
The Ravager in danmachi

A young megalomaniac king gets invaded by an ancient threat and is forced to take a gamble and jump into the unknown land of magic and gods. In a new world, he wonders if he can get strong enough to fight back aganist his ancient enemy. Disclaimer: This is a fanfic of 'Wake of the ravager' and 'DanMachi' i do not own any of these or their characters. I recomend to read ' Wake of the ravager' to get a better understanding of the story, although its not mandatory.

Parlantesco · Anime & Comics
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74 Chs

36- Wiene

As Calvin was following after the figure it suddenly tripped on a tree root and fell to the ground.

[Weaponized luck level 3!]

[22/32 Warp remaining]

"Ah..." its hood fell off revealing a small girl.

She then looked back fearing that her pursuers had caught up with her, only to see a single man in front of her.

He then extended his hand towards her making her back off and close her eyes in fear.

She expected the man to grab her but nothing happened, slowly opening her eyes she looked at the man again.

"Are you okay?" he said extending his hand.

"hm" she nodded looked at Calvin in the eyes, she then noticed how familiar yet unfamiliar his presence was, like a family member that she hadn't known about.

After looking at him for a while she extended her hands only to retract them again seeing her sharp claws where about to dig into his arm.

Seeing this Calvin hardened his arm making it take a shiny black/blue color, he then grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

"Ah! Um uh" she mumbled looking at his arm trying to find a wound.

Calvin lifted his eyebrow at this 'a monster that doesn't want to harm humans?' he thought looking at the monster girl.

"There's nothing" he said waving his arm around.

"hum" she hummed happily.

Seeing her expression couldn't help but want to pat her head but he restrained himself for the moment.

"Hey, what's your name?" he asked her.

"Na-me-e?" she said curiously.

As Calvin was about to say something a group of people came from the trees, scaring the girl that got behind Calvin.

"Are you sure you saw someone?" a woman's voice was heard.

"Yes! I'm sure saw someone run this way" a male voice said

Just as they came closer for them to be recognizable it was Bell and the group.

"Oh, Calvin have you seen someone-" Bell said before he cut himself off and looked at the girl behind Calvin, to which the girl recoiled.

"!!!" the other of the group seeing the girl jumped backwards and readied their weapons.

"Calvin step away from that monster!" Mikoto said.

"Eh? Guys" Bell said getting closer.

"Bell! Don't get close!" Welf said from the side.

"But guys its just a-" bell said looking at his teammates only to get cut off by Lili.

"Bell, I know how much you like to save girls but this one is a monster, and monsters will always be monsters" she said pointing her wrist-crossbow at the girl.

Meanwhile bell was really struggling with his beliefs, looking at the girl he couldn't see a monster just and innocent kid.

"Oi calm down, will you? She's not doing anything" Calvin said patting the girl's head.

"You too?!" Lili exclaimed.

"She's not dangerous, she's just scared" Calvin said making everyone drop their guard.

"Yeah! Don't you see? Guys, how could she be a monster?" Bell said pointing at the girl making everyone struggle with what to respond as she didn't look like a monster at all, except for the scales and the red gem on her forehead.

Bell then crouched and looked at the Girl.

"My name is Bell, what's yours?"

"Bell...?" she said.


Meanwhile in a dark room with a golden throne in the middle.

"An intelligent monster has made contact with an adventurer" said a hooded figure with a distorted voice.

"And who is that adventurer, Fels?" the white-haired man in the golden throne asked.

"Calvin Gadsint, the outsider" Fels said.

"Oh, the outsider kid and his companion, that monster that can shapeshift" he said.

"Yes, what do we do about them? also the Hestia Familia is getting too much attention"

"Leave them alone for now, something is telling me that they are related to the dungeon in some way, if it's for the better or worse only time will tell" he said looking at the blue crystal ball in the center of the room the was showing Calvin.

"As for the Hestia Familia monitor them, maybe the grandson of Zeus will show monsters the good side of humanity" as the image on the ball changed to Bell trying to talk to the monster girl.


After a while of debating what to do with the little girl the group decided to take her with them back to the surface.

And they were now at the Hestia Familia mansion.

"Talking monsters?!" Hestia exclaimed looking at the Monster girl that was hiding behind Calvin.

"And you brought it here?!" Hestia said looking at Bell.

"Ah- well- we couldn't just leave it there" he said scratching the back of his head.

Hestia looked at him for a second before turning to the girl "I guess you couldn't, she looks just like a defenseless girl, well as long as she doesn't cause any problems she can stay here"

"Yes!" Bell said.

"Anyways... what's your name" Hestia asked the girl.

"...name? Bell" she said pointing at bell.

"Eh? That's my name, do you have one?" Bell asked pointing at her.

"Me? Name?" she said pointing at herself.

"You don't have one, right?" Hestia said.

"She's a Vouivre but that isn't her name"

"Then why don't we give her one?" Welf said from the side.

"Right! Calvin, give her a name you found her" Hestia said looking at Calvin.

"Eh?" he looked at everything in the room trying to come up with a name, suddenly he looked at Bell and had an idea.

"Bell why don't you do it? I'll give you the honors" he said putting his arm around Bell shoulders.

'I'm really shit at giving names, or at least that's what Kala said, I don't know why though? Calvinia was a great name for a kingdom, right?'

Seeing that Calvin was forcing him to choose a name, Bell started thinking one, he then remembered a tale that his grandpa told him when he was a kid.

"What about... Welusine" he said.

"Thats the name of a legend" Haruhime said blushing lightly.

"Yeah, Good right?" Bell said.

"Thats the only name that someone like you could think of" Lili said looking to the side.

"Good name bell, although it sounds a little strange" Calvin said giving bell a thumbs up.

"I don't know it feels a little too long" Welf commented.

"Yes" Mikoto affirmed.

"I got it! Then your name will be Wiene!" Hestia said pointing at 'Wiene'.

"Wiene...? Wiene, my name is Wiene" Wiene said looking at the group.


It seems like urarus already knows about the origins of Calvin, what will happen now that calvin has been unknowingly added to his plan?