

Magic: ???


Energy manipulation (SS): Manipulate the energy inside or outside the body, be it Magic or other.

The higher the level of the skill the more powerful attacks are and the less energy they require.

Body Manipulation (SS): Manipulate the body in its entirety be it force it to regenerate faster or change shape the shape of the body will have an impact on stats.

Perfect Mimic (SSS+): Take the form of ANYTHING be it a creature or an object take their form perfectly, in the case of a creature the caster won't be able to produce offspring.


Suddenly someone opened the door.

"Great, now it's my turn" Calvin said taking off his shirt and sitting at the edge of the bed.

"Eh? Ah- to update your status?" Hestia asked, surprised by the sudden intrusion of Calvin.

"Yeah, update it and then level it up" he said pointing at his back.

"Okay- eeeeeeeeeeehhh?" she said only to open her eyes widely, and rapidly dropping a bit of her blood on his back making the numbers appear in the air.

"Y-you already reached level 3?" she said.

'What's up with this guy? Growing this fast... not even Bell with that stupid skill grew as fast as him' Hestia thought looking at Calvin's stats.

"Yes, I've been training all this time while you and Bell were on a vacation" Calvin said making Hestia feel a bit of shame as she forgot about the rest of the Familia while she was having fun outside.

"Sorry for that, I promise that I will be there when you need me from now on" she said taking a paper and copying His new status on it.

"Here" passing him the paper.


Calvin Gadsint

Hestia Familia

Level: 2

Strength: 1400 (SSS+)

Endurance: 1100 (SSS)

Dexterity: 1200 (SSS+)

Agility: 1200 (SSS+)

Magic: --- (-)


Beli ma(A): ancient martial arts which purpose was to redirect and dodge attacks.

Swordsmanship(C): skill at using the sword.

Meditation(F): achieve peace of mind.

Superior Constitution (E+): A special type of body, its stronger than most and immune to a variety of adverse effects.

Monster hunting (G+): better tracking and combat capabilities against already defeated monsters.


Looking at his status Calvin was really proud of all the training he did.

"Okay, now I'm going to level you up" she said touching the number that was shining more than the others.

As expected, Calvin received a notification from the system.

[Starting Break... Now]