
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

Weird fetishes! (Part 1)

Ophuria sat on her throne, blood all over her body. It covered every inch of her skin and clothes. It was as if she had dipped herself into a tub full of blood.

On the floor lay countless corpses. Two men also covered in blood from head to toe were on their knees licking her feet of blood as if they were cats grooming another cat. There were countless bruises and cuts on their bodies and they had no intention of getting more of them.

There were people who were literally smashed through a wall. Some of the corpses were missing the top half of their bodies while some were missing the lower half of their bodies.

The ones who were smashed through the walls looked like a certain scene from a certain anime for cultured people.

Ophuria held the head of a woman. The face was really beautiful but it was only the head of a long dead person. The blood dripped from her neck and down on to Ophuria's lap. Ophuria stared at the lifeless head for quite a bit before bringing it closer to her. She brought it closer to her until only a few centimetres of thin air separated the two.

She placed a kiss on the heads mouth. She then slowly slipped her tongue into it. Her tongue moved inside the heads mouth. It reached the molars and the uvula. Her tongue moved for quite a while exploring the insides of the lifeless head.

After a while Ophuria got bored and looked at the head before throwing it aside. She looked at the men who were licking her feet desperately. She had ordered them to clean her feet with their tongues if they valued their lifes. The two strongest soldiers of the Poink kingdom reduced to this.

'Is this who the people had placed their hopes on? I was expecting more when I heard they were the strongest this Kingdom had to offer. Well at least that knight can slightly please me in bed so I'll keep him alive and add him to my toy collection.'

Ophuria moved her feet and shoved it in the mages mouth making him gag. "I told you to clean it properly." She then slammed her feet which was still in his mouth on to the floor. His jaw fell out and his brains were scattered across the floor.

She quickly turned to the other man and released her aura, "You better not stop!" she threatened him.

She sat on her throne bored out of her mind staring at the buttocks of all the female assassins and male knights who had come to kill her who were stuck in the walls.

The only thing that could be heard was the licking sound the strongest knight of the Poink Kingdom made when he licked her legs.


Without warning a red portal opened up in the middle of the room. Ophuria sat on her throne that was made of human bones that was plated in gold staring at the portal with interest.

Out of the portal came Jessie.

She skidded across the floor trying to bring herself to a halt before slipping on a puddle of blood.

Jessie stood up and cursed before looking around. She saw Ophuria and ran before sliding on her knees like a football player. She lowered her head until was touching the ground.

"My queen... did you perhaps teleport me here?"

Ophuria frowned, "Why would I teleport you here when I sent you on a mission? Anyways where is my son? I remember a few hours ago you said you found him."

"I did, my queen."

"So where is he?"

"I think he ran away my queen. I saw him and grabbed on to him before he entered the portal. He and I both fell into a portal but for some reason I ended up here."

Ophuria removed her legs from the knights mouth and stood up. She walked down the steps, each step that she took sank Jessie's heart even lower. If she had a shell she would hide behind it like she was a tortoise, but then again Jessie knew that Ophuria would rip apart the shell slowly as if it was wrapping on a gift.

"So your telling me, that for four years you spent your time doing nothing but you let my son slip away from your grasps when you finally saw him?"

Jessie could not look up. She brought her back down even lower to the point where it felt like she lying flat on the ground.

Ophuria placed her leg on Jessie's back exposing her skin from the dress that was split on both sides. "You have disappointed me Jessie."

"Wait... my queen...please?"

Ophuria tapped her thigh with her finger slightly increasing her weight and the pressure on Jessie's back. "Speak then!"

"Thank you my queen, when I grabbed his leg I managed to place a tracker in his leg."

Ophuria removed her leg from Jessie's back. "Well that was smart, your ghost walking ability is really useful."

Ophuria shook her body like a lion shaking it's mane. The blood on her body instantly disappeared as it flew of her and stuck itself onto the walls of the giant room.

Once all the blood was removed could Jessie see her in her full glory. A small window let in the sunlight and it fell on Ophuria. Her Caramel brown skin glistened in the sun. The black slit dress she wore complimented her physique in every possible way. Her muscular thighs were both exposed and her breasts were tightly held together by the dress. The tight dress squeezed on her stomach exposing her well ripped abs through the clothes.

The fact that she was wearing a sleeveless dress only added more to the fact that her beauty was unmatched as her giant muscles bulged.

"Go find him then!"

Ophuria walked Upto a giant cage in which there were 18 men inside it. She whistled and the knight crawled over on all four and entered the cage. She then closed the door. She didn't even bother locking the cage as they had never tried to escape.

"My queen..."

Ophuria who was heading outside turned around and looked at Jessie who was looking down at the floor. "Hmmm...."

"My queen, I know this is not my place to ask you and I do not have a right to ask you this but can I please ask you a question."

"On with it then."

Jessie but her lip before speaking. "Why do you need a child that you abandoned decades ago? You already have four kids do you not?"

Ophuria scratched the middle part of skull as she thought. "Follow me."

