
The Promised King, "Red Haired " SHANKS

"Red-Haired" Shanks and his wild adventures.

Uncreative66 · Video Games
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45 Chs

Proper Fight

Shanks Pov:  As I got closer and closer to the bear's location, the outline of a camp started to emerge into my sight. I kept my eyes on the attacker who was running at a decent pace towards the campsite. Out of curiosity , I flared my observation haki in a short radius which informed me that I was 200 meters from . I continued to follow the attacker and after i was 100 meters from the bear , I stopped and landed on top of a tree. I relaxed for a second before I jumped down from the tree I was on in time to avoid being torn to shreds. I landed twenty meters away from the now fallen tree as a figure emerged from the dust and debris caused by the tree's fall. The figure was tall, towering at 18 meters tall and had white hair and two cold glowing blue eyes. He had piercings on both of his ears as he sported a mohawk with a growing beard ,while wearing two gauntlets on both of his hands.He wore no upper clothes but had on black pants and boots while a white sword rested on his hip. He looked at the fallen tree for a moment before his eyes coldly shifted back to me in apt wariness. I observed  him for a couple of moments before I spoke for the first time," Your Bjorn the plunderer,wanted dead or alive and worth 1.5 billion berry, I presume?''. There was a  flash of emotion that passed through his cold eyes before he responded in a  tone lacking almost any emotion," And who's asking?". A grin crept to my face as I unsheathed my saber and I responded," Just a rookie who's looking to test his metal." He scoffed at my response before unsheathed the white sword hanging on his right hip. He then pointed the sword at me as he said, " Then this will be your final resting place". A tense atmosphere enveloped the area as we both got into our stances while observing each other. A gust of wind passed by as my red cloak swayed to the right for a second before we both disappeared only for a loud **CLANG** to resound in the area we're fighting in as our swords clashed the moment we reappeared in front of each other. Both our swords pushed each other back in a contest of strength as we struggled to push back each other for a second or two. He imbued his sword in basic armament haki in bid to try to push me back after the previous failure,but I held on and put more strength which resulted in him being pushed back a moment later. A grin crept on my face for the third time today as I observed his surprised expression as he landed on the ground once again. My surprising strength seems to have increased his wariness as he sword was imbued in armament once more as he swung it and a white wind slash steadily approached me at fast speeds. I grinned as I responded in kind as I swung my saber without armament and a red wind slash clashed with his and they canceled each other out. I imbued my saber with basic armament as I blocked his strike when he appeared in front of me with a burst of speed trying to separate my head from my body. My observation haki flared as I sensed him about using a technique I did not expect him to know considering what Shakky told me about him. I jumped back in time as a blast of haki passed by me. I was momentarily surprised by his use of emission ,but a bigger grin crept to my face a second later as this meant he wasn't as weak as he portrayed himself to be. My battle intent flared through the roof as I said ,[Red Rush], and I swung my saber twenty times in quick succession. Twenty red wind slashes flew towards the bear's direction. He jumped left and right while sometimes sending out his own sword slashes to cancel mine. I took that moment to appear behind him using a flash step as I swung my saber with the intent to kill. He jumped back in time as I disappeared again only to appear in front of him already swinging. He imbued his sword with armament haki as he blocked my strike only to be pushed back as I also had imbued my saber in armament haki. He released a white wind slash that I parried to the side before I responded in kind with a red one that he dodged as he disappeared from my sight,but not my observation haki. He appeared above me as he swung his sword and a huge wind slash fell towards my direction at fast speeds. I just grinned fearlessly before I swung my armament imbued saber and released a red wind slash equal in size as both wind slashes met in the sky and clashed for a second before my slash won and obliterated his.I sensed his surprise through observation and i took that moment to appear above him using a my combination of Soru and Geppo. His head turned upwards in surprise and wariness as I swung saber imbued with emission while shouting,[ False Ruptured Departure], and a huge blast of wind imbued with armament haki collided with him at speeds he couldn't properly react to and he shot towards the ground like a meteor. The moment his body collided with the ground, a shock wave resounded throughout the forest and quickly traveled throughout the rest of the island.I sensed the rise in panic as my observation haki spread out to the rest of the island for a moment.  I watched as a fifty meter crater formed as the shock wave slowly died down and the debris around the crater started to dissipate. I sensed a large figure shaped like a human-bear hybrid slowly standing up from the middle of the crater. A silhouette emerged from the dust and debris as a towering figure emerged from the crater wearing two gauntlets and holding a sword . He looked like a human-bear hybrid who had the head of a giant grizzly bear with a large amount of fur around the rest of his upper body. His hands sported claws that didn't seem to hinder him while holding a sword.He looked upwards towards me as he growled in what seemed like annoyance and anger. He imbued his sword in armament haki and then took a stance  before jumping upwards towards me while leaving a small crater from the force of his jump. 'Finally,a proper fight', I thought as a grin crept to my face once more.