
The psychopath named Dan

Dan grew up in a small village with orcs,half-orcs,ogres,giants and trolls. Day after day Dan would get in fights against students to test his strength. sometimes he won sometimes he lost. With his strength hitting a plateau Dan grew more and more apathetic until he felt no emotion. This all changed after receiving a system that allowed him to grow stronger without hitting a plateau. With this newly discovered power he drops out of school and travels the world with his friend who wants to kill the summoned heroes. Listen I'm not going to lie, there is a shit ton of grammatical error in the beginning. I started writing this book for fun with zero experience but I started taking it more seriously. By book 2 everything is sorted out. That includes the messed up power system, the cheat system, the characters and the grammar. I hope you can get through the beginning. During the Elf Folulheim arc, that is when the true nature of the MC begins to show as a physchopath who only wants to cause problems and death. Also side note MC is very racist towards elfs. He hates them and goes out of his way to kill them if he sees them. Also there will be a lot of disturbing things in this story. Also I'm not gonna lie, the first volume and half of the second volume is trash. I wrote them when I was inexperienced. It is unbearable and terrible but if you somehow managed to get through that then I promise I will do my best to deliver quality writing to you.

sensei_24 · Fantasy
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111 Chs

Weird fetishes (Part 2)

"Why do you need a child that you have already abandoned decades ago?"

"Follow me."

Jessie walked behind Ophuria through the dirty streets. The streets were filled with blood and corpses.

Woman screamed out in pain as they were mounted in hoardes by men. Men also cried cried out as they were whipped and humiliated and taken advantage of by woman. Children ran as they cried as they were used as target practice by archers. Loud laughter and shouts came from both men and woman who were drunk on beer.

Jessie scrunched her face in disgust. She never knew why people had to do such disgusting things. If they had colonised this nation then they did not need to such things.

"It's necessary!" Ophuria said. She took a quick glance at Jessie before continuing. "These men and woman need an outlet to let out their frustrations. After all they have been marching and fighting for a long time."

"I understand that my queen, but what about the children? Surely they don't need to take advantage of the kids!"

Ophuria chuckled. "You'd be surprised by the amount of people in our army who like children. Some woman take in the children to treat them as their kids as their kids had died, some of them just use the kids as toys to have fun with, I know this woman who only likes children and nothing else. She doesn't care if it is boy or girl to her, they are nothing more than a way for her to live the weird fetishes she has."

"I'm hurt by that my queen." A voice said. Jessie and Ophuria looked aside to see who it was. A slightly plump woman with giant melons and meaty thighs stood there. She had short blonde curly hair and wore a white coat on top of a see through fishnet dress and tall black stockings.

She was not wearing any pants or bra and all her jewels were there for everyone to see. Three kids clung onto her coat. One girl and two boys. The only thing the kids wore was a small skin tight latex dress.

"The fact that you would say that I only see them as a way to live my weird fetishes is false. I treat them like they are my lovers, they even get jealous of each other and fight over me to get my attention. I love them and they do me."

Ophuria turned to Jessie. "See what did I tell you?"

Jessie didn't know what to say or do as she just stared at the plump lady. All she knew was that she wanted to rip of her head for speaking to her queen so casually. Her hands slightly twitched as if there was an itch.

The plump lady moved forward and stood before Ophuria, "How about you join me? I promise to sho-"

Ophuria raised her eyebrows when she saw a neck without a head. It was like the head magically disappeared but she knew better.

Jessie stood a couple metres away holding the woman's head in her hand.

"STAND STILL CHILDREN, DO NOT ATTACK!" Jessie dropped the head when she heard it shout. It was only a natural reaction as no head should be capable of speech after being ripped of its body.

Jessie was about to stomp on the head when she felt several daggers on her body. She turned her gaze to see the kids who had been hiding behind the woman holding daggers on her throat, stomach and heart.

Ophuria placed her hand on Jessie's shoulder and patted her. "It's alright Jessie, don't attack her again."

"But she-"

"Jessie stop acting like an entitled gaurd who protects some rich kid with his life, I told you it's alright."

"Kids, come help mama!" The kids removed their daggers of Jessie's body. The girl picked up the head of the woman and placed it back on the woman's neck. Her body despite having no head still stood up and had not fallen over.

Jessie watched as the muscles and bones reconnected and regenerated before the skin finally covered it all.

"Ok, I think it's time to introduce the two of you, Nurav, this is Jessie, the captain of the Black spades attack force."

"I already knew that."

"Jessie this Nurav, she is the new head of intelligence and technology. You can talk later but for now follow me Jessie"

Ophuria walked away leaving the two to stare at each other. "It's a good thing you stopped those children from attacking me otherwise they would be dead."

"If they were killed then I would have killed you."

"... Next time adress your queen with respect instead of acting casual with her."

Jessie walked of and caught up with Ophuria.

Nurav stared at Jessie who was walking away. "Hmmm, she could be a problem."

"Mama, do you want me to take care of her?" one of the small boys asked. He was smiling innocently as his red hair billowed in the wind.

Nurav shook her head. "No, she is too strong for you guys to handle, but since you guys did well in standing up for me then I shall let you three suckle on me tonight."


Ophuria stood on a barren hill devoid of all life overlooking the country that was in ruins. Smoke, fire and screams filled the air. Jessie stood behind her.

"You know this place was a really beautiful city. They were a really important country before we conquered it. That right there was the harbour for all the trading ships that passed by." Jessie looked at the direction where Ophuria was looking at. She could see a harbour with several large ships at bay while many others were nothing but wreckages.

"There was a beautiful flower field on this hill, a windmill over there. Now look at the state this country is in.... How is he?"

"Who my queen?"

"My son, is he strong? Is he capable of looking at a peaceful country filled with people and just deciding to take over it?"

Jessie stayed silent for a minute before answering. "Are you looking for a successor my queen?"

"I guess you could already guess my intentions."

"My queen, you already have children who are capable of being your successor so why go after an outsider?"

"No, none of my children are capable of being my successor. Yop died, Sultan became insane after he came back from war, Lara is to soft hearted and Joy decided to join the Hero of the sun's party."

Jessie immediately went down on her knees. "I only knew you had kids but I had no idea about their situation my queen, please forgive me for bringing up such uncomfortable memories."

"It's alright stand up, tell me about him, do you think he is capable of succeeding me?"

Jessie stood up. "I think so my queen, he destroyed the entire kingdom of Folulheim and killed a majority of it's people. He also had an incredible amount of chaos energy but..."

"But what?"

"He was wearing the flamed wing insignia as well as the spiral of chaos insignia."

"The flamed wing insignia, damn those bastards, leave now and track him down and bring him back."


This is the end of Volume 2. I will be writing several more chapters so that I can mass release them for Volume 3.

Please tell me your thoughts and send power stones. I'm trying to expand my audience.